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MaxiWoodcutter TRIAL [Deleted]

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Nov 20, 2016
Creating breaking profile not working, can not create more then one profile

Feature suggestion: break start time variace (like with break duration)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Creating breaking profile not working, can not create more then one profile

Feature suggestion: break start time variace (like with break duration)
Good find, looks like i never finished converting it over from the activity profile code. It doesn't give you a message or anything does it? It just does nothing?

And good idea, i'll add it soon.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Not working for me

Same for me, bot doesn't start
Both of these comments are next to useless, although valeria's is slightly less so. Please for the love of god follow the bug report format on the overview page. At the very least post the log file next time.
Luckily i already know what the issue is and have fixed it, it's waiting in the queue to be pushed.
May 10, 2015
Both of these comments are next to useless, although valeria's is slightly less so. Please for the love of god follow the bug report format on the overview page. At the very least post the log file next time.
Luckily i already know what the issue is and have fixed it, it's waiting in the queue to be pushed.
I am sorry for the report, next time i'll make sure to follow the right steps :oops:
Sep 22, 2015
useless bot, 30 mins in and already banned.
thanks alot!
there isnt even an anti ban system in this bot!
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
useless bot, 30 mins in and already banned.
thanks alot!
there isnt even an anti ban system in this bot!
Shut the fuck up, leecher. Over 30k users, and you're the only one getting banned within 30 minutes. I wonder who's fault that is.
Sep 22, 2015
Oh excuse me, u say it was my fault?.
Alright let me get this streight.
1. Im not the one who is actually woodcutting, the bot does that for me.
2. I have set up the breaks as best as posibble so it would be harder for the system to find out.
3. idc if there are over 30k people using this script, because out of the 30k users why am i the only one gettnig banned?, if im doing smoething wrong tell me.

but if i aint you should stfu about me doing something wrong, there is another script which is more shit than this one, and im even able to bot on that one over 50 f*cknig hours streight.


And for the staff member:
The reason i got banned is not because of my attitude.
Its because this script, tell me why im the only one getting banned using this script for wc out of the 30k users?.
Im choosing the hardest spot, ive set up the breaks so its hardly detectable.
So dont tell me my attitude is the problem :/


And for the scripter
If you could add an anti-ban system that would be dope.
Im not even sure why Jagex is broken AF because im the only damn one getting banned using this damn script.
And the random break thingy is not working properly, it wont load random timings, i had to add all of them myself.
maby u can take a look into this, your script would be at a new level
May 24, 2016

Sounds like you were delay banned. Don't deny it, you used some other bot before you tried this one and the ban just kicked in a few days later.



You just admitted to botting 50 hours straight before using MaxiWoodcutter. Ask yourself, did botting 30 minutes straight or 50 hours straight get you banned? Put 2 and 2 together mate.
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Sep 22, 2015

Listen, i made a new account, used this bot.
30 mins in
and got banned.
if id use another bot why would i switch over?
ik how it sounds l0l
but i did not say i used the bot on the acc i got banned on :L
I made 2 new accs yesterday, already lvl 50 WC.
using another bot out of rune mate.
ive let that script run over night

so you telling me they track my damn game screen again after a ban? :/
im not really sure about that.
if id only use 1 bot on 1 acc, and the other bot on another acc, it would be clearly that maxiwc might have a problem
because of MaxiWC i got banned after 30mins, why would it be fine if i used the other shit script?
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Dec 18, 2016
I skimmed over the reviews and didn't find anything I was looking for. I am using at Draynor Willows, but sometimes it deposits the willow logs and then exits bank. Then it sits in the bank and hovers over the willow tree with the mouse and doesn't click anything. If I move the camera it corrects itself and then clicks the log. Haven't had any problems with other locations tho. Thanks for making this
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I skimmed over the reviews and didn't find anything I was looking for. I am using at Draynor Willows, but sometimes it deposits the willow logs and then exits bank. Then it sits in the bank and hovers over the willow tree with the mouse and doesn't click anything. If I move the camera it corrects itself and then clicks the log. Haven't had any problems with other locations tho. Thanks for making this
Pretty sure what you're describing is an interaction issue which needs to be fixed in the client itself. The status says it's chopping yeah?. @Cloud @SlashnHax
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
@Aidden I have it set to Port Sarim banking and made willows as custom area, but it runs to draynor bank everytime?
It's likely that it's not detecting the deposit box for some reason and draynor might be close enough to be detected. I'll look into it at some point.
It's likely that it's not detecting the deposit box for some reason and draynor might be close enough to be detected. I'll look into it at some point.
The next update shows the bank location name in the status so we can see what's going on.
Dec 20, 2016
  • Status at the time of the incident (Can also be found in your error logs if the bot crashes)
    After full inv of logs, in my case yews at GE (Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException) dk if that helps
  • Selected area and tree of the current activity. If using a custom area or tree location please post the coordinates used as well GE,Yews,GE Bank
  • Disposal method of the current activity - Bank
  • Selected bank if banking - Grand Exchange
  • RS3 (EoC or Legacy) or OSRS - OSRS
  • Details of what happened - Bot stops moving when inv is full, wont bank
  • Any other info to help me reproduce the issue. - It's reoccurring
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