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Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

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Jan 8, 2015
how is it rude i am justing wow ok

Would it be strange to formulate it as a question? For instance:

"Hi fellow botters, I am currently using this bot to hunt that and that monster at that and that spot. My hunter level is this and this which means I can use X traps. I was wondering if there is an optimal layout. Can anyone help me out or link me to a guide (please)?

Thanks in advance."
Jul 2, 2016
"i'd rather eat my own shit" I lol'd xD
Last night I managed to catch around 350 reg chompas before I lost all my boxes and I just stood there the rest of the night. So, I went back with full inventory, but it got stuck clicking on a 4th trap (i cant set up 4 yet) infinitely. Keep up the good work
Really need to set avoid boxes being available for others to steal. Players will steal your boxes on purpose then report you as you stand there doing nothing for hours...
Dec 18, 2014
In your bot description you say you support Grenwalls, Salamanders, and Butterflies but I don't see the option for any of those when loading your bot.

Is it possible to get those added back? I know it may be asking for much but Falconry is also very good xp/hr if you could implement that as well
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Aug 13, 2016
In your bot description you say you support Grenwalls, Salamanders, and Butterflies but I don't see the option for any of those when loading your bot.

Is it possible to get those added back? I know it may be asking for much but Falconry is also very good xp/hr if you could implement that as well

I came here to say the same thing. The description of the bot is not what we are given. The only options currently available, on OSRS at least, is Chins and Birds.
Jul 22, 2016
Awesome job on the bot! I did notice that when bird hunting in osrs for tropical wagtails, it cant keep up with the inventory after about an hour and slowly starts letting it fill up with bird meat.
Banned for Scamming
May 25, 2016
Amazing script, Thanks for releasing it. I don't have The log as i can't find it unfortunately.

Just a few suggestions to upgrade the script :)

1, Change up the "The box trap you laid has collapsed" function so that it doesn't try to instantly click "lay" on the ground item
Instead it should pick it up then relay it to prevent other players from picking it up / it disappearing.
Also the script should prioritize this function over everything else to ensure you don't lose your traps.

2, If inventory contains box trap = 0 && if ground box traps = 0
it should logout to prevent from showing people that your botting incase the script messes up.

Thanks man just some suggestions.
Oct 30, 2014
This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
Sep 14, 2016
Depends on how many traps, also, this is a rude request, I shouldn't even reply to it.

Hello Scripter, great bot you have there thank you.
I wanted to ask if there is a chance to add greenwall support without the need to have done the medium tasks., ( Food support for the box traps )?

If you need more info let me know.

thank you
This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.

Or maybe this? :) Charming moth
Jul 8, 2015
Game Mode: OSRS
Bot settings: Chinchompa / Plus
Bot run duration: At least 2 hours. The bot still says 0 time ran though
Bug description: The bot will sometimes try and lay down another trap before the one it's currently trying to lay down is even set making it fall to the ground and disappear
Steps to reproduce: Having extra traps in your inventory
Have you found a work-around (manual): Manually picking up the traps on the ground
Please attach log files & screenshots:

Besides that, it's a pretty decent bot got me to 1-61 hunter so far doing a few hours a day. Would be much better if it supported more than just Birds and Chincompas.
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Apr 14, 2016
Game Mode: OSRS
Bot settings: Chinchompa / Plus
Bot run duration: At least 2 hours. The bot still says 0 time ran though
Bug description: The bot will sometimes try and lay down another trap before the one it's currently trying to lay down is even set making it fall to the ground and disappear
Steps to reproduce: Having extra traps in your inventory
Have you found a work-around (manual): Manually picking up the traps on the ground
Please attach log files & screenshots:

Besides that, it's a pretty decent bot got me to 1-61 hunter so far doing a few hours a day. Would be much better if it supported more than just Birds and Chincompas.

How long to lvl 60s with just bird? Or should I check out Dawg Hunter to get those "in- between" levels
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