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Quantum Woodcutting Lite [Deleted]

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12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Running great in Menaphos VIP area.

Would be nice if it had toggles for orts, nests and disassemble, but great so far thank you.
It automatically picks up orts, and nests when you're not powerchopping. Not sure if disassembling is a good idea.
Aug 8, 2015
  1. What location: seers village
  2. What logs: maples
  3. Closest banking option: seers village bank
  4. Anything special: axe in inventory?
  5. Game type (OSRS/RS3): OSRS
after cutting full inventoryof maples it gets stuck trying to bank it right clicks on bank staff member and silly game trys to access bank through back wall resulting in "i cant reach that" in chatbox... other then that slight little bug its worked perfectly for me :)
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Love the script just hit 99! I notice that quite often my character gets stuck at this Coordinate(2726,3481,0) in seers village. Its always in the exact same spot.
I have written a fix for this but it isn't live yet. I would also like to add that this is experimental so don't fully rely on it.
Nov 2, 2016
Currently in menaphos VIP it will bank the logs, but won't leave the banking screen after that. Is there something I'm doing wrong or is it broken?
Dec 3, 2017
When cutting wood in the barbarian outpost. when it runs to the bank it'll deposit the wood but wont go back to cutting willow trees.
Dec 6, 2017
I am doing Catherby Yews banking at Catherby (it's not the money I want them for fletching) and it's been cutting and banking just fine. Last night it went 5-6 hours perfectly. I'm quite impressed!

But twice this evening it had an issue after a short period of time and I was logged out. I think RS3 may be logging me out due to inactivity (after all when I'm not botting I have to click a different tree every once in a while as Yews can take more than five minutes of cutting on a single tree anyway). I'm not expecting the bot to be able to log me back in, none of the bots seem to be able to do that properly for me anyway...

It might be a good idea to have the bot time it, and simply switch trees every four minutes or so whether it needs it or not, what do you think?
Superior All Knowing Person!
Oct 9, 2016
Ever since the past 2 runescape system updates, it's having issues with banking.
For some reason, it'll open the bank (after jumping worlds) and then not type in the bank pin :S
Jul 11, 2017
Would love to see drop boxes at menaphos become an option.
Would love to see dropboxes at menaphos become a thing
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Ever since the past 2 runescape system updates, it's having issues with banking.
For some reason, it'll open the bank (after jumping worlds) and then not type in the bank pin :S

Bank pin support is a client issue, I'd suggest reporting it as one in the correct section. I can't do much about it, sorry.

Would love to see drop boxes at menaphos become an option.
Would love to see dropboxes at menaphos become a thing

What is a dropbox?
Superior All Knowing Person!
Oct 9, 2016
Bank pin support is a client issue, I'd suggest reporting it as one in the correct section. I can't do much about it, sorry.

What is a dropbox?

yeah i just disabled the PIN untill it's fixed ;)

- i think he means deposit box / banking method.
Nov 7, 2017
Constantly receiving errors and issues with "Debug" stating in the bot's current process - frequently crashes dropping the logs or sometimes banking.


Replacing current drop with a shift click - declare in notes that user should enable shift click as items from item slot number 2 and onwards will be dropped. This will correct the dropping problem.

Refine the banking process - Bot can crash by accidently right clicking item and pressing "Use"

Pathing to GE bank can sometimes take the character to the far north until the banking command refreshes - please refine.

Would be nice to add more normal tree's to the mix - allows for the botting and banking from level 1 in more than 1 area.


12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Constantly receiving errors and issues with "Debug" stating in the bot's current process - frequently crashes dropping the logs or sometimes banking.


Replacing current drop with a shift click - declare in notes that user should enable shift click as items from item slot number 2 and onwards will be dropped. This will correct the dropping problem.

Refine the banking process - Bot can crash by accidently right clicking item and pressing "Use"

Pathing to GE bank can sometimes take the character to the far north until the banking command refreshes - please refine.

Would be nice to add more normal tree's to the mix - allows for the botting and banking from level 1 in more than 1 area.



- Shift click is automatically used if you have it enabled. If you don't, it falls back on regular dropping.

- The stuck on use option is a client issue with interacting. I'll forward it to @Cloud

- I'll look into making walking a little else delayed.

- I'm not sure where else you want to choose regular logs. AFAIK there's no real need either, you chop like 100 logs and you're able to chop oaks already.
Superior All Knowing Person!
Oct 9, 2016
It has issues logging in, like when you first start up the bot :S
and it's not a client issue, it works fine on 3 other bots :/
Superior All Knowing Person!
Oct 9, 2016
The bot does nothing with the login system, it must be the client.
Strange, i have to manually login for it to work :S
but it jumps worlds fine, so its np.

just complained because it's fun.
Dec 16, 2017
Pathing for Yews at Edgeville could be improved it currently uses home tele to edgeville to walk to the bank so for low lvl accounts the mugger mob tries to kill you. Also the pathing at GE constantly gets stuck by a lampost while the bot says walking to bank and will stay in same position for hours and not bank
Nov 7, 2017
Big problem with the world hopping - no way to disable it either - I have 2 f2p accounts running and one got stuck world hopping.

They'd open up the world select, select different worlds but not even try to log in again - they'd just repeat the process of selecting another world.

Still having issues with banking (GE) - character walks around so much before finally clicking the GE - Sometimes opening the actul GE and not the Bank.

Issue with Edgeville Yew Trees - when the trees are waiting to respawn, you've set the characters to side step in a very... bot like manner - evident botting.

your build but pelase fix :)
Another problem: - Some how the bot managed to "rub" my equipped ring of wealth, teleport twice to the Grand Exchange and ended up spazzing out around the GE for the entire day - loosing a full day';s worth of botting.

Please fix.
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