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Prime NMZ

Apr 3, 2020
Bot did 1 dream, got stuck eventually at the overload potions, wouldn't move camera towards the drink potion to start dream.
Apr 1, 2020
Had issues with this. Keeps trying to teleport me in the NMZ to the NMZ. Then it wont drink my potions or do the rock cake unless I keep pressing pause and play.
Jul 23, 2017
Sometimes it wont attack the NPCs for a relatively long time... i dont know why it does that. It says in the bot that its navigating
May 3, 2020
Started to use the Prime NMZ bot after being referred by a friend. Bot is working perfectly at the moment but just a few suggestions (I'm sure some of these have been mentioned in the past).

When the bot goes to fill up overloads and absorption potions, it uses the same path way all the time. Is there a way it can right click and directly take the options needed instead?

Rock cakes half HP outside NMZ. Can this not all be done when going inside?

Also I wanted to ask on average how long the bot is normally back online after a game update. Thank you!
Ran the script on my baby pure and account got stuck overnight. It had a broken arrow in the inventory, but as I had absorption potions to 27 it kept trying to withdraw more.

Am I eligible for a refund for this at all?
May 20, 2019
I have spent many many hours botting with this bot on a variety of accounts. I've had 99's in all combat stats, across multiple accounts sometimes botting 20 hours a day and never been banned. I have used a number of other bots, with various degree's of success, and pretty much always been banned eventually however I believe that this is one of the best bots, and least likely to result in a ban.
May 3, 2020
I have spent many many hours botting with this bot on a variety of accounts. I've had 99's in all combat stats, across multiple accounts sometimes botting 20 hours a day and never been banned. I have used a number of other bots, with various degree's of success, and pretty much always been banned eventually however I believe that this is one of the best bots, and least likely to result in a ban.

Absorption or Prayer Pots?
May 3, 2020
I have done both - currently use absorption as its free on my account have over 40mil nmz points all from this bot.

Oh right. I don't use the Prayer Pots as I feel the path it goes to the bank can look bot like. At least with absorptions, it's not having to move as much. May I ask how long you run the bot? How long would you consider safe?

I'm only limiting it to 5 hours, but I've seen people doing 12+ with ease.