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Prime NMZ

May 20, 2019
I run it consistently for around 7 per day, and had no problems. I would have no problem running it for 12 hours providing it was then offline for 12+ hours- I think its looks suspicious when the account is active for like 18 hours a day - basically dont bot / play legit during the day and then leave it on over night.
May 3, 2020
My bot keeps having issues where once it dies in NMZ, it will click a little far away before trying to talk to Dominik to start another round. Is there a way for me to fix this?

Maybe I should block input for mouse/keyboard to turn the camera around? I've also zoomed out a little so that my character can see Dominik clearly but it will still run a little away before talking to him.
Apr 20, 2019
I do feel like the pathing for the prayer potion method to the bank could be buffed a little if it is at all possible does look a bit bot like
May 3, 2020
That's the reason why I don't use it. It always goes to the wall so it makes it look dodgy.

Do you have the same issue? How long have you been using the prayer pot method, and how many hours do you run it per day?
Jan 7, 2018
Never payed NMZ, but looking to get points for imbued rings and slayer helm (i), what are recommended setups for an ironman with ~70 in all stats, but no barrows. I have dscim/defender, void, initiate, prayer pots, runecbow/broad bolts, or mystic/mage?
Going for points, not necessarily xp
May 20, 2019
Never payed NMZ, but looking to get points for imbued rings and slayer helm (i), what are recommended setups for an ironman with ~70 in all stats, but no barrows. I have dscim/defender, void, initiate, prayer pots, runecbow/broad bolts, or mystic/mage?
Going for points, not necessarily xp

I have over 50mil points all all upgrades - I would watch some Youtube videos so you pick the right monsters (you want pure melee bosses with no annoying specs) - but definitely do custom hard - you can use p pots or the rock cake (both work really well). The bot will do everything for you,, and to get the 1.2mil for slayer helm and 650k for ring - will not take too long at all.
May 3, 2020
I'm running it on my pure and I have around 10M points already. I've only been running this script for 1 week to give you a time length. Factoring in I have also been using Absorption/Overloads which cost points to use. If I used Prayer Pots, I would have 20M+ points right now I'd like to believe.
Jan 7, 2018
I'm running it on my pure and I have around 10M points already. I've only been running this script for 1 week to give you a time length. Factoring in I have also been using Absorption/Overloads which cost points to use. If I used Prayer Pots, I would have 20M+ points right now I'd like to believe.
Waht bosses do you use? You select some right? or is it just any boss?
May 3, 2020
I'm a pure so I've only completed the following quests:

Vampire Slayer
RDF (Dwarfs for Dwarven Rock)
Grand Tree
Gnome Stronghold
Fight Arena
Lost City

5 bosses (If that's what you call them) only.
Jan 7, 2018
I'm a pure so I've only completed the following quests:

Vampire Slayer
RDF (Dwarfs for Dwarven Rock)
Grand Tree
Gnome Stronghold
Fight Arena
Lost City

5 bosses (If that's what you call them) only.
Wow awesome! What setup do you have? or what would you recommend?
I have full void, all helms, rune cbow with broad bolts, proselyte, should I just opt out of prayer to save gp? I've done similar quests
May 3, 2020
I've never used this on my main so unsure what the best setup you could use. I would assume if you're trained Ranged, void would be the best option for you! If you're short on GP, I would not recommend blowpipe only reason being is you're having to stock up scales every 10 hours but I'm averaging like 90kxp per hour so that's 900k per day so cannot complain. Using MSB, I get around 45-50k xp hour with Rune arrows, almost half the XP but it's costing me a lot less!

I don't use the prayer potion set up. I want to avoid as much movements, and I feel like the path it takes to the bank and back is very repetitive. My friend has been using the prayer potion set up to train his strength, and even though he lasts maybe 1 hour longer then me in the NMZ arena he's only getting 52kxp per hour whereas I am getting 65k+ with Overloads/Absorption potions.

