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MaxiFisher TRIAL [Deleted]

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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Can loan an account if necessary, let me know =)
Sweet, send me a PM and i'll let you know when i have time to do it. Just need it in the inbox so i don't forget :p
Sep 29, 2018
Can MaxiFisher fish and bank lobs from karamja? It only shows Lobsters under the Powerfishing tab.
Oct 25, 2018
Fishes 1 Load of Harpoon on Karamja, then after it exchages for bank note it just sits there and doesn't do anything (RS3) Please fix as I do not want to fly fish to 99
Nov 5, 2018
Doesn't fish at lumberbridge swamp.

Fishing shrimps and anchovies.

It banks at the chest located in the academy then run's to the church/grave site and just stands there.
Nov 3, 2018
after this new update of runemate, the maxifishernão is getting right, he just stands still and does not start fishing, I can not post the notepad here. Has it happened to anyone else?
Nov 3, 2018
wtf why bot its not working i choose averything and its like loading
It's the same with me. No bot is working.
00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\guilherme\RuneMate\logs\MaxiFisher 11-06 18-25-36.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 TRACE [InputManager] Keyboard input BLOCKED
00:00:00 TRACE [InputManager] Keyboard input BLOCKED
00:00:00 INFO [MaxiBots] MaxiFisher V1.3.1 started!
00:00:02 TRACE [PlayerSense] Parsed 46 PlayerSense elements from the existing profile.
00:00:07 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: null | temp: Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0) | destCoord: null | next: null
00:00:07 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0)
00:00:11 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 4351ms
00:00:11 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0)]
00:00:12 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3242, 3147, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0) | next: null
00:00:12 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3147, 0)
00:00:16 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] RegionPath failed, trying WebPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3147, 0)
00:00:17 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 4862ms
00:00:17 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] WebPath[Cost: 9.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3156, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3150, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3149, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3149, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3147, plane=0)]
00:00:20 TRACE [Web] Next step is null at distance Infinity having scanned 6 vertices.
00:00:20 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 3356ms
00:00:20 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:00:21 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: WebPath[Cost: 9.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3156, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3150, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3149, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3149, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3147, plane=0)] | temp: Coordinate(3244, 3150, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3242, 3147, 0) | next: null
00:00:21 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3150, 0)
00:00:24 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] RegionPath failed, trying WebPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3150, 0)
00:00:25 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 4335ms
00:00:25 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] WebPath[Cost: 10.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3156, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3154, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3151, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3150, plane=0)]
00:00:29 TRACE [Web] Next step is null at distance Infinity having scanned 6 vertices.
00:00:29 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 3649ms
00:00:29 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:00:30 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: WebPath[Cost: 10.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3156, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3154, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3151, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3150, plane=0)] | temp: Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3244, 3150, 0) | next: null
00:00:30 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0)
00:00:33 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 2827ms
00:00:33 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0)]
00:00:33 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) | next: null
00:00:33 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0)
00:00:36 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 3079ms
00:00:36 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0)]
00:00:36 TRACE [MaxiBots-Walker] Failed to step, setting next to null
00:00:37 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0) | next: null
00:00:37 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0)
00:00:40 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 3076ms
00:00:40 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0)]
00:01:49 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0) | next: null
00:01:49 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0)
00:01:52 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 2933ms
00:01:52 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3148, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0)]
00:01:53 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3148, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0) | next: null
00:01:53 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0)
00:01:56 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 2905ms
00:01:56 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0)]
00:01:56 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3245, 3153, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0) | next: null
00:01:56 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3245, 3153, 0)
00:02:00 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] RegionPath failed, trying WebPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3245, 3153, 0)
00:02:01 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 4290ms
