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LiteFisher [Deleted]

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Nov 13, 2018
Thanks a lot for this script! It's simply amazing. I can also confirm that Lumbridge shrimp fishing at the swamp doesn't work and stays at "Loading..." with the correct settings applied (Powerfish any loc and RAW_SHRIMP) but I just fished shrimps myself because the leveling goes so fast anyway. Could I request for Minnows fishing to be added? I absolutely love this script because it has so much in one place so I only use yours instead of others. Thanks again for this script.
Nov 2, 2015
Help please..I can't even get this working..??

I've had no issue with other bots but this one won't work at all. I open it up, start instance and tick the options... trying to fish South of Lumbridge so select the fish my level is able to fish, then select 'Powerfish Any Location' and it just says 'Loading' indefinitely, nothing happens. Any ideas? Thanks.
Its not detecting the fishing spot type. If you are small net fishing I believe there might be an issue and Ill have to investigate.

is there any way you would be adding a decent minnow fisher to this? XD it would be greatly appreciated lol
I currently have a minnowFisher pending approval :D But it will be premium. It has many exciting features though! Nothing like it out there.

rare BUG for you @blisterz. When fishing at karamja and depositing, as it walks back to the fishing spot and accidentally clicks on the trees instead of the fishing spot it will just get stuck like shown in the screeny below. i have attached the log file as well at that minuted point. F2P harpoon karamja deposit box.
I will look into a way to detect the miss-click and cancel it.

However I just finished my week off and am returning to work and a busy school semester. So until this semester ends (Mid December) I will be very busy.

I released an update yesterday that added Piscarilius, Anglerfish, and Edgeville banking. I also made it pick up feathers if you have none and some are below you while using a method that requires feathers, this should fix the dropping feathers issue. So give it upto 5 days for an admin to approve it.
Thanks a lot for this script! It's simply amazing. I can also confirm that Lumbridge shrimp fishing at the swamp doesn't work and stays at "Loading..." with the correct settings applied (Powerfish any loc and RAW_SHRIMP) but I just fished shrimps myself because the leveling goes so fast anyway. Could I request for Minnows fishing to be added? I absolutely love this script because it has so much in one place so I only use yours instead of others. Thanks again for this script.
Ill look into the shrimp fishing. I just made a minnowfisher but it will more than likely be Premium.
Nov 16, 2018
I was watching it a little bit this morning and while it was shift dropping some fish power fishing, one didn't drop and instead it was highlighted for use. Bot seemed not to know how to handle this edge case and got stuck.

On another note thanks for the bot it is pretty great so far except for some little kinks that I'm sure you will work out.
Nov 13, 2018
So far from my testing, to avoid a ban it is best to use AFK mode with antiban disabled and powerfishing enabled. Once you can fish leaping fish move to them.
I just stumbled upon this. My fishing account just got banned today with about lvl 73-76 fishing. I used your script on it for an average of 6-7h/day for about 2 weeks fishing swordfish at Karamja and depositing them, always using Anti-ban and check fishing spots and I didn't have break handler and AFK mode on. I think what managed to mess it up was me powerfishing fly fish for 8h yesterday (because I wanted to get to lvl and do minnows/sharks in p2p, your script is that good lol) without AFK mode and break handler. I think I could've botted a few weeks longer if it hadn't been for the powerfishing I did with those settings.

I just made a new account and am using the config you described powerfishing fly fish till I reach lvl 76. I think I'll keep it at 4-6h/day max this time and see how it goes. How many hours a day did you manage to powerfish with those settings? Oh and what's the reason for turning anti-ban and break handler off? Won't those prevent bans even more? It seems to me that AFK mode randomly pauses every few minutes while break handling is more like taking longer breaks between longer time botting. If that's the case then it makes sense to only use AFK mode but what about the anti-ban?
Nov 2, 2015
I just stumbled upon this. My fishing account just got banned today with about lvl 73-76 fishing. I used your script on it for an average of 6-7h/day for about 2 weeks fishing swordfish at Karamja and depositing them, always using Anti-ban and check fishing spots and I didn't have break handler and AFK mode on. I think what managed to mess it up was me powerfishing fly fish for 8h yesterday (because I wanted to get to lvl and do minnows/sharks in p2p, your script is that good lol) without AFK mode and break handler. I think I could've botted a few weeks longer if it hadn't been for the powerfishing I did with those settings.

