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Prime NMZ

May 6, 2017
so... i know hes busy but the bot just stands there and drinks absorbs and ovls,nothing else works like quitting when out of ovls,when barrows is broken,wont repair at bob,bot is broken
May 30, 2017
after todays runescape update, the bot does nothing ,other than just trying to teleport to nmz when you're already here. When you manually get it inside the dream and resume the script it comes out with this error below. I really hope and believe that this is runemate clients issue and will be resolved/fixed soon :) @Party

at nul.iiiiIIiiiiIiI.int(qbc:54)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.region.Npcs.getLoaded(upc:46)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.region.Npcs.getLoaded(upc:143)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.NpcQueryBuilder.int(ggc:94)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.QueryBuilder.results(yzb:165)
at robot.IiIiIiiIIi.new(na:196)
at robot.IIiiIIIiII.execute(t:162)
at robot.IiiIiiIiIi.onLoop(kb:206)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(nvb:174)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(rcc:13090)
at nul.iiIIiIiiiiiII.run(qfc:54)
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
The bot is down on OSRS after todays update. Please do not use it until further notice.
Nov 29, 2017
Bot I think is currently broken. It logs and tries to teleport to NMZ when it's already at NMZ? First time i've had this problem if I could get $1 back for alot of the I kept trying to restart that bot that would be great for when the issue is resolved. (I'll be using it on your bot anyways lmao)
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Bot I think is currently broken. It logs and tries to teleport to NMZ when it's already at NMZ? First time i've had this problem if I could get $1 back for alot of the I kept trying to restart that bot that would be great for when the issue is resolved. (I'll be using it on your bot anyways lmao)
You should have read the thread when it crashed the first time and it would have saved you losing more money. The bot is down on OSRS after todays update. Please do not use it until further notice.
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
The bot is down on OSRS after todays update. Please do not use it until further notice.
Feb 6, 2017
@Party Hey I used the bot last night for 4 hrs and 22 mins but it charged me for 10 hrs ....... What going on (is this a problem with bot or runemate??)
@Party Hey I used the bot last night for 4 hrs and 22 mins but it charged me for 10 hrs ....... What going on (is this a problem with bot or runemate??)
Also could u please refund me for 5 hrs <3
Feb 6, 2018
would be nice to add some fonctions like grabbing zapper special and reccurent damage for points farmers and also make it do be able to choose the last dream option from dominic I don<t know why but right now I dont really trust how the bot choose a new dream everytime. would be nice also to make it click less on the mini map, sometimes it just spam click in circle in the bank while the char is on his way to the bank that looks suspicious

overall its a really good bot. been running for 10h straight on 2 flagged account as of now
Sep 12, 2015
I believe she's down boys! I am assuming today's update is to blame. If it helps any, here is the error I am getting....

at nul.IiiiIIiiIiiII.long(cdc:145)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.region.Npcs.getLoaded(anc:122)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.region.Npcs.getLoaded(anc:213)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.NpcQueryBuilder.long(phc:217)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.QueryBuilder.results(jdc:67)
at nul.iIiiIIiiiIIii.long(pvb:64)
at nul.iiIiIIiiiIIiI.validate(dvb:117)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(ydc:14)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(mwb:19913)
at nul.IIIIiIiiiiiiI.run(aqc:145)

Lastly, AMAZING work on this bot. Absolutely flawless.
Feb 6, 2018
yup getting the same, and is there a way to prevent the bot from closing the game if theres a prayer potion (3) left in inventory after a nmz run? cause apparently he cant stash it and after 21 attempt to stash it end the script
Jul 4, 2017
I've used this bot for about a month, maybe two months, and have gotten mills of xp and almost 30 million nmz points while buying max herb boxes daily. I have never had any sort of malfunction, hiccup, bug, glitch, mistake, etc.. etc.. ever not even a single time whatsoever until about a week ago. In the last few days I keep getting the "failed to satisfy prayer potion(4) 21 times" and the script has ended and my account logged out of rs.

Every time I log back in the account is standing in Yanille's bank with a full inventory, set up correctly with the exception of 1 of the prayer pots being either a (1), (2), or a (3) dose instead of a 4. I've tried numerous times to watch as it finishes a round and I can never seem to catch it mess up, it always finishes the last dose of pray while in nmz and after points reach 0 it stops drinking overloads and absorbs and dies on purpose. Then it will bank and re-enter as should.

But it seems like when I forget about it whenever I eventually come back to my monitor it ended after either 1 round of nmz or 2 with the failure to satisfy ppots notification and 1 ppot in invy thats less than (4). I end and open new instances for both the osrs and the script client, log on to manually correct my invy, and proceed to start the script, and again and again after a few rounds at most it has the same error.

I know it buys nmz pots and stores all doses before taking new nmz pots out, why doesn't it have a feature that banks any leftover ppots before with-drawling the set amount?