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Jun 11, 2018
The bot keeps getting stuck traveling to the bank. I have no plugins enabled and restarting seems to resolve the issue, but then I'm paying extra

08:09:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Active plugins: [Xtea, Configuration]
08:09:16 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater
08:09:16 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck
08:09:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] MaxiHomes V2.5.11 started!
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/BaseView.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:09:17 [WARN ] [          Pathfinder] MaxiHomes has already created a MateWeb instance - please re-use this!
08:09:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Creating Executor: MaxiBots-Executor
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/breaks/BreakView.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/BuyCredits.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/item/TrackedItems.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ConfigView.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: SessionManager-createSession
08:09:17 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-ItemTracker
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: fxml/MahoganyHomesView.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Waiting for setup...(1)
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillTrackerView.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:09:17 [INFO ] [Maxibots-SessionManager] Session ID: 361b36cd-ebba-4056-83b6-9bc556382332
08:09:17 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ActivityPane.fxml
08:09:18 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: SessionManager-updateSession
08:09:18 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillDetailsView.fxml
08:09:18 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:09:28 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
08:09:28 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction): java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@68491ad4[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 12]
08:09:47 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-createSession
08:09:47 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor SessionManager-createSession: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@3d45e37[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 2]
08:10:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: ActivityManager-Initializer
08:10:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Initializing...(1)
08:10:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ActivityManager] Setting activity to [Expert contract - No goal]
08:10:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Activity: {"contractType":{"value":"EXPERT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ContractType"},"ardougneTeleport":{"value":"ARDOUGNE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ArdougneTeleport"},"bankAtCW":false,"houseTeleport":"TABLET","varrockTeleport":{"value":"VARROCK_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.VarrockTeleport"},"acceptTea":true,"hosidiusTeleport":{"value":"HOUSE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.HosidiusTeleport"},"runePouch":true,"tome":"NONE","imcandoHammer":false,"npcContact":true,"energyThreshold":80,"staff":"NONE","faladorTeleport":{"value":"FALADOR_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.FaladorTeleport"},"amysSaw":true,"pohTeleports":false,"goalValue":"","goalType":{"value":"NONE","className":"com.runemate.api.ui.model.ActivityGoal"},"goalCombined":"None"}
08:10:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: RootTaskUpdater
08:10:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown ActivityManager-Initializer
08:10:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor ActivityManager-Initializer: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@4ccbf74f[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
08:10:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater
08:10:26 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ActivityDetailsView.fxml
08:10:26 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:10:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown RootTaskUpdater
08:10:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor RootTaskUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@4c2c49a0[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
08:10:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:10:27 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:10:29 [WARN ] [                Type] Duplicate chat opcode 42 identified
08:10:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:10:29 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:10:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact(1)
08:10:29 [INFO ] [               Magic] Activating NPC_CONTACT with action Cast
08:10:30 [INFO ] [Maxibots-BreakScheduler] Enable breaks is selected, starting break scheduler
08:10:38 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
08:10:38 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:10:38 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillDetailsView.fxml
08:10:38 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
08:10:38 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic): java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@3c4130bb[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1]
08:10:38 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:10:39 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:10:39 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Ross
08:10:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:10:39 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:10:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(1)
08:10:41 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Removed vertex TeleportSpellVertex(spell: ARDOUGNE_TELEPORT, destination: 2660, 3300, 0) from custom web - Requirements not met
08:10:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(1)
08:10:41 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=72, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Ardougne teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Ardougne teleport, action=Break, x=2660, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2660, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2662, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2662, y=3298, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2662, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2662, y=3294, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2664, y=3294, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2664, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2664, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2662, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2660, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2658, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2656, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2654, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2652, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2650, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2648, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2646, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2644, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2644, y=3288, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2644, y=3286, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2644, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2646, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2648, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2650, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2652, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2654, y=3284, plane=0))
08:10:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(2)
08:10:46 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2662, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2662, 3301, 0) -> Coordinate(2662, 3300, 0) -> Coordinate(2662, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2662, 3298, 0) -> Coordinate(2662, 3297, 0) -> Coordinate(2662, 3296, 0) -> Coordinate(2662, 3295, 0) -> Coordinate(2663, 3294, 0) -> Coordinate(2663, 3293, 0) -> Coordinate(2663, 3292, 0) -> Coordinate(2663, 3291, 0) -> Coordinate(2663, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2662, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2661, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2660, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2659, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2658, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2657, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2656, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2655, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2654, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2653, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2652, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2651, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2650, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2649, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2648, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2647, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2646, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2645, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3289, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3288, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3287, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3286, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3285, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2645, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2646, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2647, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2648, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2649, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2650, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2651, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2652, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2653, 3284, 0)]
08:10:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(3)
08:10:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(4)
08:10:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:10:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:10:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:10:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:10:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:10:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:10:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:11:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QTeleport to house\E$(1)
08:11:08 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Teleport to house, quantity: 7, index: 236,  origin: BANK)
08:11:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QSteel bar\E$(1)
08:11:12 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 3 SpriteItem(name:Steel bar, quantity: 243, index: 15,  origin: BANK)
08:11:15 [INFO ] [         InputDialog] Entering '3' into the dialog
08:11:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:11:16 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7401, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:11:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:11:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:11:22 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7383, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:11:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:11:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:11:27 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7365, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:11:29 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Closing bank
08:11:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(1)
08:11:30 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2655, 3286, 0) -> Coordinate(2654, 3286, 0) -> Coordinate(2653, 3285, 0) -> Coordinate(2652, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2651, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2650, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2649, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2648, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2647, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2646, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2645, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2643, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2642, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2641, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2640, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2639, 3285, 0) -> Coordinate(2639, 3286, 0) -> Coordinate(2638, 3287, 0) -> Coordinate(2637, 3288, 0) -> Coordinate(2636, 3289, 0) -> Coordinate(2635, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2634, 3291, 0) -> Coordinate(2633, 3292, 0) -> Coordinate(2633, 3293, 0) -> Coordinate(2633, 3294, 0) -> Coordinate(2633, 3295, 0) -> Coordinate(2632, 3296, 0) -> Coordinate(2632, 3297, 0) -> Coordinate(2632, 3298, 0) -> Coordinate(2631, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2630, 3300, 0) -> Coordinate(2629, 3301, 0) -> Coordinate(2628, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2627, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2627, 3303, 0) -> Coordinate(2627, 3304, 0) -> Coordinate(2627, 3305, 0) -> Coordinate(2626, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3307, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3308, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3309, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3310, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3311, 0) -> Coordinate(2624, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2623, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2622, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2620, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2619, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2618, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2617, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2616, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2615, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2614, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2613, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2612, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2611, 3313, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3314, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3315, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3316, 0) -> Coordinate(2609, 3316, 0)]
08:11:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(1)
08:11:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(2)
08:11:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(3)
08:11:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(4)
08:11:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(5)
08:11:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(6)
08:11:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(7)
08:11:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(8)
08:11:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(9)
08:11:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(10)
08:11:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2617, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2616, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2615, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2614, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2613, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2612, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2611, 3313, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3314, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3315, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3316, 0) -> Coordinate(2609, 3316, 0)]
08:11:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(11)
08:11:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=18, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3312, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2618, y=3312, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2618, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2612, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2610, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2610, y=3315, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2609, y=3316, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2610, 3316, 0, PASS_THROUGH) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2611, y=3316, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2612, y=3316, plane=0))
08:11:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Next is an agility obstacle! player pos: Coordinate(2615, 3312, 0)
08:11:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(12)
08:11:53 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2609, y=3316, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2610, 3316, 0, PASS_THROUGH) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2611, y=3316, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2612, y=3316, plane=0))
08:11:53 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Next is an agility obstacle! player pos: Coordinate(2609, 3316, 0)
08:11:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(13)
08:11:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:11:59 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ItemTracker] Adding item Mahogany plank id: 8782
08:11:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:12:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:12:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Range(1)
08:12:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Range(1)
08:12:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Broken Range interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:12:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(1)
08:12:08 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=17, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3317, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3316, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2617, 3315, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2615, 3315, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3315, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3316, plane=1))
08:12:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Hat stand(1)
08:12:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:12:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:12:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(2)
08:12:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Mirror(1)
08:12:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Mirror(1)
08:12:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Broken Mirror interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:12:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:12:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:12:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross(1)
08:12:31 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=20, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2617, y=3318, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3318, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2616, 3317, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3316, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-down$, 2617, 3315, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2615, y=3316, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2615, y=3317, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3317, plane=0))
08:12:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Ross(1)
08:12:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Ross. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:12:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Ross(1)
08:12:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Ross. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:12:40 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:12:40 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:12:40 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:12:41 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:12:41 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:12:41 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:12:42 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:12:42 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:12:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:12:42 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:12:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:12:48 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:12:49 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:12:49 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:12:49 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:12:49 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:12:50 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
08:12:50 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:12:51 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:12:51 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Leela
08:12:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:12:51 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:12:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(1)
08:12:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Using House teleport(1)
08:12:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ItemTracker] Adding item Teleport to house id: 8013
08:12:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(1)
08:12:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Entering portal(1)
08:13:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(1)
08:13:00 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=120, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3518, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3520, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3522, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(1)
08:13:02 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=120, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3518, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3520, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3522, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(2)
08:13:03 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=118, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3520, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3522, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(3)
08:13:03 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=114, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(4)
08:13:04 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=112, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(5)
08:13:05 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=110, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(6)
08:13:06 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=106, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(7)
08:13:07 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=104, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(8)
08:13:08 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=100, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(9)
08:13:09 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=98, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(10)
08:13:10 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=96, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(11)
08:13:11 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=92, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(12)
08:13:12 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=90, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:13:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(13)
08:13:12 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(1743, 3552, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3553, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3554, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3555, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3556, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3557, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3558, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3559, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3560, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3561, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3562, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3563, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3564, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3565, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3566, 0) -> Coordinate(1745, 3567, 0) -> Coordinate(1746, 3567, 0) -> Coordinate(1747, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1748, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1749, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1750, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3569, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3570, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3571, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3572, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3573, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3574, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3575, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3576, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3577, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3578, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3579, 0) -> Coordinate(1755, 3580, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3581, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3582, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3583, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3584, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3585, 0) -> Coordinate(1761, 3586, 0) -> Coordinate(1762, 3587, 0) -> Coordinate(1763, 3588, 0) -> Coordinate(1763, 3589, 0) -> Coordinate(1764, 3590, 0) -> Coordinate(1765, 3590, 0) -> Coordinate(1766, 3591, 0) -> Coordinate(1767, 3592, 0) -> Coordinate(1768, 3593, 0) -> Coordinate(1769, 3594, 0) -> Coordinate(1770, 3595, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1779, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1780, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1781, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1782, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1783, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1784, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1785, 3596, 0)]
08:13:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(14)
08:13:15 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(15)
08:13:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(16)
08:13:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(17)
08:13:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(18)
08:13:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(19)
08:13:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(20)
08:13:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(21)
08:13:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(22)
08:13:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(23)
08:13:29 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(1769, 3594, 0) -> Coordinate(1770, 3595, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1779, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1780, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1781, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1782, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1783, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1784, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1785, 3596, 0)]
08:13:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(24)
08:13:29 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(1770, 3595, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1779, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1780, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1781, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1782, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1783, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1784, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1785, 3596, 0)]
08:13:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(25)
08:13:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(26)
08:13:31 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=13, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1785, 3595, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0))
08:13:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(27)
08:13:34 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1785, 3595, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0))
08:13:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(28)
08:13:36 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1785, 3595, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0))
08:13:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(29)
08:13:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:13:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:13:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:13:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:13:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:13:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:13:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(2)
08:13:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(3)
08:13:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:13:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:13:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:13:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Bed interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:13:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:13:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Bed space interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:13:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:13:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(1)
08:13:52 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=22, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1783, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 1788, 3592, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3592, plane=1))
08:13:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Mirror(1)
08:14:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard(1)
08:14:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(1)
08:14:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:14:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:14:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:14:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela(1)
08:14:11 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=23, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1783, y=3592, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3592, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-down$, 1788, 3592, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3592, plane=0))
08:14:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Leela(1)
08:14:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Leela. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:14:19 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:14:19 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:14:19 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:14:20 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:14:20 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:14:21 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:14:21 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:14:21 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:14:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:14:21 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:14:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:14:28 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:14:28 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:14:28 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:14:29 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:14:29 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:14:30 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition met
08:14:30 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:14:30 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:14:30 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Larry
08:14:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:14:30 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:14:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:14:32 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Removed vertex BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=EQUIPMENT, ^Ring of wealth\s?\([1-5]\)$, action=Falador, x=2996, y=3377, plane=0) from custom web - Requirements not met
08:14:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:14:33 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Removed vertex TeleportSpellVertex(spell: FALADOR_TELEPORT, destination: 2966, 3376, 0) from custom web - Requirements not met
08:14:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(2)
08:14:34 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=90, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Falador teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Falador teleport, action=Break, x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:14:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(3)
08:14:39 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=72, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3380, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:14:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(4)
08:14:42 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=70, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3380, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:14:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(5)
08:14:44 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=64, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3380, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:14:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(6)
08:14:45 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=60, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3380, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:14:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(7)
08:14:47 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=50, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:14:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(8)
08:14:48 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=42, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:14:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(9)
08:14:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=34, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:14:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(10)
08:14:51 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=28, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:14:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(11)
08:14:53 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3002, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3003, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3004, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3005, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3006, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3007, 3364, 0) -> Coordinate(3008, 3363, 0) -> Coordinate(3009, 3362, 0) -> Coordinate(3010, 3361, 0) -> Coordinate(3011, 3360, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3356, 0)]
08:14:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(12)
08:14:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(13)
08:14:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:14:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:14:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:14:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:14:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:14:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:15:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QSteel bar\E$(1)
08:15:01 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 1 SpriteItem(name:Steel bar, quantity: 240, index: 15,  origin: BANK)
08:15:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:15:04 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7360, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:15:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:15:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:15:10 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7342, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:15:12 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Closing bank
08:15:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(1)
08:15:14 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3012, 3355, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3013, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3014, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3015, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3016, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3017, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3018, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3019, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3020, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3021, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3022, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3023, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3024, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3025, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3026, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3027, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3028, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3029, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3030, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3031, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3032, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3033, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3034, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3035, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3036, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3038, 3360, 0)]
08:15:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(1)
08:15:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(2)
08:15:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(3)
08:15:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(4)
08:15:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(5)
08:15:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(6)
08:15:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(7)
08:15:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(8)
08:15:22 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3030, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3031, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3032, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3033, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3034, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3035, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3036, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3360, 0) -> Coordinate(3038, 3361, 0) -> Coordinate(3038, 3362, 0) -> Coordinate(3038, 3363, 0) -> Coordinate(3039, 3363, 0)]
08:15:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(9)
08:15:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(10)
08:15:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(11)
08:15:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(12)
08:15:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:15:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:15:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Hat stand(1)
08:15:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:15:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:15:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:15:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:15:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(2)
08:15:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(1)
08:15:40 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=26, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3365, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3363, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3039, y=3363, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3363, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3037, y=3363, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3363, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Staircase$, ^Climb-up$, 3034, 3362, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3035, y=3364, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3364, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3362, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3037, y=3362, plane=1))
08:15:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Grandfather Clock(1)
08:15:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:15:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:15:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry(1)
08:15:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=16, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3037, y=3363, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3364, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3035, y=3364, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Staircase$, ^Climb-down$, 3035, 3363, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3363, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3364, plane=0))
08:15:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Larry(1)
08:15:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Larry. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:15:59 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:15:59 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:15:59 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:16:00 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:16:00 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:16:01 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition met
08:16:01 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:16:01 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:16:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:16:02 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:16:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:16:07 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:16:08 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:16:08 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:16:09 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:16:09 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:16:09 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition met
08:16:09 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:16:10 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Barbara
08:16:10 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:16:10 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Barbara
