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Tutorial Let's make a basic woodcutter and banker with VisualRm

Aug 6, 2018
Update: 11/26/18


Since a lot of ppl don’t know how to make bots in VisualRm, I decided to make a short guide to help the community better understand the logic behind the art.

Today we are going to make a basic woodcutter that cuts trees in east Varrock and banks the logs. I choose this location because there are oak tree right next to this tree spot and once 15 woodcutting is reached, the bot can easily be converted to cut oaks and bank them at the bank.

Start up VisualRm.


Know that we have visual rm open we need to think of the basic logic the bot must do. For this example, we are chopping trees down… when the inventory its full we will bank, once we have a empty inventory we need to cut.

For this example the major movements are based off if we have a full inventory or not. But before we do that we ill check to see if we have a axe on us or in inv if not script will end.

Once we know the logic order we must define some variables.

This includes the major actions, game objects (tree), NPC(banker), area(cords) we are going to be preforming the actions in.

Basic ones that come to mind for this job include:

Banker – NPC

AreaOfTrees – coordinates – we will find these by pressing the get button at the area we want to chop trees – go to the area we want to cut the trees in the RS client and press get

AreaOfBank – coordinates – we will find these at the bank – go to the area we want to bank and press get


Action – Chop down


Tree – GameObject


Axe – spirit item


Logs – spirit item – because we cut these that are in inventory



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Aug 6, 2018
Now that we have the basic variables we will be using lets start the fun stuff.

Always need a START NODE, START and then select game you want, OSRS or RS3 – for us OSRS

Now we are going to check out inventory for an ANY axe (this is partial name matching), if nothing is there then we will see if we have any axe equipped (partial name matching)

*If you want a specific axe then in the variables change axe value to Bronze axe as example – this will check to see if a Bronze axe is in inv or equipped. I include this because we need an axe to cut tree if there is no axe the script should end.



Since we checked inventory and equipment for axe and it was true, we should now start to see if we should be banking to drop logs off or going to area of trees to cut down trees.

**I include a check point bc it looks nice :p


This tells us where the node will start (inventory checkpoint)


Now we can put an If Inventory full node.


If the inventory is full we need to go the bank to bank all the logs.



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Aug 6, 2018
If the inventory is not full we need to go to the AreasOfTree to start our Chop down action. (GoCutTrees Checkpoint)


Here I will start the chop down logic because my inventory is not full atm. So this just makes sense.


We need determine if we are within 15 squares of the AreaofTrees. (value = 15 ;just add this variable, can be 20, 17, 14… this indicates how many squares of the coordinates of the AreaofTrees we must be in. I chose 15 since that covers all the trees we want to chop)

Distance to cords Area of Trees < 15


Now if we are more than 15 squares away from the trees, (like at the bank) we need to get over to the trees so we can start to cut.

So we put a transverse action in.


Now we can choose if we want to go directly to the coordinates or to the area of the coordinates by a radius of # of squares.

For this example, I like to go to area because it covers a wide range (15 squares), coordinates can be more specific.


Now our bot has the ability to move to the tree area from anywhere if the player has an axe on them and the inventory is not full from anywhere.

Before we start cutting trees down I like to make sure trees are visible. This step is not needed because the coordinates we selected, we know there a nice number of trees within 15 squares of the coordinates, this is placed in as an example to show what it does.

Here we will select visible, game object, Tree. You can select partial name matching to look for anything with tree, example Oak tree.


Now that we are in the area we need to be to cut trees down, lets see if we are skilling in the area (cutting a tree / woodcutting). This is done by adding a player condition.


Ok if we are not skilling lets go ahead and click a tree, so we can be skilling.

Remember Tree = game object

Chop down = action we are doing

So chopping down(action), what are we chopping down? The game object which is a tree.


*here one can add specifics like if the tree is unoccupied, if the tree is visible, if the tree is reachable to make it more specific. For use lets make it so that we only chop down trees that are not being chopped down by other player and the ones that are only visible to us .


This menu is brought up by hovering over the action chop down in the interaction action.

Sweet now the bot will check to see if it has an axe, if the inventory is not full, will move to where we defined as AreaOfTrees, and will click a tree that is visible and unoccupied by player to start skilling.

However, this action is going to spam click the tree until we have started skilling, lets not spam click and click lets say every 2,3 seconds on a tree to reduce the spams. Lets add a timed condition of clicking the tree!!!


Cool spam clicking fixed!!!
Aug 6, 2018
Now lets add another play condition, we want to see if we are animating with 2second delays.


**** I usually connect the failure back to the timed condition we just placed in to allow it to click on the tree again but for this examples I want to show how to use special interaction as this opens a whole new array of options for commands.

Again, I want to make sure we don’t spam click the action chop down on tree so I add a timed condition.


I want to make sure the tree we click on is not occupied by a player and visible just like the previous interaction but this time for the special interaction.


This special interaction will just click on a tree. This is useful for many things like using teleport portals.

