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OSRS Looking for a developer/Scripter for gold farming project

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Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
This thread has some serious issues with shitposting, out of four posts on this thread that I looked at I could only get one of them to make sense at all, the rest of the time everyone was acting spastic. Please get this thread up to general standards again within several days or I'll be forced to move it to casual. Thanks for your cooperation.
Superior All Knowing Person!
Oct 9, 2016
I assume it's a vendor bot, since he speaks of running a huge bot farm and only having people to grab the gold off the accounts.

it is to run 1000's off F2p bots! and some P2p"

Would make sence, buying items with the bots - selling them on the P2P accs (for G.E. tab space).

F2P accounts are quite limited, doing any type of "gathering" will get you banned within a few days.
"Fresh off tut island" limits it even more, so basically you have Wc/Mining/Fishing and possibly Fletching left - and since gathering in F2P is more or less insta ban.. that is ruled out.
Which leaves fletching, which is fine profit wise.. you can run it for a few days without getting banned (24/7) i doubt you'd reach 8 day botting sessions with it tho.

So yeah, it's probably a vendor bot.
No level requirements, 10-15 pr. server, he probably didnt think to just use 10-20 accounts instead of 1000 and use server jumping.

Either way, i doubt he'll tell you..
Not because that he won't, just because he can't..
you can't tell facts about something that doesn't exist :)
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
You want A calculation
How wrong would it be if your mom is a pornstar before you were born
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