08:16:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:16:10 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:16:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Barbara's house(1)
08:16:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Using House teleport(1)
08:16:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Barbara's house(1)
08:16:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Entering portal(1)
08:16:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Barbara's house(1)
08:16:19 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(1743, 3518, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3519, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3520, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3521, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3522, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3523, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3524, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3525, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3526, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3527, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3528, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3529, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3530, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3531, 0) -> Coordinate(1743, 3532, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3533, 0) -> Coordinate(1745, 3534, 0)]
08:16:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Barbara's house(1)
08:16:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Barbara's house(2)
08:16:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Barbara's house(3)
08:16:24 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=13, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1746, 3534, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1747, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1749, y=3534, plane=0))
08:16:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Barbara's house(4)
08:16:26 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1746, 3534, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1747, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1749, y=3534, plane=0))
08:16:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Barbara's house(5)
08:16:29 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1746, 3534, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1747, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1749, y=3534, plane=0))
08:16:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Grandfather Clock(6)
08:16:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Broken Grandfather Clock interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:16:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Grandfather Clock(1)
08:16:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:16:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:16:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Chair(1)
08:16:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Chair space(1)
08:16:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Chair(1)
08:16:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Chair space(2)
08:16:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:16:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:16:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Drawers interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:16:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:16:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bed(1)
08:16:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=14, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1753, y=3533, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3533, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1751, y=3533, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3533, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1749, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3535, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3536, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1748, 3537, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1747, y=3537, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1747, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1747, y=3539, plane=0))
08:16:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:16:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:16:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Barbara(1)
08:16:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Barbara. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:17:00 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:17:01 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:17:01 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:17:01 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:17:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:17:02 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:17:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:17:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:17:07 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:17:08 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:17:08 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:17:09 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:17:09 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:17:10 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
08:17:10 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:17:10 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Sarah
08:17:10 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:17:11 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Sarah
08:17:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(2)
08:17:11 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:17:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(1)
08:17:12 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Removed vertex TeleportSpellVertex(spell: VARROCK_TELEPORT, destination: 3212, 3422, 0) from custom web - Requirements not met
08:17:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(1)
08:17:13 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:17:15 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ItemTracker] Adding item Varrock teleport id: 8007
08:17:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(2)
08:17:17 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:17:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(3)
08:17:21 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:17:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(4)
08:17:26 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:17:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(5)
08:17:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:17:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:17:34 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7336, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:17:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:17:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:17:40 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7318, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:17:42 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Closing bank
08:17:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(1)
08:17:44 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:17:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(1)
08:17:49 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:17:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(2)
08:17:53 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:18:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(3)
08:18:08 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:18:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(4)
08:18:09 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:18:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(5)
08:18:13 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3214, 3425, 0) -> Coordinate(3215, 3425, 0) -> Coordinate(3216, 3425, 0) -> Coordinate(3217, 3425, 0) -> Coordinate(3218, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(3219, 3423, 0) -> Coordinate(3220, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(3221, 3421, 0) -> Coordinate(3221, 3420, 0) -> Coordinate(3221, 3419, 0) -> Coordinate(3222, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3223, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3224, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3225, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3226, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(3226, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(3226, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(3227, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(3228, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(3229, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(3230, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3231, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3232, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3233, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3233, 3410, 0) -> Coordinate(3233, 3409, 0) -> Coordinate(3234, 3408, 0) -> Coordinate(3234, 3407, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3406, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3405, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3404, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3403, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3402, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3401, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3400, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3399, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3398, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3397, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3396, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3395, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3394, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3393, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3392, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3391, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3390, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3389, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3388, 0)]
08:18:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(6)
08:18:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(7)
08:18:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(8)
08:18:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(9)
08:18:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(10)
08:18:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(11)
08:18:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(12)
08:18:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(13)
08:18:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(14)
08:18:29 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=17, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:18:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(15)
08:18:30 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=15, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:18:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(16)
08:18:31 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=11, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:18:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(17)
08:18:34 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:18:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(18)
08:18:37 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:18:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Dresser(19)
08:18:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:18:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:18:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Dresser space(1)
08:18:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Dresser space(1)
08:18:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Dresser space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:18:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:18:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Shelves interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:18:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:18:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:18:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(2)
08:18:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:18:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:18:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:18:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:18:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(2)
08:18:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(3)
08:18:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:18:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:18:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:19:01 [ERROR] [Maxibots-BuildFurniture] No furniture was detected
08:19:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Sarah(3)
08:19:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Sarah. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:19:03 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:19:03 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:19:03 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:19:04 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:19:04 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:19:04 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:19:04 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:19:05 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:19:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:19:05 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:19:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:19:11 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:19:12 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:19:12 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:19:13 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:19:13 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:19:14 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition met
08:19:14 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:19:14 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Leela
08:19:15 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:19:15 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Leela
08:19:15 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:19:15 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:19:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(1)
08:19:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Using House teleport(1)
08:19:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(1)
08:19:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Entering portal(1)
08:19:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(1)
08:19:22 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=120, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3518, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3520, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3522, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(1)
08:19:24 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=120, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3518, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3520, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3522, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(2)
08:19:24 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=118, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3520, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3522, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(3)
08:19:25 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=116, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3522, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(4)
08:19:26 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=114, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(5)
08:19:26 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=114, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3524, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(6)
08:19:27 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=112, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3526, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3528, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(7)
08:19:28 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=108, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3530, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(8)
08:19:29 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=106, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3532, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(9)
08:19:30 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=104, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3534, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3536, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(10)
08:19:30 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=100, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3538, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(11)
08:19:31 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=98, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3540, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(12)
08:19:32 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=96, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3542, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(13)
08:19:33 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=94, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3544, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3546, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(14)
08:19:33 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=90, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3548, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3550, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3552, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3554, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3556, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3558, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3560, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3562, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3564, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3566, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1744, y=3568, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1746, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3570, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1756, y=3572, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3574, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3576, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3578, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3580, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3582, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1758, y=3584, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3586, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3588, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3590, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1770, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1772, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1774, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0))
08:19:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(15)
08:19:34 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(1744, 3551, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3552, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3553, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3554, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3555, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3556, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3557, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3558, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3559, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3560, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3561, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3562, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3563, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3564, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3565, 0) -> Coordinate(1744, 3566, 0) -> Coordinate(1745, 3567, 0) -> Coordinate(1746, 3567, 0) -> Coordinate(1747, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1748, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1749, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1750, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3568, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3569, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3570, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3571, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3572, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3573, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3574, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3575, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3576, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3577, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3578, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3579, 0) -> Coordinate(1755, 3580, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3581, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3582, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3583, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3584, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3585, 0) -> Coordinate(1761, 3586, 0) -> Coordinate(1762, 3587, 0) -> Coordinate(1763, 3588, 0) -> Coordinate(1763, 3589, 0) -> Coordinate(1764, 3590, 0) -> Coordinate(1765, 3590, 0) -> Coordinate(1766, 3591, 0) -> Coordinate(1767, 3592, 0) -> Coordinate(1768, 3593, 0) -> Coordinate(1769, 3594, 0) -> Coordinate(1770, 3595, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1779, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1780, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1781, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1782, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1783, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1784, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1785, 3596, 0)]
08:19:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(16)
08:19:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(17)
08:19:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(18)
08:19:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(19)
08:19:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(20)
08:19:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(21)
08:19:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(22)
08:19:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(23)
08:19:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(24)
08:19:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(25)
08:19:53 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(1769, 3594, 0) -> Coordinate(1770, 3595, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1779, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1780, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1781, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1782, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1783, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1784, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1785, 3596, 0)]
08:19:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(26)
08:19:53 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(1770, 3595, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1779, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1780, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1781, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1782, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1783, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1784, 3596, 0) -> Coordinate(1785, 3596, 0)]
08:19:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(27)
08:19:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(28)
08:19:55 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=13, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1776, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1778, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1780, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1782, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1785, 3595, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0))
08:19:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(29)
08:19:58 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=7, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3596, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1785, 3595, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0))
08:20:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela's house(30)
08:20:02 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1785, 3595, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0))
08:20:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(31)
08:20:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:20:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Sink(1)
08:20:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:20:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:20:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:20:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:20:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:20:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:20:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:20:15 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:20:15 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Bed interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:20:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:20:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(1)
08:20:17 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=22, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1783, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 1788, 3592, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3592, plane=1))
08:20:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Mirror(1)
08:20:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard(1)
08:20:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(1)
08:20:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:20:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:20:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:20:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:20:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:20:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:20:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela(1)
08:20:34 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=23, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1783, y=3592, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3592, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3591, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-down$, 1788, 3592, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3592, plane=0))
08:20:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Leela(1)
08:20:39 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=17, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-down$, 1788, 3592, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1787, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1786, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1785, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3593, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1784, y=3592, plane=0))
08:20:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Leela(2)
08:20:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Leela. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:20:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Leela interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:20:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Leela(1)
08:20:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Leela. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:20:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Leela interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:20:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Leela(1)
08:20:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Leela. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:20:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Leela interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:20:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Leela(1)
08:20:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Leela. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:20:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Leela(1)
08:20:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Leela. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:20:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Leela(1)
08:20:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Leela. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:20:45 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:20:46 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:20:46 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:20:46 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:20:47 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:20:47 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:20:47 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:20:47 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:20:47 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:20:48 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:20:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:20:48 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:20:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:20:54 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:20:55 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:20:55 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:20:55 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:20:55 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:20:56 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
08:20:56 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:20:57 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:20:57 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Ross
08:20:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:20:57 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:20:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(1)
08:20:58 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=85, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Ardougne teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Ardougne teleport, action=Break, x=2660, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2660, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2658, y=3304, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2658, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2656, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2654, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2652, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2650, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2648, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2646, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2644, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2642, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2640, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2638, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2636, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2634, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2632, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2630, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2626, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3308, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3310, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3312, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3312, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2620, y=3312, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2618, y=3312, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2618, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2612, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2610, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2610, y=3315, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2609, y=3316, plane=0))
08:21:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(1)
08:21:03 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2660, 3303, 0) -> Coordinate(2659, 3304, 0) -> Coordinate(2658, 3305, 0) -> Coordinate(2657, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2656, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2655, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2654, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2653, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2652, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2651, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2650, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2649, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2648, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2647, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2646, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2645, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2643, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2642, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2641, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2640, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2639, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2638, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2637, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2636, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2635, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2634, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2633, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2632, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2631, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2630, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2629, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2628, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2627, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2626, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3307, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3308, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3309, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3310, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3311, 0) -> Coordinate(2624, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2623, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2622, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2620, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2619, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2618, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2617, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2616, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2615, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2614, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2613, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2612, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2611, 3313, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3314, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3315, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3316, 0) -> Coordinate(2609, 3316, 0)]
08:21:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(2)
08:21:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(3)
08:21:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(4)
08:21:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(5)
08:21:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(6)
08:21:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(7)
08:21:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(8)
08:21:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(9)
08:21:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(10)
08:21:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(11)
08:21:16 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2628, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2627, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2626, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3307, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3308, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3309, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3310, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3311, 0) -> Coordinate(2624, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2623, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2622, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2620, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2619, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2618, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2617, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2616, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2615, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2614, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2613, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2612, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2611, 3313, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3314, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3315, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3316, 0) -> Coordinate(2609, 3316, 0)]
08:21:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(12)
08:21:16 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2627, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2626, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3307, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3308, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3309, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3310, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3311, 0) -> Coordinate(2624, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2623, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2622, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2620, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2619, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2618, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2617, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2616, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2615, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2614, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2613, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2612, 3312, 0) -> Coordinate(2611, 3313, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3314, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3315, 0) -> Coordinate(2610, 3316, 0) -> Coordinate(2609, 3316, 0)]
08:21:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(13)
08:21:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(14)
08:21:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(15)
08:21:21 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=18, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3312, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2618, y=3312, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2618, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2612, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2610, y=3314, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2610, y=3315, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2609, y=3316, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2610, 3316, 0, PASS_THROUGH) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2611, y=3316, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2612, y=3316, plane=0))
08:21:21 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Next is an agility obstacle! player pos: Coordinate(2614, 3312, 0)
08:21:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross's house(16)
08:21:24 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2609, y=3316, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2610, 3316, 0, PASS_THROUGH) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2611, y=3316, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2612, y=3316, plane=0))
08:21:24 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Next is an agility obstacle! player pos: Coordinate(2609, 3316, 0)
08:21:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(17)
08:21:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:21:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:21:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:21:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(1)
08:21:33 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=24, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2611, y=3317, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2612, y=3317, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2612, y=3318, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2613, y=3318, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3318, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3317, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2615, y=3317, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3316, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2617, 3315, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2615, 3315, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3315, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3316, plane=1))
08:21:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(1)
08:21:38 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=15, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2617, 3315, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2615, 3315, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3315, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3316, plane=1))
08:21:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Hat stand(2)
08:21:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:21:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:21:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(2)
08:21:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:21:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Mirror(2)
08:21:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Mirror(1)
08:21:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(2)
08:21:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:21:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Ross(1)
08:21:55 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=20, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2617, y=3318, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3318, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2616, 3317, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3316, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-down$, 2617, 3315, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3315, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2615, y=3316, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2615, y=3317, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3317, plane=0))
08:21:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Ross(1)
08:21:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Ross. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:22:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Ross(1)
