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Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

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Jun 9, 2015
Nothing on the settings changed from what I normally used with your Bot, It maybe have just been a random error that doesnt always occur. But literally, the settings are in my first post and the bot just stood their hovering the mouse over the titan? The titan was filled in preset 1, it jumps over the wall and then runs half way and stands their hovering the mouse over the titan? First time its ever happened and thats pretty much all the info I have. Thats just 1 of the 6 times it crashed, did you see my post about yesterdays crashes?
Are you using Legacy or non-legacy? I have no idea why it would do that, there is nothing in my code that can cause that behavior. PM me the logs of the sessions it got stuck so I can refund you.
Jan 31, 2017
I was using RS3 but like I said, what it did with the familiar it was the first time it has ever done that particular thing. In terms of the day before you put in the fix, 4 times I had the bot just get stuck in the abyss after using an obstacle and one time after selecting 'pick the best obstacle dependant on level' it just stopped in the abyss and clicked around randomly, didnt go to an obstacle, left it till near death and then clicked Manually to which it then got stuck in the abyss. I dont know hot to access the Logs after ive closed the client..
I was using RS3 but like I said, what it did with the familiar it was the first time it has ever done that particular thing. In terms of the day before you put in the fix, 4 times I had the bot just get stuck in the abyss after using an obstacle and one time after selecting 'pick the best obstacle dependant on level' it just stopped in the abyss and clicked around randomly, didnt go to an obstacle, left it till near death and then clicked Manually to which it then got stuck in the abyss. I dont know hot to access the Logs after ive closed the client..

I just checked my wallet which could help I dont know? Uploaded the file, I was mistaken, it was only a total of 5 times not 6 I started the Bot up, look at the time in between the payments.


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Nov 24, 2016
While babysitting the bot on a 2nd screen, I noticed that when it enters the Abyss in the furthest southwest corner, it'll spam click the inner ring. Since there is no path to the inner ring, it'll just stand still there. I don't know if there are failsafes that TP the user out at a certain HP threshold, but it seemed like my char would have died to the mobs in there if I left it alone long enough. The area i'm talking about is the blue circle in the southwest corner in the following picture:


I think it's only when you spawn next to the wall(furthest possible point) because I've definitely seen it work fine when my character spawns in that general area.
Jun 9, 2015
I was using RS3 but like I said, what it did with the familiar it was the first time it has ever done that particular thing. In terms of the day before you put in the fix, 4 times I had the bot just get stuck in the abyss after using an obstacle and one time after selecting 'pick the best obstacle dependant on level' it just stopped in the abyss and clicked around randomly, didnt go to an obstacle, left it till near death and then clicked Manually to which it then got stuck in the abyss. I dont know hot to access the Logs after ive closed the client..

I just checked my wallet which could help I dont know? Uploaded the file, I was mistaken, it was only a total of 5 times not 6 I started the Bot up, look at the time in between the payments.

Logs can be found under Help - > View logs.

While babysitting the bot on a 2nd screen, I noticed that when it enters the Abyss in the furthest southwest corner, it'll spam click the inner ring. Since there is no path to the inner ring, it'll just stand still there. I don't know if there are failsafes that TP the user out at a certain HP threshold, but it seemed like my char would have died to the mobs in there if I left it alone long enough. The area i'm talking about is the blue circle in the southwest corner in the following picture:


I think it's only when you spawn next to the wall(furthest possible point) because I've definitely seen it work fine when my character spawns in that general area.

Do you know if the nearest obstable was more than 10/15 tiles away? Because that could explain it's behavior. Also, did you enable obstacle priority?

The bot will TP out when health is low. Could you do one thing and send me the logs?
Nov 24, 2016
I disabled obstacle priority. As for logs, I don't think it'll show up on logs since I manually corrected it within 15-20s but it's likely it happened in my past sessions as well. If you let me know what the TP on low health looks like in the logs, I can send you all the relevant logs where it had to do that.

Edit: the nearest interaction object was probably more than 10-15 tiles away since the one directly next to the spawn is usually the one you can't interact with
Jun 9, 2015
I disabled obstacle priority. As for logs, I don't think it'll show up on logs since I manually corrected it within 15-20s but it's likely it happened in my past sessions as well. If you let me know what the TP on low health looks like in the logs, I can send you all the relevant logs where it had to do that.

Edit: the nearest interaction object was probably more than 10-15 tiles away since the one directly next to the spawn is usually the one you can't interact with
Ah, thanks for clarifying. It'll be fixed in the next update.

I love you
I love u too
Bad news guys... Got all of my accounts banned. Wanted to get some high stats on OSRS to start writing bots for it. I can still fix issues, but it's gonna be much harder without an account. Just letting you all know.

Also, the sale ends tonight. Hope you all had a wonderful easter.
Sep 20, 2015
it doesnt seems to be filling massive , after the first run (perfect) it doesnt fill more
Sep 20, 2015
kindof also double and triple filling pouches are very consistent (90% of time) and sometimes the bot stuck after making runes - '' you dont have any pure essences to bind '' . it doesnt tp and get stucks there for some time
this both happened soo often that i couldnt get even 19 runs per hour =(
Mar 28, 2017
I enjoy this script and don't want to appear as if I'm complaining or asking for a refund or anything like that but I have died several times in the abyss sometimes its like the bot just gets stuck if it cant see an object to pass through instead of rotating the camera or moving around it will just sit there and get killed by the npcs inside the abyss at first I thought it was pkers but I've seen it happen a few times now its happened twice to me this afternoon alone other times I can run the bot over night for 8-10 hours and its fine sometimes it will only last a few hours and I'll come back to my character just standing in the bank with the script running each time I have to get a new sword/pouches start the script up again and cross my fingers and hope that it runs for a long time lol ;P I don't really understand it because it is inconsistent I have seen it teleport out with wildy sword as this was happening while I was babysitting it once
Jun 9, 2015
I enjoy this script and don't want to appear as if I'm complaining or asking for a refund or anything like that but I have died several times in the abyss sometimes its like the bot just gets stuck if it cant see an object to pass through instead of rotating the camera or moving around it will just sit there and get killed by the npcs inside the abyss at first I thought it was pkers but I've seen it happen a few times now its happened twice to me this afternoon alone other times I can run the bot over night for 8-10 hours and its fine sometimes it will only last a few hours and I'll come back to my character just standing in the bank with the script running each time I have to get a new sword/pouches start the script up again and cross my fingers and hope that it runs for a long time lol ;P I don't really understand it because it is inconsistent I have seen it teleport out with wildy sword as this was happening while I was babysitting it once
If you die, the bot will retrieve all of your supplies, unless the setup was wrong. Also, I cannot test stuff anymore since both of my accounts got banned.
Apr 9, 2017
I died recently, and the bot wasn't able to retrieve the wilderness sword 3 from Quercus, but just kind of sits there and moves the pointer around over him continuously. Not sure about the rest of the items, but doesn't seem to be able to get the sword. I unfortunately don't have the logs, but if it ever happens again, I'll try and pass along what ever I get.
Jun 9, 2015
I died recently, and the bot wasn't able to retrieve the wilderness sword 3 from Quercus, but just kind of sits there and moves the pointer around over him continuously. Not sure about the rest of the items, but doesn't seem to be able to get the sword. I unfortunately don't have the logs, but if it ever happens again, I'll try and pass along what ever I get.
Oh then can you tell me what the action is to talk to him? Is it "Talk-to"? Case sensitive!
Apr 9, 2017
Talk to Quercus

When the pointer hovers over Quercus or right-clicks, it is exactly as written above.
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