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Quantum Abyss Crafter Lite [Deleted]

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Feb 19, 2017
EDIT: the first "bug" was my fault for messing up the preset, however, the second is still a problem. After I make the law runes, it just stands there and the status is "teleporting"

Game Mode:
Bot settings: Law rune/Small, med. & large pouches/Breaks enabled
Bot run duration: 5:00 minutes
Bug description: (1) It always withdraws the giant pouch whether or not I have it checked and then when I put the pouch back it just says that it's withdrawing pouches and sits there running/doing nothing
(2) last week I tried this script and it sort of worked with natures. It would withdraw them and then to the abyss, get to altar, but then after it crafted the runes it would just sit there instead of teleporting, though the process said it was teleporting.
Steps to reproduce: ^^^
Have you found a work-around (manual): No

Sorry if any of this is unclear, I'm relatively new to bots.
Last edited:
Jun 9, 2015
Game Mode: RS3
Bot settings: Law rune/Small, med. & large pouches/Breaks enabled
Bot run duration: 5:00 minutes
Bug description: (1) It always withdraws the giant pouch whether or not I have it checked and then when I put the pouch back it just says that it's withdrawing pouches and sits there running/doing nothing
(2) last week I tried this script and it sort of worked with natures. It would withdraw them and then to the abyss, get to altar, but then after it crafted the runes it would just sit there instead of teleporting, though the process said it was teleporting.
Steps to reproduce: ^^^
Have you found a work-around (manual): No

Sorry if any of this is unclear, I'm relatively new to bots.
1) Selecting the pouches is only for the death handler (whether or not the bot should retrieve the selected pouches). The bot will always use all the available pouches in your bank.
2) Do you even have the wilderness sword 1 on your action bar?
Feb 19, 2017
1) Selecting the pouches is only for the death handler (whether or not the bot should retrieve the selected pouches). The bot will always use all the available pouches in your bank.
2) Do you even have the wilderness sword 1 on your action bar?

No, I don't. I didn't know what that was until I just looked it up, sorry. Thanks for your time.
Feb 19, 2017
No problemo! Happy botting :)
One more quick question, actually. If I have the wilderness sword on my action bar, how am i supposed to get into the law altar which is in entrana? I feel like I'm just oblivious to something, but I'm not sure how to workaround that. I've just switched back to natures for the moment. It's working perfectly otherwise!
Jun 9, 2015
One more quick question, actually. If I have the wilderness sword on my action bar, how am i supposed to get into the law altar which is in entrana? I feel like I'm just oblivious to something, but I'm not sure how to workaround that. I've just switched back to natures for the moment. It's working perfectly otherwise!
The wilderness sword is for teleporting out. You enter the abyss, enter the altar, craft the runes and then use the wilderness sword to teleport back to edgeville.
Feb 19, 2017
The wilderness sword is for teleporting out. You enter the abyss, enter the altar, craft the runes and then use the wilderness sword to teleport back to edgeville.
Yes, but you can't teleport to entrana (the law altar) while you have a weapon on you (wildy sword).
May 3, 2015
Hi Im making cosmics at abyss with 4 pouches and the highest summoning familiar. Once the familiar runs out, the bot isnt taking out a new pouch and resummoning it. I have the pouches in bank
Jun 9, 2015
Hi Im making cosmics at abyss with 4 pouches and the highest summoning familiar. Once the familiar runs out, the bot isnt taking out a new pouch and resummoning it. I have the pouches in bank
Any idea why it ran out? Was it already trying to renew one, got stuck, then familiar was gone?
May 3, 2015
Any idea why it ran out? Was it already trying to renew one, got stuck, then familiar was gone?
When I came back to the bot, the familiar had expired, 1 pouch had degraded and it was stuck on the banking screen saying filling familiar.

Also another bug at the cosmic rift: It enters the rift, then goes in the opposite direction of the altar(the thing u gotta click the make the runes) and gets stuck. Just says entering cosmic rift.
Feb 3, 2017
So many bugs holy, I would have to say out of all the scripts I used from this site this has to be the one that got me closest to ban...Maybe it was functioning fine before but I sat here and baby sit it for lik 2 hours gets stuck ever 3 runs or so wither wont go through entrance keeps opening closing bank stands still in the abyss almost dying to the monsters not reparing pouches allot of bugs I dont have the time right now but if the aurthor wants more infor Im happy to make a list and the circumstances it happened under etc
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
So many bugs holy, I would have to say out of all the scripts I used from this site this has to be the one that got me closest to ban...Maybe it was functioning fine before but I sat here and baby sit it for lik 2 hours gets stuck ever 3 runs or so wither wont go through entrance keeps opening closing bank stands still in the abyss almost dying to the monsters not reparing pouches allot of bugs I dont have the time right now but if the aurthor wants more infor Im happy to make a list and the circumstances it happened under etc
Yes, list stuff to help the bot author out you fucking autist
Feb 3, 2017
Hey squidl, calm you balls you fucking trashcan. People have other things to do in life than bot and play runescape and make bugreports.
Jun 9, 2015
So many bugs holy, I would have to say out of all the scripts I used from this site this has to be the one that got me closest to ban...Maybe it was functioning fine before but I sat here and baby sit it for lik 2 hours gets stuck ever 3 runs or so wither wont go through entrance keeps opening closing bank stands still in the abyss almost dying to the monsters not reparing pouches allot of bugs I dont have the time right now but if the aurthor wants more infor Im happy to make a list and the circumstances it happened under etc
Wait, what? This bot is supposed to bebe the most stable of them all. There are some weird bugs happening right now, so please give as much info as you can.

Next update is gonna be massive
Feb 3, 2017
Sometimes it gets stuck in the abyss and won't click obstacles I have the levels for all of them.

Some times in bank it deposits a rune pouch by accident while trying to fill it and starts randomly clicking in and out off the bank

Sometimes it unwield the wilderness sword while attempting to right click teleport ( which IMO should be used on the action bar) and then gets stuck not knowing what to do.

Sometimes in bank while trying to fill pouches it takes out preset 1 and then goes back into bank and deposits the pouch and keeps opening and closing bank.

At some point I accidently saved the fire runes in the preset in which case it went to the altar tp to edge ville and repeatedly to to edge ville this was my fault obviously saving fire runes in preset like a dummy but it could happen on accident. Also it's one of the ways jagex is hunting bots manually.

It was in the abyss earlier and went to the altar and after that stood still for about 3 minutes until rotating camera clicking on abyss and to to edge ville

Probably allot of spelling errors my English is trash but hope it helped more than happy to elaborate/test more
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