Can you post a screenshot of your inventory for the preset? Make sure it includes alch runes, food, teleport runes for Trollheim teleport, and a Camelot teletab.
thanks for the quick reply! attached is the screenshot
Screenshot - 25a4f7fec7881db455ba8a1572c953e0 - Gyazo
had varrock tablets, 1200 fire runes, 240 nature runes, 20 law runes, a super restore (1), and 17 sharks in inventory/preset 3
my bad I was using varrock teleport tablets, probs wasn't supported. i'll switch to camelot tablets and give it a try
edit: with camelot teleport tablets, it still says "out of food, runes, or weapon"

for the trollheim teleport runes, it's just 2law 2fire right? or do i need to do another quest to change house tablets into trollheim tablets?
edit: are there specific types of gear it's compatible with? I'm using anima core 3 pieces, armadyl 2 pieces, and Decimation 2H bow. tried everything not sure what i'm missing haha