00:02:01 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] WebPath[Cost: 4.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3151, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3154, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3245, y=3153, plane=0)]
00:02:04 TRACE [Web] Next step is null at distance Infinity having scanned 5 vertices.
00:02:04 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 3099ms
00:02:04 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:02:04 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: WebPath[Cost: 4.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3151, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3154, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3245, y=3153, plane=0)] | temp: Coordinate(3243, 3150, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3245, 3153, 0) | next: null
00:02:05 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3150, 0)
00:02:07 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 2719ms
00:02:07 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3150, 0)]
00:02:07 TRACE [MaxiBots-Walker] Failed to step, setting next to null
00:02:08 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3150, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3244, 3155, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3243, 3150, 0) | next: null
00:02:08 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3155, 0)
00:02:11 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 3288ms
00:02:11 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3155, 0)]
00:02:12 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3155, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3246, 3154, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3244, 3155, 0) | next: null
00:02:12 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3246, 3154, 0)
00:02:15 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] RegionPath failed, trying WebPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3246, 3154, 0)
00:02:16 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 4100ms
00:02:16 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] WebPath[Cost: 6.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3151, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3154, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3245, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3246, y=3154, plane=0)]
00:02:19 TRACE [Web] Next step is null at distance Infinity having scanned 6 vertices.
00:02:19 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 2956ms
00:02:19 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:02:19 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: WebPath[Cost: 6.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3151, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3154, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3245, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3246, y=3154, plane=0)] | temp: Coordinate(3241, 3147, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3246, 3154, 0) | next: null
00:02:19 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3147, 0)
00:02:22 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] RegionPath failed, trying WebPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3147, 0)
00:02:23 INFO [MaxiBots] ---MaxiFisher V1.3.1---
00:02:23 INFO [MaxiBots] Runtime: 00:01:07
00:02:23 INFO [MaxiBots] Last status: Walking to fishing area (13)
00:02:23 INFO [MaxiBots] Total profit: 0
00:02:23 INFO [MaxiBots] Shutting down all executors.
00:02:23 INFO [MaxiBots] ---Thanks for using MaxiFisher!---
This is an example when I try to use maxifisher.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I need more info than that guys. RS3 or OSRS? What settings did you choose? What's the status at the time of the issue?
Nov 3, 2018
I need more info than that guys. RS3 or OSRS? What settings did you choose? What's the status at the time of the issue?
I do not know if I can explain, but I'm using the RS3, all the settings are in the low and in the runemate are the default settings, the moment I turn the bot on it says it's going to the fishing point, but in the true I'm already close, there he does not click to fish and neither walks, before the update of the runemate the Maxifisher and just as others were catching perfect. But now you're giving this problem to all bots.
I managed to solve the problem, now I have a doubt, the bot works perfectly but often in karamja when it is to take in the bank he buries and stands still until I pause and walk with him and then der unpause. Or is it just me that happens?
Nov 11, 2018
I do not know if I can explain, but I'm using the RS3, all the settings are in the low and in the runemate are the default settings, the moment I turn the bot on it says it's going to the fishing point, but in the true I'm already close, there he does not click to fish and neither walks, before the update of the runemate the Maxifisher and just as others were catching perfect. But now you're giving this problem to all bots.
I managed to solve the problem, now I have a doubt, the bot works perfectly but often in karamja when it is to take in the bank he buries and stands still until I pause and walk with him and then der unpause. Or is it just me that happens?

I have exactly the same, RS3, lowest graphics settings with swordfish selected at Karajama and it sometimes manages a few successful trips but then gets stuck at full inventory. Status is "walking to bank" but it just counts up there endlessly, when it works this is a really nice bot and a great bit of work, just seems to get stuck at full inv now for some reason.
Dec 10, 2018
yo working great first 10 mins south of lumbridge castle powerfishing shrimp. One question, in your screenshot on script overview page, how do i open a GUI or somerthing like what you had open showing the runtime, fish caught,etc and all on ur runescape clients window
Dec 12, 2018
Works great powerfishing other than it only drops the fish it is set on, while fishing in lumby it will only drop shrimp and not anchovies. Then it just afks with a full inv until the anchovies are dropped.
Dec 17, 2018
using in catherby, doesnt support barb-tail harpoon. It logged me out. When i got a normal harpoon, and selected for it to fish swordfish, it prioritized the big net/harpoon fishing spots, not the cage/harpoon fishing.
Dec 28, 2018
I was using it to powerfish salmon and trout at Lumbridge bridge and it got stuck on "dropping fish." It kept adding salmon to the hotkey bar then never dropping the salmon.
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