08:22:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Ross. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:22:01 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:22:01 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:22:01 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:22:02 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:22:02 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:22:02 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:22:03 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:22:03 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:22:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:22:03 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:22:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:22:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:22:12 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:22:12 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:22:12 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:22:13 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:22:13 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:22:14 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
08:22:14 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:22:14 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Norman
08:22:14 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:22:15 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Norman
08:22:15 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(2)
08:22:15 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:22:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:22:16 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=90, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Falador teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Falador teleport, action=Break, x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:22:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:22:21 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=72, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3380, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:22:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(2)
08:22:24 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=68, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3380, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:22:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(3)
08:22:25 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=64, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3380, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:22:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(4)
08:22:27 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=60, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3380, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:22:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(5)
08:22:29 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=50, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:22:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(6)
08:22:30 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=44, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:22:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(7)
08:22:31 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=38, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:22:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(8)
08:22:33 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=30, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:22:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(9)
08:22:34 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2999, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3000, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3001, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3002, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3003, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3004, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3005, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3006, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3007, 3364, 0) -> Coordinate(3008, 3363, 0) -> Coordinate(3009, 3362, 0) -> Coordinate(3010, 3361, 0) -> Coordinate(3011, 3360, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3356, 0)]
08:22:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(10)
08:22:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(11)
08:22:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:22:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:22:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:22:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QSteel bar\E$(1)
08:22:41 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 1 SpriteItem(name:Steel bar, quantity: 239, index: 15,  origin: BANK)
08:22:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:22:45 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7314, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:22:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:22:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:22:51 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7296, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:22:54 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Closing bank
08:22:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(1)
08:22:55 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3012, 3355, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3013, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3014, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3015, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3016, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3017, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3018, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3019, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3020, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3021, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3022, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3023, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3024, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3025, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3026, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3027, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3028, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3029, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3030, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3031, 3355, 0) -> Coordinate(3032, 3354, 0) -> Coordinate(3032, 3353, 0) -> Coordinate(3033, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3034, 3351, 0) -> Coordinate(3035, 3350, 0) -> Coordinate(3036, 3349, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3348, 0)]
08:22:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(1)
08:22:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(2)
08:23:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(3)
08:23:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(4)
08:23:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(5)
08:23:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(6)
08:23:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(7)
08:23:06 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3032, 3354, 0) -> Coordinate(3032, 3353, 0) -> Coordinate(3033, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3034, 3351, 0) -> Coordinate(3035, 3350, 0) -> Coordinate(3036, 3349, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3347, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3346, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3345, 0)]
08:23:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(8)
08:23:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Norman's house(9)
08:23:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Grandfather Clock(10)
08:23:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Grandfather Clock interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:23:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Grandfather Clock(1)
08:23:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Grandfather Clock(1)
08:23:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Grandfather Clock interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:23:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:23:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:23:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:23:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:23:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:23:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Range(2)
08:23:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Range(1)
08:23:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Range(2)
08:23:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(3)
08:23:25 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=18, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3346, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3037, y=3345, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3345, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3035, y=3345, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 3035, 3344, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3035, y=3345, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3345, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3037, y=3345, plane=1))
08:23:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Old Bookshelf(1)
08:23:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase space(1)
08:23:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:23:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:23:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(2)
08:23:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:23:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:23:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:23:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:23:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:23:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Norman(1)
08:23:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Norman. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:23:48 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:23:49 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:23:49 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:23:49 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:23:49 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:23:50 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:23:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:23:50 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:23:50 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:23:51 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:23:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:23:57 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:23:57 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:23:57 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:23:58 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:23:58 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:23:59 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition met
08:23:59 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:24:00 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:24:00 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Jess
08:24:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:24:00 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:24:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(1)
08:24:01 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=73, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Ardougne teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Ardougne teleport, action=Break, x=2660, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2660, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2658, y=3304, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2658, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2656, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2654, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2652, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2650, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2648, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2646, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2644, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2642, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2640, y=3304, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2638, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2636, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2634, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2632, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2630, y=3298, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2626, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3296, plane=0))
08:24:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(1)
08:24:06 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2661, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2660, 3303, 0) -> Coordinate(2659, 3304, 0) -> Coordinate(2658, 3305, 0) -> Coordinate(2657, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2656, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2655, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2654, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2653, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2652, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2651, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2650, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2649, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2648, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2647, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2646, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2645, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2643, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2642, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2641, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2640, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2639, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2638, 3305, 0) -> Coordinate(2637, 3304, 0) -> Coordinate(2636, 3303, 0) -> Coordinate(2635, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2634, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2633, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2632, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2631, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2630, 3301, 0) -> Coordinate(2629, 3300, 0) -> Coordinate(2628, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2627, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2626, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2624, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2623, 3298, 0) -> Coordinate(2622, 3297, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3296, 0)]
08:24:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(2)
08:24:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(3)
08:24:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(4)
08:24:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(5)
08:24:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(6)
08:24:15 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(7)
08:24:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(8)
08:24:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(9)
08:24:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(10)
08:24:20 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=29, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3298, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2626, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3296, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2621, 3295, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3293, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2622, 3292, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1))
08:24:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(11)
08:24:22 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=25, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3298, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3296, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2621, 3295, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3293, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2622, 3292, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1))
08:24:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(12)
08:24:25 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=29, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3298, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2626, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3296, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2621, 3295, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3293, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2622, 3292, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1))
08:24:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(13)
08:24:30 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=14, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2622, 3292, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1))
08:24:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(14)
08:24:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:24:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:24:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(2)
08:24:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(1)
08:24:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet space(2)
08:24:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet space(1)
08:24:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Cabinet space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:24:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(1)
08:24:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(1)
08:24:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet space(2)
08:24:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:24:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:24:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Bed interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:24:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:24:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:24:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:24:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:24:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:25:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:25:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Grandfather Clock(2)
08:25:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Grandfather Clock(1)
08:25:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(2)
08:25:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:25:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(2)
08:25:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(3)
08:25:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:25:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Drawer space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:25:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:25:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess(1)
08:25:07 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2613, 3296, 1) -> Coordinate(2613, 3295, 1) -> Coordinate(2613, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2614, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2615, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2616, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2617, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2618, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2619, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2620, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2621, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2622, 3294, 1) -> Coordinate(2622, 3293, 1) -> Coordinate(2621, 3293, 1) -> Coordinate(2621, 3292, 1)]
08:25:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Turning towards the Jess(1)
08:25:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:25:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess(1)
08:25:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Turning towards the Jess(1)
08:25:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:25:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:25:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Jess interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:25:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:25:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:25:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Jess interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:25:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:25:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:25:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Jess interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:25:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:25:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:25:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:25:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:25:14 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:25:15 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:25:15 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:25:15 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:25:15 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:25:16 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:25:16 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:25:17 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:25:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:25:17 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:25:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:25:22 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:25:23 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:25:23 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:25:24 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:25:24 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:25:25 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
08:25:25 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:25:26 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:25:26 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Sarah
08:25:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:25:26 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:25:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(1)
08:25:27 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:25:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(1)
08:25:32 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3214, 3425, 0) -> Coordinate(3215, 3425, 0) -> Coordinate(3216, 3425, 0) -> Coordinate(3217, 3425, 0) -> Coordinate(3218, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(3219, 3423, 0) -> Coordinate(3220, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(3221, 3421, 0) -> Coordinate(3221, 3420, 0) -> Coordinate(3221, 3419, 0) -> Coordinate(3222, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3223, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3224, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3225, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3226, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(3226, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(3226, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(3227, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(3228, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(3229, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(3230, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3231, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3232, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3233, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3233, 3410, 0) -> Coordinate(3233, 3409, 0) -> Coordinate(3234, 3408, 0) -> Coordinate(3234, 3407, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3406, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3405, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3404, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3403, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3402, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3401, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3400, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3399, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3398, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3397, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3396, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3395, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3394, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3393, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3392, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3391, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3390, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3389, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3388, 0)]
08:25:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(2)
08:25:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(3)
08:25:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(4)
08:25:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(5)
08:25:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(6)
08:25:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(7)
08:25:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(8)
08:25:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(9)
08:25:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(10)
08:25:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(11)
08:25:45 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=17, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:25:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(12)
08:25:49 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:25:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Dresser(13)
08:25:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Dresser interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:25:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:25:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:25:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:25:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Bed space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:25:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:25:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:25:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:25:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:25:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Dresser(1)
08:26:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Dresser space(1)
08:26:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:26:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:26:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(2)
08:26:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:26:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:26:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:26:09 [ERROR] [Maxibots-BuildFurniture] No furniture was detected
08:26:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Sarah(1)
08:26:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Sarah. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:26:11 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:26:12 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:26:12 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:26:13 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:26:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:26:13 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:26:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:26:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:26:19 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:26:19 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:26:20 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:26:20 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:26:20 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:26:21 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition met
08:26:21 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:26:21 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Tau
08:26:21 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:26:21 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Tau
08:26:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(2)
08:26:21 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:26:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:26:23 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=90, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Falador teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Falador teleport, action=Break, x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:26:28 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=68, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(2)
08:26:30 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=68, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(3)
08:26:31 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=66, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(4)
08:26:32 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=63, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2971, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(5)
08:26:33 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=60, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(6)
08:26:34 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=56, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(7)
08:26:34 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=54, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(8)
08:26:35 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=50, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(9)
08:26:36 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=44, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(10)
08:26:37 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=38, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(11)
08:26:38 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=32, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(12)
08:26:39 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=28, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3356, plane=0))
08:26:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(13)
08:26:40 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2999, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3000, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3001, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3002, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3003, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3004, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3005, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3006, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3007, 3364, 0) -> Coordinate(3008, 3363, 0) -> Coordinate(3009, 3362, 0) -> Coordinate(3010, 3361, 0) -> Coordinate(3011, 3360, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3356, 0)]
08:26:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(14)
08:26:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(15)
08:26:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:26:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:26:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:26:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:26:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:26:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:26:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QSteel bar\E$(1)
08:26:48 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 1 SpriteItem(name:Steel bar, quantity: 238, index: 15,  origin: BANK)
08:26:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:26:52 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7279, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:26:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:26:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:26:57 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7261, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:26:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:27:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:27:02 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7243, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:27:04 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Closing bank
08:27:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(1)
08:27:06 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3011, 3355, 0) -> Coordinate(3011, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3013, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3014, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3015, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3016, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3017, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3018, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3019, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3020, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3021, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3022, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3023, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3024, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3025, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3026, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3027, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3028, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3029, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3030, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3031, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3032, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3033, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3034, 3355, 0) -> Coordinate(3035, 3354, 0) -> Coordinate(3036, 3353, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3038, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3039, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3040, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3041, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3042, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3043, 3351, 0) -> Coordinate(3044, 3350, 0) -> Coordinate(3045, 3349, 0)]
08:27:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(1)
08:27:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(2)
08:27:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(3)
08:27:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(4)
08:27:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(5)
08:27:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(6)
08:27:18 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3038, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3039, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3040, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3041, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3042, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3043, 3351, 0) -> Coordinate(3044, 3350, 0) -> Coordinate(3045, 3349, 0) -> Coordinate(3046, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3047, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3047, 3347, 0) -> Coordinate(3047, 3346, 0)]
08:27:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(7)
08:27:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(8)
08:27:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(9)
08:27:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:27:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:27:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:27:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:27:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:27:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:27:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:27:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:27:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:27:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:27:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:27:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard(1)
08:27:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard(1)
08:27:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Cupboard interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:27:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(1)
08:27:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(1)
08:27:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Cupboard space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:27:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(1)
08:27:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(1)
08:27:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(1)
08:27:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(2)
08:27:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(3)
08:27:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Cupboard space interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:27:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(1)
08:27:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(1)
08:27:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Cupboard space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:27:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Hat stand(1)
08:27:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Hat stand(1)
08:27:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Hat stand interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:27:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:27:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:27:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(2)
08:27:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(1)
08:27:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(2)
08:27:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(3)
08:27:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(4)
08:27:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(1)
08:27:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Shelves space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:27:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Tau(1)
08:27:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Tau. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:28:00 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:28:00 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:28:00 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:28:01 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:28:01 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:28:01 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition met
08:28:01 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:28:02 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:28:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:28:02 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:28:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:28:08 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:28:09 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:28:09 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:28:09 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:28:09 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:28:10 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
08:28:10 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:28:11 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Bob
08:28:11 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:28:11 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Bob
08:28:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:28:11 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:28:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(1)
08:28:13 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=113, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(1)
08:28:14 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=113, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(2)
08:28:18 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=95, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(3)
08:28:20 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=93, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(4)
08:28:21 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=91, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(5)
08:28:22 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=87, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(6)
08:28:23 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=81, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(7)
08:28:24 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=80, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3427, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(8)
08:28:25 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=75, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(9)
08:28:26 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=69, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(10)
08:28:27 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=63, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(11)
08:28:28 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=61, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(12)
08:28:29 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=59, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(13)
08:28:30 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=55, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(14)
08:28:31 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=53, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(15)
08:28:32 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=49, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(16)
08:28:32 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=47, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(17)
08:28:33 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=43, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:28:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(18)
08:28:34 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3236, 3457, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3458, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3459, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3460, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3461, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3462, 0) -> Coordinate(3237, 3463, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3464, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3465, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3466, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3467, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3468, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3469, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3470, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3471, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3472, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3473, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3474, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3475, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3476, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3477, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3478, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3479, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3480, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3481, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3482, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3483, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3484, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3485, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3486, 0)]