I just made a new account and am using the config you described powerfishing fly fish till I reach lvl 76. I think I'll keep it at 4-6h/day max this time and see how it goes. How many hours a day did you manage to powerfish with those settings? Oh and what's the reason for turning anti-ban and break handler off? Won't those prevent bans even more? It seems to me that AFK mode randomly pauses every few minutes while break handling is more like taking longer breaks between longer time botting. If that's the case then it makes sense to only use AFK mode but what about the anti-ban?
I currently powerfish leaping-trout 10-14 hours a day. I've had many accounts reach 99 now and none banned using those settings. I'm sorry to hear you got banned. Ill look into the two methods you used for patterns. Delayed bans are a usual thing so it is likely you were banned for Karamja fishing. Karamja is a heavily monitored location and its flirting with death to fish there. Maybe Ill add a red popdown warning when people choose karamja. I would avoid this next time. Or use AFK mode and report back, Id love to see a 100% test with afk mode on karamja.

You can judge how "safe" something is based on the amount of interactions it has with NPCs or Gameobjects. Clicking the fishing spot, clicking a banker, clicking the minimap. Limiting these interactions helps avoid bans.

During my tests of suicide fishing AFK mode avoided bans 100% of the time while the others had large ban rates.
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Nov 13, 2018
I currently powerfish leaping-trout 10-14 hours a day. I've had many accounts reach 99 now and none banned using those settings. I'm sorry to hear you got banned. Ill look into the two methods you used for patterns. Delayed bans are a usual thing so it is likely you were banned for Karamja fishing. Karamja is a heavily monitored location and its flirting with death to fish there. Maybe Ill add a red popdown warning when people choose karamja. I would avoid this next time. Or use AFK mode and report back, Id love to see a 100% test with afk mode on karamja.

You can judge how "safe" something is based on the amount of interactions it has with NPCs or Gameobjects. Clicking the fishing spot, clicking a banker, clicking the minimap. Limiting these interactions helps avoid bans.

During my tests of suicide fishing AFK mode avoided bans 100% of the time while the others had large ban rates.
Interesting. I'm f2p powerfishing trout/salmon atm at barb village in a busy world. Do you think that's a spot I can powerfish at with the settings you mentioned in your comment without getting banned? I always assumed crowded places would be a lot less suspicious because I'd blend in with other players lol. As far as I know Barb village and Lumbridge are the only f2p locations for fly fishing. It's kind of logical for Karamja to be a place where bots get banned because it's the only place for f2p players to fish swordfish, the most expensive f2p fish which botters are interested in a lot.

I'm staying clear from Karamja from now on because it's simply not smart to bot at, regardless of the different script settings. My goal is to get to lvl 76 and fish p2p sharks. Do you happen to know/have tested ban rates for shark fishing at different locations? It would be really great to safely bot to lvl 76 and bot sharks successfully without getting banned. As someone that's using Runemate with the 200h/month limit I'd rather not use break/AFK mode as it still gets counted as botting time but if that prevents me from getting banned I have no other choice.

I'm still wondering though, what's the reason you don't using anti-ban and break handler with AFK mode? Did the combination of the three options simply give higher ban rates?

Btw, I forgot to mention I did the trout/salmon powerfishing at Lumbridge in world 301 (to blend in) which I now assume would be a heavily monitored spot as well. Also, the powerfishing lasted in the 8-10h range, not 8h exact.

Also, just to be sure: suicide fishing = powerfishing, correct?
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Nov 2, 2015
Interesting. I'm f2p powerfishing trout/salmon atm at barb village in a busy world. Do you think that's a spot I can powerfish at with the settings you mentioned in your comment without getting banned? I always assumed crowded places would be a lot less suspicious because I'd blend in with other players lol. As far as I know Barb village and Lumbridge are the only f2p locations for fly fishing. It's kind of logical for Karamja to be a place where bots get banned because it's the only place for f2p players to fish swordfish, the most expensive f2p fish which botters are interested in a lot.

