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Tutorial How to Use RuneMate Spectre

Apr 3, 2016
My client keeps telling me I already have two instances running when I in fact do not have even one running. I had one running but it failed and I couldn't figure out how to remove it from my active instances, then I started another instance and wanted to get another going for a second bot but it wouldn't work because I supposedly already had two going. Then I restarted the client and it still thinks I have two running so it won't let me run even one. It's frustrating because this is the only good free unlimited bot out there and I'm trying to get started with gold farming on a small scale. I know I sound like I'm bitching, and I guess I am, but thank you so much for creating and developing this botting tool. I really appreciate your hard work and it feels great when it works out and brings me free gold in-game.
Feb 21, 2016
Then your Windows configuration is off. It's no problem though. You'll just have to manually open the RuneScape client from your Start menu and hit "Refresh Clients" in RuneMate. Couple more clicks, but it's not the end of the world. You may also want to try uninstalling and re-installing the RuneScape client.
i just installed the official client now if the client has like a side download going would that cause it to not recognize the client because on the original client it looks like its patching i honestly dont know what its doing lol. but ill link you a puicture.
Mar 4, 2015
i just installed the official client now if the client has like a side download going would that cause it to not recognize the client because on the original client it looks like its patching i honestly dont know what its doing lol. but ill link you a puicture.
just use the legacy client which can be found towards the bottom of the download page using it now works great
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
i just installed the official client now if the client has like a side download going would that cause it to not recognize the client because on the original client it looks like its patching i honestly dont know what its doing lol. but ill link you a puicture.
I have added some bold text to my original post to clarify. Jagex just updated the download page. Sorry for the confusion.

Lastly, you must select a client. A client is an application that loads the RuneScape game into it. At of the time this tutorial was created, we only support the RuneScape official legacy client (and RSU for our Linux users). If you do not have it yet now would be a good time to download and install it from RuneScape's official download page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you find "Other Ways to Play > Legacy Client." This is the one you are looking for. Please keep in mind that you must restart RuneMate after installing the RuneScape client.
Nov 2, 2015
Hey Arbiter,
I have gone through all the tutorial and it works just fine! I love the new layout of things and how you can play without having to click the mouse button or keyboard button its just instant (or is it instance). I have experienced 1 problem and that would be when a bot I use frequently (massfighter by ozzy) doesn't have a bot configure option, so it doesn't do anything at all, idk if theres something I'm missing or what. celestial fisher works fine
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
Hey Arbiter,
I have gone through all the tutorial and it works just fine! I love the new layout of things and how you can play without having to click the mouse button or keyboard button its just instant (or is it instance). I have experienced 1 problem and that would be when a bot I use frequently (massfighter by ozzy) doesn't have a bot configure option, so it doesn't do anything at all, idk if theres something I'm missing or what. celestial fisher works fine
Report bot issues to the individual Bot Author in the bot's dedicated Support & Feedback thread.
I thought he had been referring to a previous version of the RuneMate cilent.
Ahh sorry for the confusion.
Apr 16, 2016
Runemate currently working with NTX launcher? I downloaded NTX and reinstalled Runemate and when I try to "launch RS3 client" from Runemate it gives me the following green messages:Capture.PNGI then manually opened RS3 NTX launcher and hit "refresh clients" in the Runemate launcher and it wont recognized the rs3 launcher.
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
Runemate currently working with NTX launcher? I downloaded NTX and reinstalled Runemate and when I try to "launch RS3 client" from Runemate it gives me the following green messages:View attachment 670I then manually opened RS3 NTX launcher and hit "refresh clients" in the Runemate launcher and it wont recognized the rs3 launcher.
RuneMate does not work with the NXT client yet. Revisit the original post for updated instructions on how to get the Legacy (Java) client.
Arbiter, do you know how to fix this issue? I already tried reopening and also reinstalling. Neither worked.
Your instances likely did not safely shut down. They will timeout by themselves in 15 minutes. Your best bet is to close all RuneMate clients and check your Task Manager to make sure there are no running Java.exe processes. Then wait 15 minutes. If that does not work, do a full computer restart and wait 15 minutes.
Sep 4, 2015
Quick question, being the actions are slow and things like that, the author of celestial fisher said the issue if on the clients end and has been brought to your attention, can you validate this info? Is the client still is undergoing updates to make it run smoother
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
Quick question, being the actions are slow and things like that, the author of celestial fisher said the issue if on the clients end and has been brought to your attention, can you validate this info? Is the client still is undergoing updates to make it run smoother
That is incorrect. The current operational speeds are satisfactory. The Bot Author can and should make necessary optimizations to their code to have it operate smoother, including but not limited to reducing the amount of redundant methods. That being said, we are continuously optimizing on the client side as well, so with the proper combination of both sides working towards the goal it should get smoother.
Sep 4, 2015
Thanks, awesome. I guess within a week or so spec should reach its top capability, just a process from here on out trying to fix everything thats glitched otherwise the bot runs
Ah thats what i wanted to say, the fishing bot celestial fisher when running at fishing guild takes sooo long to click the next fishing spot, i told the arthourr, he said its client behalf, this may sound like a repeat but yeah that was my main point ^
Feb 27, 2015
Question, if I don't see a bot in the bot store that used to be there, that means that it isn't updated for spectre yeah? Where/how can I see the status on a certain bot, without finding it through the bot store? Thanks. Looking for agility bots for dmm :)
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
Question, if I don't see a bot in the bot store that used to be there, that means that it isn't updated for spectre yeah? Where/how can I see the status on a certain bot, without finding it through the bot store? Thanks. Looking for agility bots for dmm :)
You will have to ask the Bot Author in question directly for any updates/status. It's out of our control.