08:28:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(19)
08:28:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(20)
08:28:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(21)
08:28:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(22)
08:28:40 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=22, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3246, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3246, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3246, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3246, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3246, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3242, 3486, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3485, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3485, plane=0))
08:28:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(23)
08:28:41 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=18, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3242, 3486, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3485, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3485, plane=0))
08:28:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(24)
08:28:43 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=8, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3242, 3486, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3485, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3485, plane=0))
08:28:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(25)
08:28:46 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3242, 3487, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3486, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3486, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3486, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3485, 0)]
08:28:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(26)
08:28:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Teak table(27)
08:28:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Teak table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:28:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Teak table(1)
08:28:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:28:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase(1)
08:28:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase(1)
08:28:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase space(2)
08:28:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Grandfather Clock(1)
08:29:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Grandfather Clock(1)
08:29:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(2)
08:29:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet space(1)
08:29:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(1)
08:29:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(2)
08:29:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet space(3)
08:29:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase(1)
08:29:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase space(1)
08:29:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(1)
08:29:13 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=29, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3488, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3488, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3489, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3237, y=3489, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3490, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Staircase$, ^Climb-up$, 3239, 3489, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3490, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3488, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3488, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3486, plane=1))
08:29:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Wardrobe(1)
08:29:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Wardrobe space(1)
08:29:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Wardrobe space(1)
08:29:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Wardrobe space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:29:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:29:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Drawers interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:29:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:29:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:29:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(2)
08:29:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob(1)
08:29:29 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=28, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3486, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3487, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3488, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3488, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3490, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Staircase$, ^Climb-down$, 3240, 3489, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3490, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3488, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3488, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3487, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3485, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3485, plane=0))
08:29:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bob(1)
08:29:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Bob. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:29:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bob(1)
08:29:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Bob. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:29:37 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:29:38 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:29:38 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:29:38 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:29:38 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:29:38 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:29:39 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:29:39 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:29:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:29:39 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:29:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:29:46 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:29:47 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:29:47 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:29:47 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:29:47 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:29:48 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition met
08:29:48 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:29:49 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Jess
08:29:49 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:29:49 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Jess
08:29:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:29:49 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:29:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(1)
08:29:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=73, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Ardougne teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Ardougne teleport, action=Break, x=2660, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2660, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2658, y=3304, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2658, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2656, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2654, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2652, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2650, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2648, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2646, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2644, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2642, y=3306, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2640, y=3304, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2638, y=3302, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2636, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2634, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2632, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2630, y=3298, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2626, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3296, plane=0))
08:29:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(1)
08:29:55 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2660, 3303, 0) -> Coordinate(2659, 3304, 0) -> Coordinate(2658, 3305, 0) -> Coordinate(2657, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2656, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2655, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2654, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2653, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2652, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2651, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2650, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2649, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2648, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2647, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2646, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2645, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2643, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2642, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2641, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2640, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2639, 3306, 0) -> Coordinate(2638, 3305, 0) -> Coordinate(2637, 3304, 0) -> Coordinate(2636, 3303, 0) -> Coordinate(2635, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2634, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2633, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2632, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2631, 3302, 0) -> Coordinate(2630, 3301, 0) -> Coordinate(2629, 3300, 0) -> Coordinate(2628, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2627, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2626, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2624, 3299, 0) -> Coordinate(2623, 3298, 0) -> Coordinate(2622, 3297, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3296, 0)]
08:29:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(2)
08:29:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(3)
08:29:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(4)
08:30:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(5)
08:30:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(6)
08:30:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(7)
08:30:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(8)
08:30:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(9)
08:30:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(10)
08:30:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(11)
08:30:09 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=29, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3298, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2626, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3296, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2621, 3295, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3293, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2622, 3292, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1))
08:30:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(12)
08:30:10 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=25, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3300, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3298, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3296, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2621, 3295, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3293, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2622, 3292, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1))
08:30:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess's house(13)
08:30:13 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=18, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3296, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2621, 3295, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3293, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 2622, 3292, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1))
08:30:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(14)
08:30:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:30:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:30:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Drawer space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:30:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Cabinet(1)
08:30:22 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=8, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2623, y=3291, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2623, y=3292, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3292, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2622, 3293, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2620, y=3294, plane=1))
08:30:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(1)
08:30:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet space(1)
08:30:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(1)
08:30:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(2)
08:30:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(3)
08:30:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet space(4)
08:30:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bed(1)
08:30:33 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=11, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2620, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2619, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2618, y=3294, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2617, 3294, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2615, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2613, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2613, y=3295, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2613, y=3296, plane=1))
08:30:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:30:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:30:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Bed interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:30:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:30:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:30:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:30:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:30:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Grandfather Clock(2)
08:30:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Grandfather Clock(1)
08:30:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(2)
08:30:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:30:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(2)
08:30:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(3)
08:30:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:30:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jess(1)
08:30:51 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=20, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2613, y=3296, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2613, y=3295, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2613, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2614, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2615, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2616, y=3294, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2617, 3294, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2618, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2619, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2620, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3294, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2622, 3293, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3292, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2623, y=3292, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2623, y=3291, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3293, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2620, y=3293, plane=1))
08:30:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Turning towards the Jess(1)
08:30:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:30:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:30:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Jess interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:30:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:30:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:30:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Jess interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:30:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:30:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:30:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Jess interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:30:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:30:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:30:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Jess interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:30:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Jess(1)
08:30:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Jess. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:30:58 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:30:59 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:30:59 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:31:00 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:31:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:31:00 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:31:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:31:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:31:06 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:31:07 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:31:07 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:31:08 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:31:08 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:31:08 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition met
08:31:08 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:31:08 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Sarah
08:31:09 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:31:09 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Sarah
08:31:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(2)
08:31:09 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:31:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(1)
08:31:11 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=66, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3293, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-down$, 2622, 3292, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3291, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3291, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3293, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3294, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 2621, 3295, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2621, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2622, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2624, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2626, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2628, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2630, y=3296, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2630, y=3294, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2630, y=3292, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2632, y=3290, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2634, y=3288, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2636, y=3288, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2638, y=3288, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2640, y=3288, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2642, y=3288, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2644, y=3286, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2644, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2646, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2648, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2650, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2652, y=3284, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2654, y=3284, plane=0))
08:31:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(1)
08:31:17 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(2622, 3291, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3291, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3292, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3293, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3294, 0) -> Coordinate(2621, 3295, 0) -> Coordinate(2622, 3295, 0) -> Coordinate(2623, 3296, 0) -> Coordinate(2624, 3296, 0) -> Coordinate(2625, 3296, 0) -> Coordinate(2626, 3296, 0) -> Coordinate(2627, 3296, 0) -> Coordinate(2628, 3296, 0) -> Coordinate(2629, 3296, 0) -> Coordinate(2629, 3295, 0) -> Coordinate(2630, 3294, 0) -> Coordinate(2631, 3293, 0) -> Coordinate(2632, 3292, 0) -> Coordinate(2633, 3291, 0) -> Coordinate(2634, 3290, 0) -> Coordinate(2635, 3289, 0) -> Coordinate(2636, 3288, 0) -> Coordinate(2637, 3287, 0) -> Coordinate(2638, 3286, 0) -> Coordinate(2639, 3285, 0) -> Coordinate(2640, 3285, 0) -> Coordinate(2641, 3285, 0) -> Coordinate(2642, 3285, 0) -> Coordinate(2643, 3285, 0) -> Coordinate(2644, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2645, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2646, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2647, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2648, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2649, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2650, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2651, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2652, 3284, 0) -> Coordinate(2653, 3284, 0)]
08:31:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(2)
08:31:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(3)
08:31:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(4)
08:31:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(5)
08:31:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(6)
08:31:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(7)
08:31:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Ardougne South(8)
08:31:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(9)
08:31:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:31:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:31:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:31:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:31:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:31:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:31:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:31:35 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7240, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:31:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:31:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:31:40 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7222, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:31:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:31:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:31:45 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7204, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:31:47 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Closing bank
08:31:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(1)
08:31:49 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3422, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3420, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3418, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3416, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3414, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3412, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3410, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3408, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3406, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3404, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3402, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3400, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0))
08:31:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(1)
08:31:55 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3212, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(3213, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(3214, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(3215, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(3216, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(3217, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(3218, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(3219, 3423, 0) -> Coordinate(3220, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(3221, 3421, 0) -> Coordinate(3221, 3420, 0) -> Coordinate(3221, 3419, 0) -> Coordinate(3222, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3223, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3224, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3225, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(3226, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(3226, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(3226, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(3227, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(3228, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(3229, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(3230, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3231, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3232, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3233, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(3233, 3410, 0) -> Coordinate(3233, 3409, 0) -> Coordinate(3234, 3408, 0) -> Coordinate(3234, 3407, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3406, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3405, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3404, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3403, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3402, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3401, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3400, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3399, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3398, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3397, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3396, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3395, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3394, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3393, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3392, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3391, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3390, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3389, 0) -> Coordinate(3235, 3388, 0)]
08:31:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(2)
08:32:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(3)
08:32:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(4)
08:32:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(5)
08:32:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(6)
08:32:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(7)
08:32:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(8)
08:32:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(9)
08:32:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(10)
08:32:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(11)
08:32:12 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=15, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3398, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3396, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3394, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:32:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(12)
08:32:14 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=9, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3392, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3390, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3388, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3388, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:32:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Sarah's house(13)
08:32:17 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=3, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3235, 3387, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3386, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3385, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3384, plane=0))
08:32:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Dresser(14)
08:32:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Dresser interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:32:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:32:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:32:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(2)
08:32:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Dresser(1)
08:32:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Dresser space(1)
08:32:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:32:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:32:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(2)
08:32:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:32:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:32:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:32:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:32:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:32:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Range(1)
08:32:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Broken Range interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:32:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Range(1)
08:32:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Broken Range interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:32:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Range(1)
08:32:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:32:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:32:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:32:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:32:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:32:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Sarah(1)
08:32:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Sarah. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:32:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Sarah interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:32:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Sarah(1)
08:32:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Sarah. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:32:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Sarah interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:32:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Sarah(1)
08:32:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Sarah. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:32:46 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:32:47 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:32:47 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:32:48 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:32:48 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:32:48 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:32:48 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:32:49 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:32:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:32:49 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:32:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:32:55 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:32:56 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:32:56 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:32:56 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:32:56 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:32:57 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
08:32:57 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:32:58 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:32:58 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Bob
08:32:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:32:58 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:32:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(1)
08:32:59 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=113, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(1)
08:33:04 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=95, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(2)
08:33:05 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=95, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3212, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(3)
08:33:06 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=91, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(4)
08:33:07 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=87, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(5)
08:33:08 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=83, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(6)
08:33:08 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=81, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(7)
08:33:09 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=80, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3427, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(8)
08:33:10 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=75, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(9)
08:33:11 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=71, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(10)
08:33:12 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=65, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(11)
08:33:13 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=61, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(12)
08:33:14 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=59, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(13)
08:33:14 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=57, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:15 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(14)
08:33:15 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=55, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(15)
08:33:16 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=51, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(16)
08:33:17 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=49, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(17)
08:33:18 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=45, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(18)
08:33:18 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=41, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(19)
08:33:19 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=37, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(20)
08:33:20 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=35, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(21)
08:33:21 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=33, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0))
08:33:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(22)
08:33:21 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3236, 3464, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3465, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3466, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3467, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3468, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3469, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3470, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3471, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3472, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3473, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3474, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3475, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3476, 0) -> Coordinate(3236, 3477, 0) -> Coordinate(3237, 3478, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3478, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3479, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3480, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3481, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3482, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3483, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3484, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3485, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3486, 0)]
08:33:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(23)
08:33:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(24)
08:33:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(25)
08:33:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(26)
08:33:26 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3238, 3479, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3479, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3480, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3481, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3482, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3483, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3484, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3485, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3486, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3486, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3486, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3485, 0)]
08:33:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(27)
08:33:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob's house(28)
08:33:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Teak table(29)
08:33:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:33:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase(1)
08:33:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase(1)
08:33:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase space(2)
08:33:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase space(1)
08:33:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Bookcase space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:33:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Grandfather Clock(1)
08:33:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Grandfather Clock(1)
08:33:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(2)
08:33:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet space(1)
08:33:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(1)
08:33:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet(2)
08:33:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cabinet space(3)
08:33:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase(1)
08:33:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bookcase space(1)
08:33:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(1)
08:33:52 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=29, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3235, y=3488, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3488, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3489, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3237, y=3489, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3490, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Staircase$, ^Climb-up$, 3239, 3489, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3490, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3488, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3488, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3486, plane=1))
08:33:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Wardrobe(1)
08:33:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Wardrobe space(1)
08:34:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Wardrobe space(1)
08:34:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Wardrobe space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:34:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:34:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawers(1)
08:34:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(2)
08:34:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Drawer space(1)
08:34:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Drawer space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:34:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Bob(1)
08:34:06 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=28, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3486, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3487, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3488, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3488, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3490, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Staircase$, ^Climb-down$, 3240, 3489, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3490, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3488, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3488, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3487, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3485, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3485, plane=0))
08:34:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bob(1)
08:34:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Bob. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:34:13 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:34:14 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:34:14 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:34:15 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:34:15 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:34:15 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:34:15 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:34:16 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:34:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:34:16 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:34:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:34:22 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:34:23 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:34:23 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:34:23 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:34:23 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:34:24 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
08:34:24 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:34:25 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:34:25 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Mariah
