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Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

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Aug 16, 2018
Can i ask what kind of antiban this script has ? It seems it has no antiban whatsoever. The camera didn't turn once in hour of runtime
Feb 7, 2017
I think this is broke atm. I've used it fine in the past but currently for black salamanders it just logs out instantaneously upon start.

00:00:01 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:01 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:01 INFO [Setup] Waiting for user input...
00:00:02 INFO [Performance] Performance monitoring DISABLED for this session.
00:00:15 DEBUG Setting up spots if applicable
00:00:15 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:00:15 DEBUG Configuration(hybrid=HybridConfig(mode=Salamanders, formation=Formation(relativePositions=[(-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1), (0, 0)]), buryBones=false, trapLimit=4, worldHop=WorldHopConfig(enabled=false, baseOnPing=false, ping=80, baseOnPlayers=false, time=30, players=1, countries=[UNITED_STATES, UNITED_KINGDOM, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY]), performanceMode=Detect), osrs=OSRSConfig(preWalk=false, useReset=false))
00:00:16 DEBUG Detected 4 spots
00:00:16 DEBUG Setting junk to relevant items
00:00:16 DEBUG Release, ^(Swamp|Orange|Red|Black) (salamander|lizard)$
00:00:16 DEBUG Building tree
00:00:16 DEBUG Attempt 1 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 19 more times before stopping
00:00:17 DEBUG Attempt 2 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 18 more times before stopping
00:00:17 DEBUG Attempt 3 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 17 more times before stopping
00:00:17 DEBUG Attempt 4 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 16 more times before stopping
00:00:17 DEBUG Attempt 5 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 15 more times before stopping
00:00:18 DEBUG Attempt 6 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 14 more times before stopping
00:00:18 DEBUG Attempt 7 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 13 more times before stopping
00:00:18 DEBUG Attempt 8 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 12 more times before stopping
00:00:19 DEBUG Attempt 9 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 11 more times before stopping
00:00:19 DEBUG Attempt 10 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 10 more times before stopping
00:00:19 DEBUG Attempt 11 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 9 more times before stopping
00:00:19 DEBUG Attempt 12 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 8 more times before stopping
00:00:20 DEBUG Attempt 13 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 7 more times before stopping
00:00:20 DEBUG Attempt 14 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 6 more times before stopping
00:00:20 DEBUG Attempt 15 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 5 more times before stopping
00:00:20 DEBUG Attempt 16 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 4 more times before stopping
00:00:21 DEBUG Attempt 17 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 3 more times before stopping
00:00:21 DEBUG Attempt 18 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 2 more times before stopping
00:00:21 DEBUG Attempt 19 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 1 more times before stopping
00:00:22 DEBUG Attempt 20 at finding a usable spot failed, trying 0 more times before stopping
00:00:22 INFO [Stopping] Logging out
00:00:23 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking hunter-free
00:00:23 INFO Account isn't able to hunt in it's current state
00:00:23 INFO [Bot stopped] Thanks for choosing Prime!
Feb 7, 2017
Haven't used this bot in weeks, still says the allowed hours this week have been used up.
About 2 months of no usage, still says no time available....
Jul 16, 2015
Works well. Although I do find myself losing traps when hunting salamanders (rope/fishing nets), but always bring extra just incase
edit: Thought my weekly hours reset, but it started the bot, set up 2 traps then said I've reached my weekly limit...
Jun 22, 2020
This worked great for 10 minutes then it said my two hours were up, I haven't used this bot in almost a year or two. Thank you.
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