I'm staying clear from Karamja from now on because it's simply not smart to bot at, regardless of the different script settings. My goal is to get to lvl 76 and fish p2p sharks. Do you happen to know/have tested ban rates for shark fishing at different locations? It would be really great to safely bot to lvl 76 and bot sharks successfully without getting banned. As someone that's using Runemate with the 200h/month limit I'd rather not use break/AFK mode as it still gets counted as botting time but if that prevents me from getting banned I have no other choice.

I'm still wondering though, what's the reason you don't using anti-ban and break handler with AFK mode? Did the combination of the three options simply give higher ban rates?

Btw, I forgot to mention I did the trout/salmon powerfishing at Lumbridge in world 301 (to blend in) which I now assume would be a heavily monitored spot as well. Also, the powerfishing lasted in the 8-10h range, not 8h exact.

Also, just to be sure: suicide fishing = powerfishing, correct?

I agree with crowded places as you don't stick out to other players.

I have not tested ban rates for sharks. I have successfully fished sharks with AFK mode. I would recommend using AFK at least. It is really a game changer (for now, we'll see if Jagex catches on) for the ban rates. A new update I have waiting for approval has an AFK mode slider so you can adjust the values.

The AntiBan feature is really just adding random things to the bots pattern. Its often called Anti-Bot behaviors by other developers as its purpose is to do things a bot wouldn't do. While this breaks up the patterns well, the patterns still exist just in fragments. My bots "AntiBan" creates a random pattern (odds to open skills, hover others) which differs for everyone. It worked well at first but as it has been added to many other bots Jagex seems to have countered it. It takes Jagex longer to build your bot pattern, thus delaying or avoiding a ban. But they still are able to build a bot pattern.

For my tests I used a flagged IP. All my bots would get banned within a few days, no matter which bot I used. I tried to play acting like a bot, long hours of playing straight, one task, no random actions, no talking and so on, and I did not get banned. So I tried to mimick that play behavior best I could, what was different between my manual "bot" and the real bots. During this test I changed one bot behavior at a time until my account stopped getting banned. This is how I came up with AFK mode.

In my tests if I was getting detected I wanted the account banned. My tests were simply to find which behaviors were detected and while testing this I found AFK mode. Which for me it has completely disrupted any detection, somehow. Could be because it responds to things late (spot moves), or ignores Random events sometimes, or sits after filling up on fish, or anything. I'm not sure exactly why it works, but I know it does. In the future if more bots add AFK replication I'm sure this will change.

Suicide fishing is powerfishing for days straight.
Nov 13, 2018
I agree with crowded places as you don't stick out to other players.

I have not tested ban rates for sharks. I have successfully fished sharks with AFK mode. I would recommend using AFK at least. It is really a game changer (for now, we'll see if Jagex catches on) for the ban rates. A new update I have waiting for approval has an AFK mode slider so you can adjust the values.

The AntiBan feature is really just adding random things to the bots pattern. Its often called Anti-Bot behaviors by other developers as its purpose is to do things a bot wouldn't do. While this breaks up the patterns well, the patterns still exist just in fragments. My bots "AntiBan" creates a random pattern (odds to open skills, hover others) which differs for everyone. It worked well at first but as it has been added to many other bots Jagex seems to have countered it. It takes Jagex longer to build your bot pattern, thus delaying or avoiding a ban. But they still are able to build a bot pattern.

For my tests I used a flagged IP. All my bots would get banned within a few days, no matter which bot I used. I tried to play acting like a bot, long hours of playing straight, one task, no random actions, no talking and so on, and I did not get banned. So I tried to mimick that play behavior best I could, what was different between my manual "bot" and the real bots. During this test I changed one bot behavior at a time until my account stopped getting banned. This is how I came up with AFK mode.

In my tests if I was getting detected I wanted the account banned. My tests were simply to find which behaviors were detected and while testing this I found AFK mode. Which for me it has completely disrupted any detection, somehow. Could be because it responds to things late (spot moves), or ignores Random events sometimes, or sits after filling up on fish, or anything. I'm not sure exactly why it works, but I know it does. In the future if more bots add AFK replication I'm sure this will change.