08:34:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:34:25 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:34:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(1)
08:34:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Using House teleport(1)
08:34:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(1)
08:34:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Entering portal(1)
08:34:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(1)
08:34:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(1)
08:34:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(2)
08:34:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(3)
08:34:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(4)
08:34:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(5)
08:34:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(6)
08:34:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(7)
08:34:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(8)
08:34:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(9)
08:34:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(10)
08:34:42 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=117, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3242, 3486, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3486, plane=0))
08:34:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(11)
08:34:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(12)
08:34:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(13)
08:34:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(14)
08:34:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(15)
08:34:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(16)
08:34:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(17)
08:34:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(18)
08:34:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(19)
08:34:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(20)
08:34:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(21)
08:34:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=117, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3242, 3486, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3486, plane=0))
08:34:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(22)
08:34:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(23)
08:34:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(24)
08:34:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(25)
08:34:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(26)
08:34:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(27)
08:34:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(28)
08:34:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(29)
08:34:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(30)
08:34:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(31)
08:34:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(32)
08:34:58 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=117, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Varrock teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Varrock teleport, action=Varrock|Break, x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3214, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3216, y=3424, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3426, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3218, y=3428, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3430, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3432, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3220, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3434, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3436, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3222, y=3438, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3224, y=3440, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3226, y=3442, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3228, y=3444, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3230, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3232, y=3446, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3448, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3450, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3452, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3234, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3454, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3456, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3458, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3460, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3462, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3464, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3466, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3468, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3470, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3472, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3474, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3476, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3236, y=3478, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3480, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3482, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3484, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3486, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3242, 3486, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3486, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3239, y=3486, plane=0))
08:34:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(33)
08:34:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Hosidius(34)
08:35:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(35)
08:35:00 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=12, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3592, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3594, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3596, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1754, y=3598, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1752, y=3598, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1750, y=3598, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1748, y=3598, plane=0))
08:35:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:35:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(2)
08:35:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:35:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:35:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:35:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:35:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:35:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:35:06 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:35:06 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:35:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
08:35:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:35:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QSteel bar\E$(1)
08:35:08 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 1 SpriteItem(name:Steel bar, quantity: 237, index: 15,  origin: BANK)
08:35:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:35:11 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7195, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:35:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
08:35:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:35:17 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7177, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:35:18 [WARN ] [            OSRSBank] Action not found in [Cancel, Talk-to, Walk here, Examine]
08:35:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QMahogany plank\E$(1)
08:35:18 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Mahogany plank, quantity: 7177, index: 74,  origin: BANK)
08:35:20 [INFO ] [            OSRSBank] Closing bank
08:35:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(2)
08:35:22 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(1748, 3599, 0) -> Coordinate(1749, 3599, 0) -> Coordinate(1750, 3599, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3599, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3599, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3599, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3600, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3601, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3602, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3603, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3604, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3605, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3606, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3607, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3608, 0) -> Coordinate(1755, 3609, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3610, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3611, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3612, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3613, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3614, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3615, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3616, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3617, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3618, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3619, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3620, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3621, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3622, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3623, 0) -> Coordinate(1761, 3624, 0) -> Coordinate(1762, 3624, 0) -> Coordinate(1763, 3624, 0) -> Coordinate(1764, 3624, 0) -> Coordinate(1765, 3625, 0)]
08:35:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(1)
08:35:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(2)
08:35:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(3)
08:35:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(4)
08:35:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(5)
08:35:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(6)
08:35:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(7)
08:35:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(8)
08:35:32 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=11, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3620, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3622, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1760, y=3624, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1762, y=3624, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1764, y=3624, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1765, 3624, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1765, y=3623, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1765, y=3622, plane=0))
08:35:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(9)
08:35:35 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=5, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3626, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3624, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1765, 3624, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1765, y=3623, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1765, y=3622, plane=0))
08:35:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah's house(10)
08:35:37 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=2, vertices=BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1765, 3624, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1765, y=3623, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1765, y=3622, plane=0))
08:35:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Hat stand(11)
08:35:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Hat stand interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:35:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Hat stand(1)
08:35:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Hat stand interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:35:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Hat stand(1)
08:35:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Hat stand(1)
08:35:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard(2)
08:35:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(1)
08:35:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cooking shelves(1)
08:35:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cooking shelves(1)
08:35:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Cooking shelves interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:35:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(1)
08:35:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:35:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:35:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(2)
08:35:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to next room(1)
08:35:56 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=16, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1767, y=3622, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3622, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3621, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-up$, 1767, 3620, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3620, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3621, plane=1))
08:36:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:36:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:36:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:36:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(1)
08:36:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed(2)
08:36:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(3)
08:36:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Bed space(1)
08:36:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Table(2)
08:36:08 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=9, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1765, y=3620, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3620, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3621, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1767, y=3621, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1768, 3622, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3621, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1769, y=3622, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1769, y=3623, plane=1))
08:36:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:36:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:36:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:36:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:36:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Mariah(1)
08:36:14 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=21, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=1769, y=3623, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1769, y=3622, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1768, y=3621, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 1768, 3622, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1767, y=3621, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3621, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3620, plane=1) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Ladder$, ^Climb-down$, 1767, 3620, 1, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3620, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=1766, y=3621, plane=0))
08:36:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Mariah(1)
08:36:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Mariah. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:36:21 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:36:21 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:36:21 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:36:22 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:36:22 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:36:22 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:36:22 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:36:23 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:36:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:36:23 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:36:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:36:29 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:36:30 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:36:30 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:36:30 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:36:30 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:36:31 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
08:36:31 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:36:32 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Tau
08:36:32 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:36:32 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Tau
08:36:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:36:32 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:36:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(1)
08:36:33 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=130, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Falador teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Falador teleport, action=Break, x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(1)
08:36:38 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=110, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(2)
08:36:40 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=110, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(3)
08:36:40 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=106, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(4)
08:36:41 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=104, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(5)
08:36:42 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=103, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2971, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(6)
08:36:42 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=100, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(7)
08:36:43 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=98, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(8)
08:36:44 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=96, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(9)
08:36:44 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=94, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(10)
08:36:45 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=92, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(11)
08:36:46 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=88, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(12)
08:36:46 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=82, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(13)
08:36:47 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=80, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(14)
08:36:48 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=78, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(15)
08:36:49 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=72, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(16)
08:36:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=66, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3358, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3356, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3354, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3350, plane=0))
08:36:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(17)
08:36:50 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3000, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3001, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3002, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3003, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3004, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3005, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3006, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3007, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3008, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3009, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3010, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3011, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3013, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3014, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3015, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3016, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3017, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3018, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3019, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3020, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3021, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3022, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3023, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3024, 3365, 0) -> Coordinate(3025, 3364, 0) -> Coordinate(3026, 3363, 0) -> Coordinate(3027, 3362, 0) -> Coordinate(3028, 3361, 0) -> Coordinate(3029, 3360, 0) -> Coordinate(3030, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3031, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3032, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3033, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3034, 3355, 0) -> Coordinate(3035, 3354, 0) -> Coordinate(3036, 3353, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3038, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3039, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3040, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3041, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3042, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3043, 3351, 0) -> Coordinate(3044, 3350, 0) -> Coordinate(3045, 3349, 0)]
08:36:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(18)
08:36:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(19)
08:36:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(20)
08:36:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(21)
08:36:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(22)
08:36:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(23)
08:36:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(24)
08:36:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(25)
08:36:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(26)
08:36:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(27)
08:37:01 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3033, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3034, 3355, 0) -> Coordinate(3035, 3354, 0) -> Coordinate(3036, 3353, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3038, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3039, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3040, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3041, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3042, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3043, 3351, 0) -> Coordinate(3044, 3350, 0) -> Coordinate(3045, 3349, 0)]
08:37:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(28)
08:37:01 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3033, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3034, 3355, 0) -> Coordinate(3035, 3354, 0) -> Coordinate(3036, 3353, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3038, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3039, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3040, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3041, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3042, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3043, 3351, 0) -> Coordinate(3044, 3350, 0) -> Coordinate(3045, 3349, 0)]
08:37:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(29)
08:37:02 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=15, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3348, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3348, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3046, 3348, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3347, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3047, y=3346, plane=0))
08:37:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Walking to Tau's house(30)
08:37:03 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=13, vertices=CoordinateVertex(x=3040, y=3352, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3042, y=3350, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3044, y=3348, plane=0) -> BasicObjectVertex(^Door$, ^Open$, 3046, 3348, 0, DESPAWNS) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3046, y=3347, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3047, y=3346, plane=0))
08:37:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(31)
08:37:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:37:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:37:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table space interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:37:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:37:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:37:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:37:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:37:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:37:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table(1)
08:37:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Table interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:37:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Table space(1)
08:37:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Sink(1)
08:37:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Broken Sink(1)
08:37:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Broken Sink interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:37:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard(1)
08:37:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Cupboard interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:37:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard(1)
08:37:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Cupboard interaction failed. Turning the camera(1)
08:37:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard(1)
08:37:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard(1)
08:37:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Cupboard interaction failed. Turning the camera(2)
08:37:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Cupboard space(1)
08:37:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:37:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(1)
08:37:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(2)
08:37:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(1)
08:37:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(2)
08:37:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves(3)
08:37:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Shelves space(4)
08:37:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Tau(1)
08:37:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Tau. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:37:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacting with Tau(1)
08:37:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Interacted with Tau. Waiting for chat dialog(1)
08:37:38 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:37:39 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:37:39 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:37:39 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:37:39 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:37:40 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:37:40 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 1], index=1, text=Yes, I'd love a cuppa.)
08:37:40 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Drink tea condition TIMED OUT
08:37:41 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:37:41 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:37:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
08:37:41 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
08:37:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
08:37:47 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:37:48 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition met
08:37:48 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
08:37:48 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:37:48 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 4], index=4, text=Expert Contract (Requires 70 Construction))
08:37:49 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition met
08:37:49 [INFO ] [          ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
08:37:49 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Norman
08:37:50 [INFO ] [            RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
08:37:50 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Norman
08:37:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
08:37:50 [INFO ] [     ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
08:37:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:37:51 [INFO ] [     Maxibots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3049, 3342, 0) -> Coordinate(3048, 3342, 0) -> Coordinate(3047, 3342, 0) -> Coordinate(3046, 3343, 0) -> Coordinate(3046, 3344, 0) -> Coordinate(3046, 3345, 0) -> Coordinate(3046, 3346, 0) -> Coordinate(3047, 3346, 0) -> Coordinate(3047, 3347, 0) -> Coordinate(3047, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3046, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3045, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3044, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3043, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3042, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3041, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3040, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3039, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3038, 3348, 0) -> Coordinate(3037, 3349, 0) -> Coordinate(3036, 3350, 0) -> Coordinate(3035, 3351, 0) -> Coordinate(3034, 3352, 0) -> Coordinate(3033, 3353, 0) -> Coordinate(3032, 3354, 0) -> Coordinate(3031, 3355, 0) -> Coordinate(3030, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3029, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3028, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3027, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3026, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3025, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3024, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3023, 3356, 0) -> Coordinate(3022, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3021, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3020, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3019, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3018, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3017, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3016, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3015, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3014, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3013, 3359, 0) -> Coordinate(3013, 3358, 0) -> Coordinate(3013, 3357, 0) -> Coordinate(3012, 3356, 0)]
08:37:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:37:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(2)
08:37:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(3)
08:37:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:37:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:37:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:37:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:37:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:37:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:37:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:37:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:03 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:04 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:05 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:06 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:07 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:08 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:09 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:10 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:11 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:12 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:13 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:14 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:15 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:15 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:16 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:17 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:18 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:19 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:20 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:21 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:22 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:23 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:24 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:25 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:26 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:27 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:28 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:29 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:30 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:31 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:32 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:37 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:38 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:39 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:40 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:41 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:42 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:43 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:44 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:45 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:46 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:47 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:48 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:49 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:50 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:51 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:53 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:54 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:55 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:56 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:57 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:58 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:38:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:38:59 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:39:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:39:00 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:39:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:39:01 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:39:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:39:02 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:39:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:39:33 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:39:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:39:34 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:39:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:39:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
08:39:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] ---MaxiHomes V2.5.11 [OSRS] ---
08:39:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Runtime: 00:30:26
08:39:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Last status: Opening the bank
08:39:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Active plugins: [Xtea, Configuration]
08:39:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Total profit: -304069
08:39:35 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Shutting down all executors.
08:39:35 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
08:39:35 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor SessionManager-updateSession: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@7a7cb672[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 30]
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Executors pending shutdown:
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic) | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-Executor | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ItemTracker | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@3a7da05a[Terminated, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1820]
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown ActivityManager-Initializer
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer executor is no longer running
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@94cf210[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1750]
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@5985b4c2[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1820]
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown RootTaskUpdater
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater executor is no longer running
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic) executor is no longer running
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-createSession
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession executor is no longer running
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession executor is no longer running
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-Executor
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-Executor: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@160afadc[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 3432]
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ItemTracker
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ItemTracker: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@41a2e737[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 3032]
08:39:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-BreakScheduler] Shutting down the break scheduler
08:39:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] ---Thanks for using MaxiHomes!---
08:39:36 [INFO ] [  Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Current contract: Norman
08:39:36 [INFO ] [  Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Contract state: Not started (0 / 6)
08:39:36 [INFO ] [  Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Player: DeckardKanye(level: 98, position: 3040, 3348, 0)
08:39:36 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Status: Banking at Falador East(1)
08:50:42 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:50:42 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/breaks/BreakView.fxml
08:50:42 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:50:42 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/BuyCredits.fxml
08:50:42 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/item/TrackedItems.fxml
08:50:53 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction): java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@452cb856[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 12]
08:51:26 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
08:51:33 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
08:51:33 [INFO ] [        prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillDetailsView.fxml
08:51:33 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic): java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@4936897d[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1]
08:54:04 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Leela
08:54:08 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ItemTracker] Adding item Teleport to house id: 8013
08:55:40 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Sarah
08:56:43 [INFO ] [         setContract] Contract set to Mariah
09:05:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] ---MaxiHomes V2.5.11 [OSRS] ---
09:05:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Runtime: 00:15:12
09:05:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Last status: Opening the bank
09:05:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Active plugins: [Xtea, Configuration]
09:05:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Total profit: -131530
09:05:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] Shutting down all executors.
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor SessionManager-updateSession: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@1d4db684[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 15]
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Executors pending shutdown:
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic) | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-Executor | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ItemTracker | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@6a087a38[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 911]
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown ActivityManager-Initializer
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer executor is no longer running
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@6c2e1af8[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 867]
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@312c0b00[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 911]
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown RootTaskUpdater
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater executor is no longer running
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic) executor is no longer running
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-createSession
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession executor is no longer running
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession executor is no longer running
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-Executor
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-Executor: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@230c7989[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1740]
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ItemTracker
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ItemTracker: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@a7c1e6a[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1518]
09:05:52 [INFO ] [Maxibots-BreakScheduler] Shutting down the break scheduler
09:05:52 [INFO ] [            Maxibots] ---Thanks for using MaxiHomes!---
09:05:52 [INFO ] [  Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Current contract: Mariah
09:05:52 [INFO ] [  Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Contract state: Not started (0 / 0)
09:05:52 [INFO ] [  Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Player: DeckardKanye(level: 98, position: 1744, 3564, 0)
Mar 21, 2016
Brother, amazing script. But I do have one point of concern and want to try to establish whether or not it's user error. Around the hour mark (+/- 10 minutes generally) I get an error regarding "pathing attempt limit reached" which then terminates the bot. It always seems to happen in Hosidius I've noticed. Running another hour now, if it happens again I can happily snag a screenshot for you. It isn't a huge error minus the fact that I can't really expect this bot to be running too long without it stopping, and the handful of times it's gone just a few minutes into that next hour, enough to charge me, but then consequently shuts off right after the charge.

