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OSRS Looking for a developer/Scripter for gold farming project

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I've been called a god before.
Aug 5, 2014
The developer Will make the script to make it Pro! i mean make it so it last longest xD i had a Sucide account that lasted around 7 Days Before Perm Bans And that was Fishing... He/she have to be able to fix bugs/Miss clicks or what ever the script is doing wrong. i will tell the developer everything to do and she/he will do what i tell them to do. but then i want the developer to make it As they should have it themselves! So I want them to imagine how scripts should be how it will look like how they can get it and how they think about things I explain to them, they give me some changes on what can make the scripts even better than that I know. To what I'm going to do is buy a server and just cure as just the hell!

---You wanted to know anymore Just pm me instead.

ATM... i only have one worker i dont need two xD
1. It looks like you are the "pain in the ass" customer type
2. Why the fuck would anyone have to pm you.
3. Atleast try to write in text simple enough for retards like me to understand it easily.
4. what the fuck
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Noone is 100% Trusted not even Admin/Mod or whatever Rank or Rep i have seenallot off high Rep on other bots site's that scammed for Billions. i'm not that guy who scam people. i dont really know why i should Waste or Fuck with other Life. i live in norway if i really want money i can just buy things from China Like Vabes and sell it on My Website. or i did sold munch off Spinners allot off profit there. and i also Worked with one person for a long time ago but it was on a other Game Called Tibia. He sold accounts and Gold also Prem accounts. (Same as Membership)

People who come here to ruin me without you knowing who I am, I think that's incredibly bad. How old are you guys guys? 9 ?? Talk seriously about the topic I wrote in the thread about if you have something bad to say so do not say that. Be nice. Be helpFul!

easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
Noone is 100% Trusted not even Admin/Mod or whatever Rank or Rep i have seenallot off high Rep on other bots site's that scammed for Billions. i'm not that guy who scam people. i dont really know why i should Waste or Fuck with other Life. i live in norway if i really want money i can just buy things from China Like Vabes and sell it on My Website. or i did sold munch off Spinners allot off profit there. and i also Worked with one person for a long time ago but it was on a other Game Called Tibia. He sold accounts and Gold also Prem accounts. (Same as Membership)

People who come here to ruin me without you knowing who I am, I think that's incredibly bad. How old are you guys guys? 9 ?? Talk seriously about the topic I wrote in the thread about if you have something bad to say so do not say that. Be nice. Be helpFul!
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