NO partial name matching on this one because once a tree is cut it becomes a tree stump, this will stop it from just clicking the tree stump and force to find a tree to click.

***** HERE I WILL SHOW U THE USE OF RANDOM 50/50 % chance.******** NOT NEEDED BUT FOR EDUCATION**** very useful if wanting to mine copper 50% and tin 50%


This just has a 50% chance of going to do the normal interaction or the special interaction.

Lets add another for the other side just for extra randomness.upload_2018-10-12_14-28-9.png

**********THIS IS NOT NEEDED********************

Alright cool, now we are gonna see if we have an axe, if our inventory is not full will go to the area to cut tree and will interact with trees to chop them down. Lets add a pause for 1-2 seconds.


What our chopping looks like:


After, we are done with this chopping action, now we need to figure out what to do when the inventory is full of logs!

If already defined that we need to go to bank to drop off our inventory earlier in the inventory check condition.


Lets place the checkpoint down!


Alright, we need to determine if we are at the bank because we know we are at the area to cut so if we are not at the bankcords we need to move there to bank! We will check to see if we are less than 5 squares away from the cords of the bank area.

Aug 6, 2018
Alternatively, we can see if a banker is visible and accomplish the same principal as above. I like to do this way.


Either way will work and both have their benefits.

Now we are going to see if we are within 5 squares of bankcords (or if banker is visible)


As you can see I went with the NPC route.

If we are not in the bank we are going to move to the bank cords area within 5 squares of the defined cords.

Now once we are here we want to see if the bank is open. This is done by a bank condition.


Well if the bank is not open we should open the bank.

This can be done many ways. I will show a few.


One way is to interact with banker and press bank.


OR we can use a bank deposit action! – I like this way as it will deposit all logs.


For the first method this will find NPC banker and click bank.

For the purpose of randomness we can make it do both 50% of the time!

Lets add some randomness!

Okay now that are bank is open, we want to dump our inventory. This can be done simply by making another bank deposit action just like the last one and connecting it to success.

I want to show another way. If we have an axe in our inventory we can make it something like this,


I like to disable close bank, this prevents the bank from closing.

This method will bank everything but our axe!

For the sake of less spam clicking I like to add a timer before actions like cutting, transvers and banking so it slows the clicks down. Lets do that!



Adjust the timers to your preference!!!!



Press play!

Fishing spots = NPC

Congratulations you have made a woodcutter with banking ability that will not spam click.
End product:
Word DOC -


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Nov 3, 2018
Awesome tutorial! its hard to see the pictures clearly, but I got the basics and was able to create a bot to cut yew trees and bank at GE. Since there's no free one available.
Nov 4, 2018
i was trying to make this a silk stall bot, but i failed epicly, fine guide but hard to see the pictures otherwise, seems like i should stick to using other peoples bots
Mar 18, 2018
Thanks alot man, i made an Rs3 Ivy bot which makes it look like you would afk (I've set the timer condition to 8-39sec), there wasnt really a working one before...so thanks again for the tutorial! :)
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Thanks alot man, i made an Rs3 Ivy bot which makes it look like you would afk (I've set the timer condition to 8-39sec), there wasnt really a working one before...so thanks again for the tutorial! :)
Quantum Woodcutting
Oct 28, 2017
I have entered the basic sprite item, npc etc. but i'm on the "lets start the fun stuff" how do I create a start node? I click the icon you show in the picture but nothing happens? (complete beginner here) I'm using the VisualRM (beta).
Mar 18, 2018
I have entered the basic sprite item, npc etc. but i'm on the "lets start the fun stuff" how do I create a start node? I click the icon you show in the picture but nothing happens? (complete beginner here) I'm using the VisualRM (beta).

you have to drag it out
Nov 13, 2018

Thanks for this tutorial, it helped me quite a lot in getting started with this program. It is extremely appreciated.
Would you be able to offer some insight on a bot I'm trying to piece together at the moment? **if there's a forum or better place to post this, please let me know.

Issue #1
It seems that when I start this bot up from logging in, it seems to not make it past the click here menu and does nothing. But if I'm already logged in it will start to function when I start the bot.

Issue #2
It does not seem to be detecting that I have a Cannon Base in my inventory and goes straight to failure>Stop and logs out (which is the intended function IF I did not have a cannon base in my inventory)

Concept of the Bot:
A cannon bot that will go to Fally Square, set up the cannon and fire it, once in combat it will run to safe spot in the the fally general store. When the notification: Your cannon has no ammo scrolls through, it will go and reload it. I intend to add the repair feature as well.

Once I get it working for this, I'm going to expand the bot to popular cannon sites (Green Drags, Ice Trolls, Hill Giants) and then I intend to start adding a looting feature to it.

Once I solve these two issues, I'm certain tons more will arise, and I will tackle them as I go along.

In the first close-up image, the visual debugger takes in straight to Stop.

The second image is everything I have attempted at the moment.