Other than that, bot is seamless, knows all the teles quick, paths great, etc. Bang up job man!
Jan 31, 2024
Hi! Can you add amy's saw available as an offhand since it can now be swapped to the shield slot now?
Aug 23, 2024
Also having a similar issue with the bot randomly failing/stopping - 'Max failed path rebuilds reached, stopping the bot' :(
Jun 22, 2024
Bot is broken, started it and it kept spamming falador tabs. Previously when using it it would just stop and continue charging me while not moving for hours.

19:15:16 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Active plugins: [Chat History, HiScore, World Hopper, Timers & Buffs, Combat Level, Boosts Information, Loot Tracker, Item Prices, Slayer, Item Stats, Animation Smoothing, World Map, Random Events, Configuration, Woodcutting, Time Tracking, Examine, Screenshot, Xtea, Ground Markers, XP Tracker, GPU, Chat Timestamps]
19:15:16 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater
19:15:16 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] MaxiHomes V2.5.11 started!
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/BaseView.fxml
19:15:16 [WARN ] [ Pathfinder] MaxiHomes has already created a MateWeb instance - please re-use this!
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Creating Executor: MaxiBots-Executor
19:15:16 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ConfigView.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: SessionManager-createSession
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/breaks/BreakView.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/BuyCredits.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/item/TrackedItems.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ConfigController] Reading Activity Profiles: {"Default":{"stopAfterX":false,"nameProperty":"Default","screenshotFrequencyProperty":60,"activities":[{"amysSaw":false,"varrockTeleport":{"value":"VARROCK_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.VarrockTeleport"},"runePouch":true,"faladorTeleport":{"value":"FALADOR_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.FaladorTeleport"},"ardougneTeleport":{"value":"ARDOUGNE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ArdougneTeleport"},"imcandoHammer":false,"bankAtCW":true,"npcContact":true,"acceptTea":true,"houseTeleport":"TABLET","hosidiusTeleport":{"value":"HOUSE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.HosidiusTeleport"},"contractType":{"value":"ADEPT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ContractType"},"energyThreshold":70,"pohTeleports":false,"tome":"NONE","staff":"AIR","goalValue":"","goalType":{"value":"NONE","className":"com.runemate.api.ui.model.ActivityGoal"},"goalCombined":"None"}],"logoutProperty":true,"resizeWindow":false,"stopHours":8,"stopMinutes":0,"dropPatternProperty":0,"autoLoadProperty":false,"screenshotsProperty":false}}
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Waiting for setup...(1)
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillTrackerView.fxml
19:15:16 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:15:17 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-ItemTracker
19:15:17 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillDetailsView.fxml
19:15:17 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:15:19 [INFO ] [Maxibots-SessionManager] Session ID: 1726737318-2641d952-7b63-40b9-8c7c-82d107bfbd8b
19:15:19 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: SessionManager-updateSession
19:15:22 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: fxml/MahoganyHomesView.fxml
19:15:22 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ActivityPane.fxml
19:15:46 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-createSession
19:15:46 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor SessionManager-createSession: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@1dca6c89[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 2]
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction): java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@398c82aa[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 99]
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:16:55 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:17:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: ActivityManager-Initializer
19:17:36 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Initializing...(1)
19:17:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ActivityManager] Setting activity to [Adept contract - No goal]
19:17:36 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Activity: {"contractType":{"value":"ADEPT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ContractType"},"ardougneTeleport":{"value":"ARDOUGNE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ArdougneTeleport"},"bankAtCW":true,"houseTeleport":"TABLET","varrockTeleport":{"value":"VARROCK_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.VarrockTeleport"},"acceptTea":true,"hosidiusTeleport":{"value":"HOUSE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.HosidiusTeleport"},"runePouch":true,"tome":"NONE","imcandoHammer":false,"npcContact":true,"energyThreshold":70,"staff":"AIR","faladorTeleport":{"value":"FALADOR_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.FaladorTeleport"},"amysSaw":false,"pohTeleports":false,"goalValue":"","goalType":{"value":"NONE","className":"com.runemate.api.ui.model.ActivityGoal"},"goalCombined":"None"}
19:17:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: RootTaskUpdater
19:17:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown ActivityManager-Initializer
19:17:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor ActivityManager-Initializer: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@1d5b6388[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
19:17:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater
19:17:36 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ActivityDetailsView.fxml
19:17:36 [INFO ] [ prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:17:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown RootTaskUpdater
19:17:36 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor RootTaskUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@19022abc[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
19:17:36 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
19:17:36 [INFO ] [ ControlPanelTab] Opening MAGIC
19:17:37 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact(1)
19:17:37 [INFO ] [ Magic] Activating NPC_CONTACT with action Cast
19:17:44 [INFO ] [ ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
19:17:44 [INFO ] [ RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
19:17:44 [INFO ] [ ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[231, 5])
19:17:45 [INFO ] [ RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
19:17:45 [INFO ] [ ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Option(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[219, 1, 3], index=3, text=Adept Contract (Requires 50 Construction))
19:17:46 [INFO ] [ RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Option condition TIMED OUT
19:17:46 [INFO ] [ ChatDialog] Selecting ChatDialog.Continue(InterfaceComponent=InterfaceComponent[217, 5])
19:17:47 [INFO ] [ RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
19:17:47 [INFO ] [ setContract] Contract set to Larry
19:17:47 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
19:17:47 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
19:17:49 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QArdougne teleport\E$(1)
19:17:49 [INFO ] [ OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Ardougne teleport, quantity: 134, index: 120, origin: BANK)
19:17:51 [WARN ] [ OSRSBank] Action not found in [Cancel]
19:17:51 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QArdougne teleport\E$(1)
19:17:51 [INFO ] [ OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Ardougne teleport, quantity: 134, index: 120, origin: BANK)
19:17:52 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QFalador teleport\E$(2)
19:17:52 [INFO ] [ OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Falador teleport, quantity: 133, index: 121, origin: BANK)
19:17:54 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QVarrock teleport\E$(1)
19:17:54 [INFO ] [ OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Varrock teleport, quantity: 136, index: 144, origin: BANK)
19:17:57 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Depositing extra ^\QSteel bar\E$(1)
19:17:57 [INFO ] [ OSRSBank] Depositing 1 SpriteItem(name:Steel bar, quantity: 1, index: 4, origin: INVENTORY)
19:17:59 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QTeak plank\E$(1)
19:17:59 [INFO ] [ OSRSBank] Withdrawing 0 SpriteItem(name:Teak plank, quantity: 7982, index: 142, origin: BANK)
19:18:01 [INFO ] [ OSRSBank] Closing bank
19:18:02 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(1)
19:18:03 [INFO ] [ Maxibots-Walker] Removed vertex BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=EQUIPMENT, ^Ring of wealth\s?\([1-5]\)$, action=Falador, x=2996, y=3377, plane=0) from custom web - Requirements not met
19:18:03 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(1)
19:18:03 [INFO ] [ Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=112, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Falador teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Falador teleport, action=Break, x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3360, plane=0))
19:18:03 [INFO ] [ ControlPanelTab] Opening INVENTORY
19:18:09 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(2)
19:18:09 [INFO ] [ Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=112, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Falador teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Falador teleport, action=Break, x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3360, plane=0))
19:18:13 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(3)
19:18:13 [INFO ] [ Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=112, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Falador teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Falador teleport, action=Break, x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3360, plane=0))
19:18:17 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(4)
19:18:17 [INFO ] [ Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=112, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Falador teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Falador teleport, action=Break, x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3360, plane=0))
19:18:21 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Larry's house(5)
19:18:21 [INFO ] [ Maxibots-Walker] WebPath(cost=112, reqs=[ItemRequirement(INVENTORY Falador teleport 1)], vertices=BasicItemTeleportVertex(origin=INVENTORY, Falador teleport, action=Break, x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2964, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2966, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2968, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2970, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2972, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2974, y=3378, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2976, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2978, y=3376, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2980, y=3374, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2982, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2984, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2986, y=3372, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2988, y=3370, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2990, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3368, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2992, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2994, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2996, y=3366, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2998, y=3364, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3000, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3002, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3004, y=3362, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3006, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3008, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3010, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3012, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3014, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3016, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3018, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3020, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3022, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3024, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3026, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3028, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3030, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3032, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3034, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3036, y=3360, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3038, y=3360, plane=0))
19:18:25 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] ---MaxiHomes V2.5.11 [OSRS] ---
19:18:25 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Runtime: 00:03:17
19:18:25 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Last status: Walking to Larry's house (6)
19:18:25 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Active plugins: [Chat History, HiScore, World Hopper, Timers & Buffs, Combat Level, Boosts Information, Loot Tracker, Item Prices, Slayer, Item Stats, Animation Smoothing, World Map, Random Events, Configuration, Woodcutting, Time Tracking, Examine, Screenshot, Xtea, Ground Markers, XP Tracker, GPU, Chat Timestamps]
19:18:25 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Total profit: 0
19:18:25 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] Shutting down all executors.
19:18:25 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
19:18:25 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor SessionManager-updateSession: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@85baa3d[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 3]
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Executors pending shutdown:
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-Executor | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ItemTracker | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@e2e775b[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 190]
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown ActivityManager-Initializer
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer executor is no longer running
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@1f5d11a1[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 50]
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@29553818[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 190]
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown RootTaskUpdater
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater executor is no longer running
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-createSession
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession executor is no longer running
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession executor is no longer running
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-Executor
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-Executor: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@378dfdd3[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 102]
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ItemTracker
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ItemTracker: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@4a64c0d6[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 315]
19:18:26 [INFO ] [Maxibots-BreakScheduler] Shutting down the break scheduler
19:18:26 [INFO ] [ Maxibots] ---Thanks for using MaxiHomes!---
19:18:26 [INFO ] [ Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Current contract: Larry
19:18:26 [INFO ] [ Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Contract state: Not started (0 / 0)
19:18:26 [INFO ] [ Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Player: Med Reg(level: 126, position: 3172, 3458, 0)
Mar 21, 2022
Issues I have noticed with this....