Suicide fishing is powerfishing for days straight.
Thanks a lot for the extensive reply. I'm new to RS botting and it's very interesting to see how different variables affect the bot detection. I will definitely try powerfishing with AFK mode for long hours and see what happens. I already reached 50 fishing today anyway so I'm just testing at this point. If it gets to lvl 76 powerfishing it's definitely undetected.

Do you think I'd even be safe powerfishing a lot at Barb village? I'm pretty skeptical tbh.

I haven't checked out your other bots (I assume you have others because your work is really good) but I'm interested in your experience and would like to ask you what you find to be the most profitable (as in ingame money) skill or activity bot that has a relatively low detection chance. I assume your answer would be fishing because of that AFK mode. If you don't want to share I fully understand.
Nov 2, 2015
Thanks a lot for the extensive reply. I'm new to RS botting and it's very interesting to see how different variables affect the bot detection. I will definitely try powerfishing with AFK mode for long hours and see what happens. I already reached 50 fishing today anyway so I'm just testing at this point. If it gets to lvl 76 powerfishing it's definitely undetected.

Do you think I'd even be safe powerfishing a lot at Barb village? I'm pretty skeptical tbh.

I haven't checked out your other bots (I assume you have others because your work is really good) but I'm interested in your experience and would like to ask you what you find to be the most profitable (as in ingame money) skill or activity bot that has a relatively low detection chance. I assume your answer would be fishing because of that AFK mode. If you don't want to share I fully understand.

Im my experience fishing is one of the worst skills for both money and detection. Haha, but it might be observation bias. I do herblore for 1m/h and have made over 1 b on 1 account without a ban.
Nov 11, 2018
There seems to be a problem with the port at port sarim. the bot usually runs stuck at the tree between the fishing shop and the boat to karamja.
it does this quite often. when I watched why they get stuck there is because when they run back to pay the fare again it overclicks the map and the bot basically keeps running back and forth on the dock and soetimes gets stuck to the other side where theres land.
Oct 31, 2018
careful guys i got a perm ban in Karamja using the litefisher. done with rs now its just not that fun but just warning you guys i didnt think i would get busted
Oct 30, 2018
@trenaceisbace @blisterz you two make an very interesting discussion using this bot and avoiding bans!

My background to using this bot and add to this discussion, i have three accounts that i have been barb fishing and karajma fishing with all 60-65 fishing(also botting lots of other F2P skills). i use the bot once every other day for a max of 6hrs with using break handler, anti ban and key interactions always. Never really used the anti ban feature always turned it off. first question to you @blisterz, because i have never really been using it would turning on the anti ban suddenly make it look less random? I obviously want to use the bots a lot more in karajama but wondering if you think it would make a difference from what you were talking about earlier.

Also, talking about the break handler feature blisterz i know you have mentioned you are really busy but when you get a chance could you have a look at a bug that i found. As illustrated in the example below not all the time will it break when supposed to. it will say "taking a break for x minutes" before it has reached the timer which sometimes on the odd occasion can mess up the bot when walking from A to B. It will also rarely do the opposite and not break on the set time it supposed to(haven't got any logs or screens for this yet). i have noticed that turning off key interactions does help with this break handler bug.

Again i know your busy but that same bug came up that i mentioned previously but at barb bank fishing this time. gets stuck on the list of players when arriving at fishing location that doesn't have Lure or harpoon in the list depending on what the bot is set to.


  • Lite fisher break handler bug.JPG
    Lite fisher break handler bug.JPG
    41.5 KB · Views: 8
  • lite fisher same bug.JPG
    lite fisher same bug.JPG
    74.7 KB · Views: 6
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Nov 2, 2015
@trenaceisbace @blisterz you two make an very interesting discussion using this bot and avoiding bans!

My background to using this bot and add to this discussion, i have three accounts that i have been barb fishing and karajma fishing with all 60-65 fishing(also botting lots of other F2P skills). i use the bot once every other day for a max of 6hrs with using break handler, anti ban and key interactions always. Never really used the anti ban feature always turned it off. first question to you @blisterz, because i have never really been using it would turning on the anti ban suddenly make it look less random? I obviously want to use the bots a lot more in karajama but wondering if you think it would make a difference from what you were talking about earlier.

