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Mar 19, 2018
lost 1.10USD bot would be fine cutting yew logs in seers village, then it would just stop and leave my guy standing there and he would do nothing, the bot was still running so I'm losing money and not gaining anything out of it.
Last edited:
Apr 16, 2018
Could I get a refund? I left the bot on for the night, and it didn't chop anything as I stayed at level 41 for 5 hours at draynor
Apr 27, 2018
  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    [Running] MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    1 minute ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    3 minutes ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    12 minutes ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    35 minutes ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    37 minutes ago

  2. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    39 minutes ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    56 minutes ago

Why is this bot collecting $0.08 so frequently? Not only that, but I'm having the same issue as several other people; it just stops, doesn't do anything, and I have to restart the bot. Is this why it charges me? Every time I restart it? I want a refund too. :(

  • Status at the time of the incident (Can also be found in your error logs if the bot crashes)
  1. Waiting for oak to spawn (OR) walking to oak
  • Selected area and tree of the current activity. If using a custom area or tree location please post the coordinates used as well
  1. West Varock, Oak.
  • Disposal method of the current activity
  1. Banking.
  • Selected bank if banking
  1. West Varock
  • RS3 (EoC or Legacy) or OSRS
  1. OSRS
  • Details of what happened
  1. Set to chop oaks in west Varock until level 31; after 0 - 4 banking trips, the bot walks back to the oaks, stops, and just stands there indefinitely with one of the errors above.
  • Any other info to help me reproduce the issue.
  1. Try with the settings above, it's very consistent.
Last edited:
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    [Running] MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    1 minute ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    3 minutes ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    12 minutes ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    35 minutes ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    37 minutes ago

  2. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    39 minutes ago

  1. You sent $0.08 to RuneMate
    MaxiWoodcutter PRO - $0.08 x 1 hour
    56 minutes ago

Why is this bot collecting $0.08 so frequently? Not only that, but I'm having the same issue as several other people; it just stops, doesn't do anything, and I have to restart the bot. Is this why it charges me? Every time I restart it? I want a refund too. :(

  • Status at the time of the incident (Can also be found in your error logs if the bot crashes)
  1. Waiting for oak to spawn (OR) walking to oak
  • Selected area and tree of the current activity. If using a custom area or tree location please post the coordinates used as well
  1. West Varock, Oak.
  • Disposal method of the current activity
  1. Banking.
  • Selected bank if banking
  1. West Varock
  • RS3 (EoC or Legacy) or OSRS
  1. OSRS
  • Details of what happened
  1. Set to chop oaks in west Varock until level 31; after 0 - 4 banking trips, the bot walks back to the oaks, stops, and just stands there indefinitely with one of the errors above.
  • Any other info to help me reproduce the issue.
  1. Try with the settings above, it's very consistent.
You'll be charged every time you start any premium bot, read the faqs.
Attach the log file please.
Sep 11, 2017
Testing this out, Currently trying to get the bot to do Ivy, behind the castle instead it just stands there "Waiting for a tree to respawn", so far I've been waiting 5minutes, Any reason why the bot is waiting for ivy to spawn? Not bothered regarding the 8cent waste but the fact it's not doing the job is pretty annoying, regards
Dec 27, 2016
Testing this out, Currently trying to get the bot to do Ivy, behind the castle instead it just stands there "Waiting for a tree to respawn", so far I've been waiting 5minutes, Any reason why the bot is waiting for ivy to spawn? Not bothered regarding the 8cent waste but the fact it's not doing the job is pretty annoying, regards

This happens to me too, for all ivy locations.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Jul 18, 2018
used the LITE version and loved it, decided to get the PRO one.. love it too! one question though, sorry if this sounds silly but how do i setup the bot to chop Yews at WC Guild? Appreciate it so much!
finally unlocked Redwoods, but the bot shows "walking to redwoods" while my character stands in front of the tree doing nothing.I could lend you my account to check, pm me aidden