I use 5 overloads, 22 absorption and 1 slot for the rock cake. I've had minor issues with the bots, but it's definitely worth the money. I like it so much that I'm running 3-4 additional accounts, it's so damn useful and easy to get 99s using this bot and I've been using it for 2 weeks now and doing 12-13 hours and no bans yet!
Bot just keeps crashing at bank.

Error message: Cannot find dwarf rock after 10 attempts but has one in bank and inventory. Please can I just be refunded the $0.30? This happened 4 times, twice on each of my accounts.
I'm still having the same problems. Lost another $0.40 by testing it on my account. Please could this be refunded Party?

I've never had this issue before. There is a Dwarven Rock Cake in the inventory and also in the bank yet it just goes to the bank, opens and then crashes. This has happened 7 times since I last posted in the forums making me lose over $0.70.

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\shaba\RuneMate\logs\Prime NMZ 5-17 11-15-48.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN [LootTracker] Disabling for 5000ms
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 9 statistics and 6 skills for nmz
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Waiting for user input...
00:00:00 INFO [Preparing] (1/3) Running First Query: Game Objects
00:00:00 INFO [Performance] Performance monitoring DISABLED for this session.
00:00:00 DEBUG Login Handler has been activated!
00:00:00 INFO [Preparing] (2/3) Running First Query: Items
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Running First Query: Npcs
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Background Setup Done
00:00:13 DEBUG Interface Closer - Play Button has been activated!
00:00:37 INFO [Settings] Strategy set to ABSORPTION
00:00:51 INFO [Settings] Potion Absorption set to quantity x22 and purchasing true
00:00:51 INFO [Settings] Potion Overload set to quantity x5 and purchasing true
00:00:51 INFO [Settings] Potion Super magic set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:00:51 INFO [Settings] Potion Super ranging set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:00:51 INFO [Settings] Potion Prayer set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:00:51 INFO [Settings] Potion Super restore set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:01:13 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:01:13 INFO [Preparing] Building Logic Tree
00:01:15 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:15 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(8820, 2584, 3) to Coordinate(8831, 2584, 3)
00:01:15 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(8820, 2584, 3), Coordinate(8820, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8821, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8822, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8823, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8824, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8825, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8826, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8827, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8828, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8829, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8830, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8831, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8831, 2584, 3)]
00:01:15 INFO [Check: Position] Walking to corner
00:01:15 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:01:18 INFO [Check: Position] Walking to corner
00:01:18 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:01:18 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(8822, 2584, 3) to Coordinate(8831, 2584, 3)
00:01:18 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(8822, 2584, 3), Coordinate(8822, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8823, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8824, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8825, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8826, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8827, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8828, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8829, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8830, 2585, 3), Coordinate(8830, 2584, 3), Coordinate(8831, 2584, 3)]
00:01:19 INFO [Check: Position] Walking to corner
00:01:19 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:01:19 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(8827, 2584, 3) to Coordinate(8831, 2584, 3)
00:01:19 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(8827, 2584, 3), Coordinate(8828, 2584, 3), Coordinate(8829, 2584, 3), Coordinate(8830, 2584, 3), Coordinate(8831, 2584, 3)]
00:01:21 INFO [Interact: Anti-AFK] Selecting ^Attack$
00:01:30 DEBUG [TargetWatcher] No Target -> Count Draynor (hard)(level: 177, position: 8827, 2585, 3)
00:01:30 INFO [Idle] Waiting for next event
00:01:48 DEBUG [TargetWatcher] Count Draynor (hard)(level: 177, position: 8828, 2584, 3) -> No target
00:01:56 INFO [Check: Position] Walking to corner
00:01:56 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:56 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:01:56 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2608, 3115, 0) to Coordinate(2658, 3111, 0)
00:01:57 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2608, 3115, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3115, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3115, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3114, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3113, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2616, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2616, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2617, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2617, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2617, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2618, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2618, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2619, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2619, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2620, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2620, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2621, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2622, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2623, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2624, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2625, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2625, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2626, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2626, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2626, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3091, 0), Coordinate(2627, 3090, 0), Coordinate(2628, 3090, 0), Coordinate(2628, 3089, 0), Coordinate(2629, 3089, 0), Coordinate(2629, 3088, 0), Coordinate(2629, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2630, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2631, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2632, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2633, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2634, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2635, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2636, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2637, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2638, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2639, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2640, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2641, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2642, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2643, 3087, 0), Coordinate(2643, 3088, 0), Coordinate(2643, 3089, 0), Coordinate(2643, 3090, 0), Coordinate(2644, 3090, 0), Coordinate(2645, 3090, 0), Coordinate(2645, 3091, 0), Coordinate(2645, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2646, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2647, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2647, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2647, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2647, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2648, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2649, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2650, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2650, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2650, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2651, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2651, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2652, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2653, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2653, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2654, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2654, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2655, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2656, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2657, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2658, 3111, 0)]
00:01:59 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:01:59 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Bank booth [2614, 3094, 0]
00:01:59 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:59 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2608, 3115, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:59 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2608, 3115, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3115, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3114, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3113, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3113, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:00 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:02:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:02 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:02:02 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:04 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:05 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:02:05 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:07 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:08 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:02:08 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:08 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:08 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2609, 3099, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:02:08 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2609, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:08 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:09 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2608, 3098, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:02:09 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2608, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:09 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:09 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:02:09 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:09 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:09 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:02:09 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:09 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:10 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:02:10 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:10 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0) to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:02:10 INFO [Navigation] Built IiIIiIiiiIi: [Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:10 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:12 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:12 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:14 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:14 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:14 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:14 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:14 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #1: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:14 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:14 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:14 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:14 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #2: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:14 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #3: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #4: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #5: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #6: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #7: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #8: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:16 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #9: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:17 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Dwarven rock cake$ on attempt #10: Item(name=^Dwarven rock cake$, pattern=^Dwarven rock cake$, quantity=1)
00:02:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Dwarven rock cake$
00:02:17 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking nmz
00:02:17 INFO Failed to withdraw required item (^Dwarven rock cake$ x1) after 10 attempts.
May 31, 2017
Keeps thinking I'm using absorptions when infact i am using prayer. Restarted bot several times, nothing. Is it because of the RS client update?