1. Does not recognize Dust Runes (keeps withdrawing Earth and Air runes)
2. Does not recognize Imcando Hammer equipped in off-hand slot
3. Does not recognize Amy's Saw equipped in off-hand slot (speculating this as I don't have saw to test with but assume it is the same as hammer as both were implemented in the same update)

The bot works but doesn't seem to be getting any further updates once QOL comes out to make it more streamlined.
Last edited:
Aug 12, 2024
Bot works but needs to be babysat. Broke and charged me for 7 hours "walking to bank" while DC'd because it never actually started walking to bank. There goes 7 hours of time and money?? Needs to have something to re-log in or auto-stop if it's not doing something.
Mar 21, 2022
Is this going to get anymore updates? Doesn't even recognize Crystal Saw. So add that onto the list of things that don't work with this.
Jul 14, 2024
Got stuck on a house in hosidius needing a steel bar and running back to a bank but wouldn't prioritize either one action so kept running back and forth between running to bank and trying to make the furnace. Glad I baby sat it.

As many other people said, there's a lot that needs to be fixed.
Oct 31, 2024
Is this script still being updated? or is it a dead script? I see no reply's for a while and discord link is broken. Would be sad since the bot used to work good and it is the only one on runemate.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Is this script still being updated? or is it a dead script? I see no reply's for a while and discord link is broken. Would be sad since the bot used to work good and it is the only one on runemate.
It's not dead. I wasn't aware of the discord link being broken. Do you mean inside the bot, or on the bot overview? RuneMate currently has a walking issue that causes it to fail to click the minimap. If that's what you're referring to it is out of my control, please wait for a client update.
Oct 31, 2024
It's not dead. I wasn't aware of the discord link being broken. Do you mean inside the bot, or on the bot overview? RuneMate currently has a walking issue that causes it to fail to click the minimap. If that's what you're referring to it is out of my control, please wait for a client update.
Sorry was not aware runemate has that issue! It sometime's just stands there after teleporting to falador or to the house to walk to hosidius.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Sorry was not aware runemate has that issue! It sometime's just stands there after teleporting to falador or to the house to walk to hosidius.
Yeah it's a runemate bug. Heap of other bots also experiencing issues with walking
Sep 8, 2024
I ran this bot from 60-80 con with no issue. However, since getting back to the grind (after about a week) I've noticed a few issues that I did not before.

