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Prime Fishing

Apr 17, 2016
I don't know if this has been said before but I am using this bot in rs3 and it has worked perfectly for hours when I used it to fish monkfish, but when I tried fishing shark in fishing guild and catherby, it will fish one inventory and then wait in the bank for hours. Otherwise it has worked perfectly for me.
May 24, 2017
Hey, can you add the two bank deposits in the LRC near the fishing spots for rock tails so the bot doesn't have to run all the way to the bank? Thank you very much, keep up the great work.
Sep 5, 2017
On Karamja while traveling on the boat it will spam click the mini map. When the ship arrives the bot will run to one end of the ship and stand there for 5-10 seconds before it'll "cross gangplank". :)
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
On Karamja while traveling on the boat it will spam click the mini map. When the ship arrives the bot will run to one end of the ship and stand there for 5-10 seconds before it'll "cross gangplank". :)
Thanks for reporting
Hey, can you add the two bank deposits in the LRC near the fishing spots for rock tails so the bot doesn't have to run all the way to the bank? Thank you very much, keep up the great work.
Since when are they there? Do they have any requirements?
May 24, 2017
Thanks for reporting

Since when are they there? Do they have any requirements?

They are relatively old, but other players can setup these portable bank deposits that lasts for an hour. When they are set up, anyone can use them to bank. I mean running to the bank is fine, but it would be cool if the bot could detect these portable deposits and bank the inventory since sometimes players literally set them up next to fishing spots and gold mines. Thank you.
Sep 6, 2017
great bot, but could you add a delay between a fishing spot disappearing/animation stopping and the bot attempting to click the next available spot? right now it's almost instantaneous and is incredibly obvious when i move, without fail, to the next fishing spot instantly

this especially causes issues at prif waterfall, since i should never have to move from the pier i'm on. the fishing spot disappears for a fraction of a second when it depletes then comes back immediately, but the bot acts faster than this and i move around on the pier.

thanks :)

edit: or just allow us to force bot to stay at one square in custom location :p
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May 27, 2016
could you add portable bank for rocktails. Players usually leave a portable bank near the populated rocktail fishing area. You could just have it so if its visible it will take advantage of it, if it is isnt visible it will just go to its normal bank it would usually go to.
May 18, 2017
Would you be willing to add the Lumby swamp and Lumy castle bank for Raw shrimp so it can be level 3 friendly?
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
I will soonish completely rewrite the whole bot, until then I am busy with uni. The rewrite will improve the speed of the bot by a lot and I will also fix all bugs.
Sep 15, 2017
Any way to randomize the Waypoints? I'd like to not have such an obvious slow pattern to and from the bank if possible.
Sep 21, 2017
idk where to turn but i havent rund your bot for over an hr and if i check my history your bot somehowd (issue from my side it seems) it tried to launch over and over so it payed for multiply "injects" im new here so your forum and the shoutbox was my best solutions atm .
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
idk where to turn but i havent rund your bot for over an hr and if i check my history your bot somehowd (issue from my side it seems) it tried to launch over and over so it payed for multiply "injects" im new here so your forum and the shoutbox was my best solutions atm .
I don't understand what you mean sorry
Sep 5, 2017
I love this bot and use it here and there with discretion. Being it a paid bot could I suggest adding a bit of a delay inbetween when it clicks onto the next fishing location? The fact it insta clicks and goes to the next fishing spot instantly every time can be a bit of a giveaway. If it could stall some seconds here and there that would be lovely!

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