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OSRS F2P Bot Noob Progress!

Oct 15, 2014
any new progress?
Just took this picture and posted it of my most up to date progress! As you guys can tell I am taking it easy and not over doing it. Botting 2 to 3 hours at a time. Thanks for all the support and views!
Happy Sunday to everyone and Mothers Day.... if there are any botting moms reading this :p
Anyhow I will be posting a progress picture this evening to show all my progress as we wrap up our 3rd week with no ban!!!!
Well Today I have reached 3 weeks with out a ban!!! Cheers! Also got full bandos rune to get me to quest.
Oct 15, 2014
lol thats mad slow progress thats like 30minutes of botting everyday for 3 weeks lol
I bot like for about 2 to 4 hours a day or somtimes a skip a day here and there but rarely
I feel like it's a blessing that this bot is so great as is. We are crawling outta a time when you could not bot like this at all with out a ban in under a week. So that is why I don't push it and bot for 6 to 10 hours like i used to. Lay low and the stats are climbing!
Nov 12, 2015
I bot like for about 2 to 4 hours a day or somtimes a skip a day here and there but rarely
I feel like it's a blessing that this bot is so great as is. We are crawling outta a time when you could not bot like this at all with out a ban in under a week. So that is why I don't push it and bot for 6 to 10 hours like i used to. Lay low and the stats are climbing!
how far would i get if i bot 12 - 16 hours a day
Oct 15, 2014
how far would i get if i bot 12 - 16 hours a day
Very far and if you wanted to make some real good gp, you could bot 12 -16 hours and then trade it to a safe account :p
I personally am attached to this f2p noob I guess because it's my first time playing in the f2p oldschool community really. It's fullll of bots lmao! My p2p main I would never bot any more.
Fishing lobbys this morning to get my fishing closer to 60! Wood cutting will be entering the 70s this week!
Oct 25, 2015
Which script(s) have you used for your combat stats? And how is it going with your money for a bond? Great stats in that little time!!
Oct 15, 2014
Which script(s) have you used for your combat stats? And how is it going with your money for a bond? Great stats in that little time!!
Thanks man I really appreciate that comment and the support bro! Check out the first page of my thread where I listed them for everyone just now :)

In regards to a bond.... Idk man, like I kinda dig just keeping him f2p! There is a certain charm to that and my main is p2p of course and has been since the day oldschool came out and even since real Oldschool 2005-6 days your going down. So like I have no drive to be like... oh cant wait to unlock and see the big members area haha. Although I understand that the profit and all would shoot up..... idk we shall see but a bond aint my priority.
Progress Updated! Thanks for the Major view count!
Oct 15, 2014
No rush for gainz bro. Just taking it easy and climbing on up! Lay low
Just loged in to all my gp and armor being gone! Someone hacked my account! Must be Client related because NO BODY knows my pass.
I don't know how/what caused my bandos rune, addy g plate, and gp to be stolen but I changed my pass
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
No rush for gainz bro. Just taking it easy and climbing on up! Lay low
Just loged in to all my gp and armor being gone! Someone hacked my account! Must be Client related because NO BODY knows my pass.
I don't know how/what caused my bandos rune, addy g plate, and gp to be stolen but I changed my pass

Put on two-factor authentication on your RS account, and then on your client. In the off chance that someone guessed your RM password or it was one of the few leaked, that could've given them access but two-step authentication for the client would've stopped that. In the very off chance that someone behind the client/RM scene had access to your saved account details, two-factor authentication for the account stops them from being able to use that info. Highly doubt it would happen, but better to be safe than sorry in both cases.
Oct 15, 2014
Put on two-factor authentication on your RS account, and then on your client. In the off chance that someone guessed your RM password or it was one of the few leaked, that could've given them access but two-step authentication for the client would've stopped that. In the very off chance that someone behind the client/RM scene had access to your saved account details, two-factor authentication for the account stops them from being able to use that info. Highly doubt it would happen, but better to be safe than sorry in both cases.

Ok thanks for the tips man! I suppose that's what happened. In the mean time i've changed my ingame pass and RM pass. So hopefully it wont happen again. I'm not in the least bit frustrated by this for it's just a f2p noob. Never the less when you log out with full rune and 200k and log in gearless with 2 gp in the bank and an extra rune axe i've never had, you have to wonder WTF happened lol. I will be keeping yall posted and i am back to botting saving for more rune :p Oh and to the guy that hacked me.... FUCK YOU.
Thread/Progress Updated! This account will be one month old tomorrow!
Oct 15, 2014
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT Today this char is one month old!!!!!!!!!!! This is Fantastic! Big shout out and thanks to all the Devs for all there amazing updates!
Feb 21, 2016
Now you said 2-5 hours a day do you babysit the bot or just let it free run without any interaction?
Oct 15, 2014
Now you said 2-5 hours a day do you babysit the bot or just let it free run without any interaction?
To answer you PM question so everyone can benefit from learning how to bot smart..... like I bot between 1 to 4 hours ea skill. I for example I am mining a couple hours before work then tonight may wood cut. But you switch it up. Also I wont tell you my in game name obviously but I will tell you in the email used to log in as well as my user name my name starts with and i however I made it a lower case L, this throws a lot of people off! I don't watch my bot like a hawk but I also don't leave it while I go to work or bed. I often check the chat history to see if anyone is live in the area. If so here and there I'll be like mining levels? and get into random convos for a bit. However these days it seems most of the community is anti social or anti human lmao aka a bot. Another thing is wear armor, level combat, and change outfits. Basically don't look like a lvl 3 bot noob :p After each session try not to just exist out the bot or log out at the mine, rather you should run to the bank and get say your 150 ore and go sell it to the ge before logging out. If you where like powermining at least go to the bank and take out your scimmy and put away the axe. Shit like that will keep your account safe ( As long as the client is good like this one is)