-- Issue 1: Character Running Seems To Studder--

Expected Behavior:

(A) Bot should run seemlessly by clicking points on the minimap rather than a new point every time it completes the run

Observed Behavior:

(1) When the bot sets a destination to run towards using the minimap, the bot will run there, but ONLY to that point before setting a new destination. This causes the character to stop running multiple times.

(1a) For example, when I teleport to Ardy and begin running west, I will keep updating the minimap running destination so that I don't stop running. This is not the case with the bot and I recommend reviewing this behavior. It's a little suspect when you see a character doing this.

-- Issue 2: Extended Delays In Actions --

Expected Behavior:

(1) The bot should exhibit normal human behavior by executing actions such as opening doors and performing construction tasks during routine contracts. These movements should appear human like, but also not artificial.

Observed Behavior:

(1) When entering a home (no matter where the contract is) the bot opens a door, and then delays for up to 5 seconds. There is a similar delay between finishing a contract and speaking with the homeowner for a reward.

Additional Notes:

When other players are around completing contracts, this behavior becomes patternistic to them. If I see a player exhibiting these delays, I will suspect they are botting.


1. Review the character running issue.
2. Remove the delay upon entering a home and instead, implement a feature such as "delay in between building items". This is a similar strategy to Cuppa's Agility AIO, where you can set an extended delay in between obstacles.

Thank you for such a wonderful script. I share these findings in hopes to help improve the experience.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I ran this bot from 60-80 con with no issue. However, since getting back to the grind (after about a week) I've noticed a few issues that I did not before.

-- Issue 1: Character Running Seems To Studder--

Expected Behavior:
(A) Bot should run seemlessly by clicking points on the minimap rather than a new point every time it completes the run

Observed Behavior:

(1) When the bot sets a destination to run towards using the minimap, the bot will run there, but ONLY to that point before setting a new destination. This causes the character to stop running multiple times.

(1a) For example, when I teleport to Ardy and begin running west, I will keep updating the minimap running destination so that I don't stop running. This is not the case with the bot and I recommend reviewing this behavior. It's a little suspect when you see a character doing this.

-- Issue 2: Extended Delays In Actions --

Expected Behavior:

(1) The bot should exhibit normal human behavior by executing actions such as opening doors and performing construction tasks during routine contracts. These movements should appear human like, but also not artificial.

Observed Behavior:

(1) When entering a home (no matter where the contract is) the bot opens a door, and then delays for up to 5 seconds. There is a similar delay between finishing a contract and speaking with the homeowner for a reward.

Additional Notes:

When other players are around completing contracts, this behavior becomes patternistic to them. If I see a player exhibiting these delays, I will suspect they are botting.


1. Review the character running issue.
2. Remove the delay upon entering a home and instead, implement a feature such as "delay in between building items". This is a similar strategy to Cuppa's Agility AIO, where you can set an extended delay in between obstacles.

Thank you for such a wonderful script. I share these findings in hopes to help improve the experience.

Hi, thanks for the feedback. I appreciate the detail.

-- Issue 1: Character Running Seems To Studder--

That's already how it works, so if it's having issues it's either some sort of lag on your end or a recent runemate update has broken that behaviour.

-- Issue 2: Extended Delays In Actions --

There is no programmed in delay after opening doors so if there's a delay occurring it's caused by runemates walking api. I've had issues in the past where obstacles like doors or gates will be opened by the bot successfully but the walking api takes multiple seconds to return the result of the function call which leaves the bot standing around doing nothing. Unfortunately i can't modify this behaviour as it's built in.

There is a similar delay between finishing a contract and speaking with the homeowner for a reward.

If you mean a delay between finishing the final piece of furniture and starting to walk to the homeowner then that could be pathing being slow but unlikely. I can't see what would cause that to have a delay, there definitely shouldn't be one.

I'll be trying out RuneMate's relatively new Pathfinder which is the successor to WebPath soon. Last time i tried it it wasn't sufficient for use in this bot but that may have changed. As that's the latest and most supported pating option from runemate, switching over may be the best chance of fixing the issues you're seeing, but if that doesn't work i'd need to take a deeper look.