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Echo Nagua Killer

Mar 3, 2015
Okay I have yet to get this thing to work this past week lol, reading logs I see after it makes all of the potions, go there and start killing then it says that it has nothing to restore prayer even though it has an inventory of moonlights made so it runs back to the bank and restarts over and over non-stop

Edit - after watching it re-bank 3 times it's actually killing and using the pots now

and when looking for a world in the beginning or when someone crashes you can just walk a few tiles behind one of the pillars or the camp to hop worlds that way it doesn't take atleast a full minute each attempt of world hopping a bunch


  • echo_sulphur_nagua_na_21102024_132951.log
    70.9 KB · Views: 0
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Jul 29, 2017
Pretty sure it was since I never have it on with RM but I'll re-attempt!
Any chance you could also just add barehand catching of moths? Their spawn points they move just a couple tiles so legit play I stand in 1 spot even and just click a moth every like 30 seconds; makes an inventory of potions last me an entire work shift
Sure thing man. Im rewriting this when im back from Holiday (2 weeks from now)
Will add that to the list of To dos
Sep 28, 2024
I used this bot once before and it did pretty good (back when you could pick which room). I started the bot today, it killed a couple naguas and once a guy ran past me, it began running with him to a safe spot. I had an issue where it wasn't switching worlds but I fixed this by changing the confirmation popup setting.

The problem I'm having is, it kills a couple naguas and then switch's worlds.

I have restarted my computer and still the same issues. Not sure if this is a feature but it drinks all the (4) doses first, then (3), all the way down to leaving an inventory full of (1) doses and will then drink those.
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Nov 10, 2024
Hi echo,
I’m getting a bug randomly where my account just runs back and forth between rooms till my run energy wears out. Occurs after it stocks up on pots.It displays the message running to location and just runs between rooms constantly (very bot like) till it runs out of prayer and dies. It only occurs at random and I’ve always got the same settings.
Oct 7, 2024
Hi echo,
I’m getting a bug randomly where my account just runs back and forth between rooms till my run energy wears out. Occurs after it stocks up on pots.It displays the message running to location and just runs between rooms constantly (very bot like) till it runs out of prayer and dies. It only occurs at random and I’ve always got the same settings.
happened to me today as well. ROL' ed with a HCIM.
Oct 7, 2024
goes to bank with only empty vials in the inventory? why not drop and take new vials of water from crate?
Jul 29, 2017
goes to bank with only empty vials in the inventory? why not drop and take new vials of water from crate?
Used to have this, must've missed it in the new version (all my account have barb training done). Thanks ill fix this tomorrow
Jan 2, 2024
decants potions while in combat which is odd, leaves a ton of empty vials in inventory and then banks them, hasn’t turned in sulphuours essence once either.. needs some fixing, I’d suggest decanting at the grubby tree location and letting it smash vials
Jul 29, 2017
decants potions while in combat which is odd, leaves a ton of empty vials in inventory and then banks them, hasn’t turned in sulphuours essence once either.. needs some fixing, I’d suggest decanting at the grubby tree location and letting it smash vials
Smashing vials is up to the user. If you have barb training done and enabled they'll smash, thats not something the bot can do.
It decants potions mid combat to make room for loot, but I guess I can make that toggle-able.

The banking the vials and the sulphurous essence issue I shall look into though