**EDIT: Hey, so quick update, I didn't realize things were case sensitive for this stuff, so that was why it didn't recognize my cannon base in my inventory. But I guess I messed my logic up because it'll start to set the cannon up but right before it attaches the furnace it immediately stops the script and logs out. Sooo I've made it further and done part of what I want!! So far a small victory in my book!


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Aug 6, 2018
Awesome tutorial! its hard to see the pictures clearly, but I got the basics and was able to create a bot to cut yew trees and bank at GE. Since there's no free one available.
download the word doc dawg
i was trying to make this a silk stall bot, but i failed epicly, fine guide but hard to see the pictures otherwise, seems like i should stick to using other peoples bots
just download the guide i posted to see better pics
Word DOC -

To download to seee pics! :)
Where can i donate?
no need just make some bots and post em :)

Thanks for this tutorial, it helped me quite a lot in getting started with this program. It is extremely appreciated.
Would you be able to offer some insight on a bot I'm trying to piece together at the moment? **if there's a forum or better place to post this, please let me know.

Issue #1
It seems that when I start this bot up from logging in, it seems to not make it past the click here menu and does nothing. But if I'm already logged in it will start to function when I start the bot.

Issue #2
It does not seem to be detecting that I have a Cannon Base in my inventory and goes straight to failure>Stop and logs out (which is the intended function IF I did not have a cannon base in my inventory)

Concept of the Bot:
A cannon bot that will go to Fally Square, set up the cannon and fire it, once in combat it will run to safe spot in the the fally general store. When the notification: Your cannon has no ammo scrolls through, it will go and reload it. I intend to add the repair feature as well.

Once I get it working for this, I'm going to expand the bot to popular cannon sites (Green Drags, Ice Trolls, Hill Giants) and then I intend to start adding a looting feature to it.

Once I solve these two issues, I'm certain tons more will arise, and I will tackle them as I go along.

In the first close-up image, the visual debugger takes in straight to Stop.

The second image is everything I have attempted at the moment.

**EDIT: Hey, so quick update, I didn't realize things were case sensitive for this stuff, so that was why it didn't recognize my cannon base in my inventory. But I guess I messed my logic up because it'll start to set the cannon up but right before it attaches the furnace it immediately stops the script and logs out. Sooo I've made it further and done part of what I want!! So far a small victory in my book!

yo so i looked at it and it seems like u got some logic error.
issue one should be okay with what u have. just change the wait time on it? might fix the simple issue.

2: case sensitive,

this is logging out because the base is no longer present in your inventory, try is visible condition to determine if the cannon has been placed, it not set it up, then proceed. Hope that helps.

on calcuate condition, determine if u are at the setup cannon spot, if not move there if you are place another condition to see visible game object (i think cannon would be game object if not try ground item) cannon, if not present interact with inventory setup cannon, once visible proceed to gotospot.

also you need to add a calculate condition before transverse to fally square, so it can then proceed to gotosafespot.

hope that helps lmk if u need more help.
Nov 20, 2018
I am not sure what to do, the boxes keep turning red. I want a fishing bot that drops the food when it is full
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Nov 13, 2018
download the word doc dawg

just download the guide i posted to see better pics
Word DOC -

To download to seee pics! :)

no need just make some bots and post em :)

yo so i looked at it and it seems like u got some logic error.
issue one should be okay with what u have. just change the wait time on it? might fix the simple issue.

2: case sensitive,

this is logging out because the base is no longer present in your inventory, try is visible condition to determine if the cannon has been placed, it not set it up, then proceed. Hope that helps.

on calcuate condition, determine if u are at the setup cannon spot, if not move there if you are place another condition to see visible game object (i think cannon would be game object if not try ground item) cannon, if not present interact with inventory setup cannon, once visible proceed to gotospot.

also you need to add a calculate condition before transverse to fally square, so it can then proceed to gotosafespot.

hope that helps lmk if u need more help.
Hey! Thanks for your input I greatly appreciate the help! I managed to make some progress on the bot, so it will now setup reload and fire. So the basics are great, but it appears very botlike and it's not as efficient as it could be. Still having issues with it running to and from the safespot but it's definitely getting there!
Aug 6, 2018
I am not sure what to do, the boxes keep turning red. I want a fishing bot that drops the food when it is full
I have one made. you can use my barb fisher as reference! https://www.visualrm.com/members/sujay159/forum-posts ......... https://www.visualrm.com/forum/community-made-bots/osrs-barb-trout-and-salmon-fisher-banker-v1
Amazing effort but I just can't see why someone would be so evil and post picutures with that resolution.

My eyes HURT :'(!

Last post has download LINK!
Hey! Thanks for your input I greatly appreciate the help! I managed to make some progress on the bot, so it will now setup reload and fire. So the basics are great, but it appears very botlike and it's not as efficient as it could be. Still having issues with it running to and from the safespot but it's definitely getting there!

PM i might be able to help! Takes time!