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MaxiWoodcutter TRIAL [Deleted]

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Aug 17, 2015
So I can't entirely figure out how to add in my own tree area. I want to add in Lumby Yews west of castle, and can't seem to figure it out. Can you help?
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
So I can't entirely figure out how to add in my own tree area. I want to add in Lumby Yews west of castle, and can't seem to figure it out. Can you help?
Go to the Advanced/Misc tab. Set the tree type to yew. Walk to the bottom left corner of where you'd like the area around the trees to start. Click the set SW coordinate button. Do the same for the top right but with the NE coordinate button. Alternatively you can switch the area type to circular and just stand somewhere near the middle of the area and then set a radius. If lumbridge isn't in the area list already there's a button below it to add a new area. Once you have that sorted, click on the area and then click the add tree location button.
Nov 6, 2015
Probably the only thing I don't like about this bot right now is that in RS3, whenever the bot goes to deposit when full or going back to the woodcutting area. It opens the map and doesnt not close it down. Therefore it is stuck until I come and close it myself. Still the best wood cutting bot though.
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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Probably the only thing I don't like about this bot right now is that in RS3, whenever the bot goes to deposit when full or going back to the woodcutting area. It opens the map and doesnt not close it down. therefore it is stuck into I come and close it myself. Still the best wood cutting bot though.
That's a client issue. When it tries to walk it must be clicking the edge of the world map icon. @Cloud please add the world map to the unexpected interface handler.
Nov 6, 2015
Go to the Advanced/Misc tab. Set the tree type to yew. Walk to the bottom left corner of where you'd like the area around the trees to start. Click the set SW coordinate button. Do the same for the top right but with the NE coordinate button. Alternatively you can switch the area type to circular and just stand somewhere near the middle of the area and then set a radius. If lumbridge isn't in the area list already there's a button below it to add a new area. Once you have that sorted, click on the area and then click the add tree location button.

Does it support Lumbridge Castle Bank on the top floor? I tried it a few time a while back but did not work.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Does it support Lumbridge Castle Bank on the top floor? I tried it a few time a while back but did not work.
If it's in the list then it should do. It would just use the web to get there, if it's in the list but doesn't work then it's not supported by the web yet. iirc it is though.
May 27, 2016
hey, nice bot, just wondering if possible you could add a small break handler, nothing too snazzley, just to take few min breaks during each hour.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
submitted bug report for you.
So i was aware of the inputstream null issue and fixed it before i wen't to work but now that i'm back and someone pushed the update through it's saying that i haven't pushed through a class it's looking for when my project says i did. Can't do anything until cloud responds.
I've implemented a break handler in V2.2.0. The UI is still a little bit buggy but it works. When you click in one of the fields (start time, duration or variance) you enter a time formatted string i.e. 00:32:14 (32 minutes 14 seconds). After entering the string you need to press enter, you can't click somewhere else or the value won't be stored. This will be fixed soon. Let me know if you run into any issues. Also, the generate breaks button doesn't yet work so don't expect anything to happen when clicking it :p

Aidden updated MaxiWoodcutter with a new update entry:

MaxiWoodcutter v2.2.0 Released!

MaxiWoodcutter updated to v2.2.0.

Read the rest of this update entry...
May 27, 2016
hey, I am confused how to sort the break handler out,

can you give me an example of say,

1 hour play time and some breaks inbetween??

also when I am using urns at draynor willows,

I have two strong urns in my inventory, I make sure urn is selected on the bot. After it has a full inventory of willows it banks the urns too :(.
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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
hey, I am confused how to sort the break handler out,

can you give me an example of say,

1 hour play time and some breaks inbetween??

also when I am using urns at draynor willows,

I have two strong urns in my inventory, I make sure urn is selected on the bot. After it has a full inventory of willows it banks the urns too :(.
Urns aren't supported yet, not sure why they're not disabled in the ui.

It's easy to set up. Start time is the time that the runtime will be at when the break starts. So if you add a break and set start time to 01:00:00 it will start a break after running for 1 hour. Duration is how long it will break for so 00:15:00 would be 15 minutes. The variance is how much randomness you want to add in either direction to the duration. So if you put a variation of 00:05:00 it would break at 1 hour of runtime for 15 minutes +/- 5 minutes. So the break will last between 10 and 20 minutes.
May 27, 2016
Urns aren't supported yet, not sure why they're not disabled in the ui.

It's easy to set up. Start time is the time that the runtime will be at when the break starts. So if you add a break and set start time to 01:00:00 it will start a break after running for 1 hour. Duration is how long it will break for so 00:15:00 would be 15 minutes. The variance is how much randomness you want to add in either direction to the duration. So if you put a variation of 00:05:00 it would break at 1 hour of runtime for 15 minutes +/- 5 minutes. So the break will last between 10 and 20 minutes.


by the way on runescape settings you can turn auto teleport urns when finished. Iif you find this way easier to use than make the bot click on the urn.
Nov 28, 2016
All of a sudden this bot is not working. I have used it for a few weeks now, worked fine. But now when I set everything up correctly and start the bot, it just says "cutting tree" or "walking to tree" but never does anything. My char just stands in one spot.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
All of a sudden this bot is not working. I have used it for a few weeks now, worked fine. But now when I set everything up correctly and start the bot, it just says "cutting tree" or "walking to tree" but never does anything. My char just stands in one spot.
The client has been broken since the runescape update yesterday. Wait for an update.
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