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Echo Nagua Killer

Oct 10, 2023
had some issues with the bot not getting potions when starting, any chance i could get the 2 very short sessions i wasted by being a moron refunded?
Jul 29, 2017
had some issues with the bot not getting potions when starting, any chance i could get the 2 very short sessions i wasted by being a moron refunded?
Hey man, yeah 1 ticking recently broke. Ive tried to remove it but just waiting on a push from the higher ups. Ive refunded you :)
Oct 10, 2023
saw your reply to my review where i mentioned the bot running between the rooms sometimes. this happens if i've selected the small room, it seems the bot takes a few tiles from the large room into account and goes to attack naguas there

i just ran the bot and it happened again so i thought i'd chime in and continue running the bot in the large room only
Jul 29, 2017
saw your reply to my review where i mentioned the bot running between the rooms sometimes. this happens if i've selected the small room, it seems the bot takes a few tiles from the large room into account and goes to attack naguas there

i just ran the bot and it happened again so i thought i'd chime in and continue running the bot in the large room only
Thanks man, you're not the only one to state this. I will fix it at some point. Edit: Found the issue, it expands the search to the entire large room to help if the user cant find any NPCs in the top half of the large room.... but it does this regardless if youre in small room or large.

Fixed and pushed a hotfix (but large room is better XP/Hr anyways)
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Mar 3, 2015
Keeps getting stuck saying about "picking up dropped potions" or something like that while it's at the cave door about to go back into the naguas
Mar 3, 2015
Turn off your ground items plugin :)
Pretty sure it was since I never have it on with RM but I'll re-attempt!
Any chance you could also just add barehand catching of moths? Their spawn points they move just a couple tiles so legit play I stand in 1 spot even and just click a moth every like 30 seconds; makes an inventory of potions last me an entire work shift