Also, talking about the break handler feature blisterz i know you have mentioned you are really busy but when you get a chance could you have a look at a bug that i found. As illustrated in the example below not all the time will it break when supposed to. it will say "taking a break for x minutes" before it has reached the timer which sometimes on the odd occasion can mess up the bot when walking from A to B. It will also rarely do the opposite and not break on the set time it supposed to(haven't got any logs or screens for this yet). i have noticed that turning off key interactions does help with this break handler bug.

Again i know your busy but that same bug came up that i mentioned previously but at barb bank fishing this time. gets stuck on the list of players when arriving at fishing location that doesn't have Lure or harpoon in the list depending on what the bot is set to.
I recently added a warning for Karamja. It is a hot spot for bans and I feel extremely bad for unknowing people, new to botting, assuming my bot is safe and get banned on Karamja. They should be able to assume it is safe, with proper practices. But for Karamja that has been untrue. I would have removed Karamja until I can ensure it is safe, but it is very useful to use on accounts you don't care to risk and hopefully is getting safer as I improve various methods.

Thanks for the report. I have also noticed the difference between the time the bot reports it will do something and the time it actually does it. I've been looking into it for a while and couldn't really ever figure out why. The code says if this timer matches that timer to pause or unpause, and yet the bot has a mind of its own sometimes. I believe I have recently figured it out and pin pointed it to when the bot gets manually paused it does not properly pause all timers, this could be from myself being sloppy and missing a timer pause/unpause in certain events or from the bot not doing them properly. If you get a chance let me know if this would fit you issue, do you frequently pause the bot and unpause it?
Aug 26, 2017
I recently added a warning for Karamja. It is a hot spot for bans and I feel extremely bad for unknowing people, new to botting, assuming my bot is safe and get banned on Karamja. They should be able to assume it is safe, with proper practices. But for Karamja that has been untrue. I would have removed Karamja until I can ensure it is safe, but it is very useful to use on accounts you don't care to risk and hopefully is getting safer as I improve various methods.

Thanks for the report. I have also noticed the difference between the time the bot reports it will do something and the time it actually does it. I've been looking into it for a while and couldn't really ever figure out why. The code says if this timer matches that timer to pause or unpause, and yet the bot has a mind of its own sometimes. I believe I have recently figured it out and pin pointed it to when the bot gets manually paused it does not properly pause all timers, this could be from myself being sloppy and missing a timer pause/unpause in certain events or from the bot not doing them properly. If you get a chance let me know if this would fit you issue, do you frequently pause the bot and unpause it?

Lol, I run this bot at Karamja for 6 hours straight in the last 2 months. No bans, thank you for this wonderful script.
Oct 12, 2018
yo. this is the best bot i've used... he just released minnowfisher pro, i trust it's just as good, but i want to see more people review it before i do. thanks!
Oct 30, 2018
I recently added a warning for Karamja. It is a hot spot for bans and I feel extremely bad for unknowing people, new to botting, assuming my bot is safe and get banned on Karamja. They should be able to assume it is safe, with proper practices. But for Karamja that has been untrue. I would have removed Karamja until I can ensure it is safe, but it is very useful to use on accounts you don't care to risk and hopefully is getting safer as I improve various methods.

Thanks for the report. I have also noticed the difference between the time the bot reports it will do something and the time it actually does it. I've been looking into it for a while and couldn't really ever figure out why. The code says if this timer matches that timer to pause or unpause, and yet the bot has a mind of its own sometimes. I believe I have recently figured it out and pin pointed it to when the bot gets manually paused it does not properly pause all timers, this could be from myself being sloppy and missing a timer pause/unpause in certain events or from the bot not doing them properly. If you get a chance let me know if this would fit you issue, do you frequently pause the bot and unpause it?

Thanks for the heads up on the karajma fishing scenario, will keep that in mind. Although from what surfcaster posted below you i pretty much do the same. Botting for no more than 6 hours in that place definitely must help!

I am still hesitant on beginning to turn on your afk mode as my accounts have never used it and i believe that would affect the randomness when in that area but who knows. might jut get another account going and test it out! i do believe that feature will help from the start though and understand why you have added it!

Hmm you make a very interesting point about the break handler i will press on and update you with any more reports i can find. i do actually pause and un pause all bots a lot so what you have found may be the cause.
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