Heres a screenshot:


QUICK UPDATE - It is now working, not sure went wrong. But its working again, thanks :)
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Dec 31, 2019
Bot continuously gets stuck trying to start a ranged session using prayer, blowpipe and super rangings.

Common issues include:
Searching for Blowpipe to check.
Getting super rangings out of the barrel (new leaf, unnamed potion)
Running away from Domenic and getting stuck.

Only way I can get it to work is to go into the session and start the bot inside. Wasted about 1.3 in credits just opening and closing the session (havent even had the script in my client for 13 hours at this point).
May 14, 2020
Over 14 million exp within 2 days suicide botting and no ban (been a week later btw). Why? I can only assume by how fluid runemate's client is with this script. Everything is generally randomized when it comes to botting NMZ and the visibility on people here is very low. Thank you for taking the time to create this script!
May 19, 2019
How come there isn't a setting for using absorption/overloads without a rock cake..? I'm an ironman without dharoks and it looks weird when i'm rock caking in rune and a d scim lolz
Apr 23, 2020
Bot attacks back at the monsters like every 10 seconds it attacks once. I have ran this bot a lot and paid hundreds into it and I dont want to pay for 1/4th the xp. Its on auto retaliate as well so it has to be clicking off or doing something it shouldnt because it should always attack back?
Apr 11, 2020
The bot seems to have troubles finding the dream potion. It detects it perfectly if on the screen, but can't rotate the camera to find it. Can provide logs if needed.

Edit: after further investigation, it seems that the bot also malfunctions when in fixed mode. Can't find the absorption pots in-game.
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