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Oct 20, 2020
Never heard that before. Sounds like something discord would want to patch asap if that were the case. You're probably thinking of teamviewer and remote control. Pretty sure with discord you can see the screen but can't give access to control it.

Okay so i'm thinking this might be a client issue relating to your gamepack somehow or some weird local caching because the issues you're experiencing definitely aren't occurring for everyone and they don't make any sense. It's not detecting the Air orbs option in the interface when you cast charge air orb on the obelisk and It's not detecting that your inventory has items in it when it banks for stamina and food.
I've tested locally and through the bot store version and both have no issue for me. I'm in australia so we may have a bit of a timezone difference but i should be able to work around whatever time you're available to do a screenshare.

The other reason it might not be eating for you is that you've set the name of the food wrong. It needs to be exactly as seen in the game i.e Lobster including the capital L

I am available now to screen share, i am west coast america
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I am available now to screen share, i am west coast america
Hey mate, so sorry. I was in bed when you replied and i read it first thing in the morning and completely forgot. What might work better is if you just tell me a time range that you're available (perhaps on the weekend would be best?) and then i'll see where that lands in my day. As long as im not about to go to bed we should be good to go. What timezone is that? For reference im GMT+10
Sep 18, 2019
script working well..only problem seems to be the stam pots..i ran it for 4hrs and used full 30 stamin potions..i babysat once in a while and saw the character making to the bank with like 10-20 energy left and instead of sipping one dose the character simply sips 2-3 times to go above the energy threhold
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
script working well..only problem seems to be the stam pots..i ran it for 4hrs and used full 30 stamin potions..i babysat once in a while and saw the character making to the bank with like 10-20 energy left and instead of sipping one dose the character simply sips 2-3 times to go above the energy threhold
So you would like for it to only drink 1 dose if it's a stamina potion? Should this always be the case even if it has 0%? Or should it only be if it has more than X%?
Sep 18, 2019
bots working smoothly well..only problem is that the prices crashed and profit is floating around 200k sadly..miss the old good days where 500k an hr was the usual thing
Dec 19, 2018
Charging water orbs and using 70 agil shortcut works fine for first 20minutes and then around the same time mark everytime just stops using it and runs around instead, but obvs gets stuck trying to open the door as there is no key. Pretty sad as cant be ran longer than 20mins.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Charging water orbs and using 70 agil shortcut works fine for first 20minutes and then around the same time mark everytime just stops using it and runs around instead, but obvs gets stuck trying to open the door as there is no key. Pretty sad as cant be ran longer than 20mins.
Unfortunately this is a result of runemates Web path finding. For some reason it ignores any requirements on a vertex when building the path. I've done my best to work around this by adding/removing the obstacles in real time if you meet the requirements but sometimes it just stops working as you've experienced. Cloud is aware of the problem and i had him looking into it the other day so fingers crossed we get a fix for it soon. I'll send him a reminder about this now.
Jan 8, 2016
Bot keeps on getting stuck on the ladder when charging water orbs. It will click the ladder in an endless loop. Also is there any possibility of using quick prayers when running by the enemy in Tav dungeon?

also support for ferrox enclave for restoring instead of food would be awesome!!
Sep 1, 2020
seems to have issues withdrawing orbs and runes form the bank until i manually withdraw. ALso when walking bank, it spams the gate beside the bandits for some reason.


also spam clicks bank close after doing 1 inv. bots a bit of a mess atm mate @Aidden
