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Cuppa Shopper AIO

Mar 13, 2018
Last edited:
May 9, 2019
Just trialed the lite script, Beautiful bot, i do really like your GUI. Only addition i would request to make it worth using for myself would be stamina support. But A+++ Bot, thanks alot bro.
Banned at user request.
Aug 7, 2020
Hey this bot work extremely well, BUT...
The worldhopping is sort of an issue. It 'randomly' hops around, but it stays within a tight cluster of worlds very often & goes to the same world quickly.
I just ran a test and I recorded my world hops: 44 world hops total with 17 repeated worlds. That's a 38% recycled world rate.
For items with a slow restock time, it really hurts the productivity of the bot. And the test would have kept going longer but it was started to repeat so much I stopped it. lol

An option to go up or down the world list in a sequential order would eliminate this problem if that's possible. It would also be more humanlike, imo.
Mar 13, 2018
@The Dingo I've had a number of people request sequential world hopping in the past, and it was an addition I had in my notes to add eventually, but no one has ever made such a convincing argument for why it's important.

I could see why it would do that. Basically the logic right now does something like hop to any random world within X (I think X is around 15 right now), but it keeps track of the most recent ~15 worlds it's visited. So hypothetically it shouldn't revisit worlds often, but if it's a slow respawn time this isn't necessarily very efficient.

Maybe I'll revisit my world hopping logic in general to change to fully random worlds more often.

But you've convinced me to add a sequential world hopping option :)

It'll be added as an option in the next update.
Banned at user request.
Aug 7, 2020
@The Dingo I've had a number of people request sequential world hopping in the past, and it was an addition I had in my notes to add eventually, but no one has ever made such a convincing argument for why it's important.

I could see why it would do that. Basically the logic right now does something like hop to any random world within X (I think X is around 15 right now), but it keeps track of the most recent ~15 worlds it's visited. So hypothetically it shouldn't revisit worlds often, but if it's a slow respawn time this isn't necessarily very efficient.

Maybe I'll revisit my world hopping logic in general to change to fully random worlds more often.

But you've convinced me to add a sequential world hopping option :)

It'll be added as an option in the next update.

Haha you're the best man.
In the past when using this, the items were much faster respawning. What I'm doing atm is very slow so it just made it very apparent.

Appreciate ya!
Mar 13, 2018
Banned at user request.
Aug 7, 2020
@CuppaJava Sick dude! Will test it out very shortly. Thanks for that super fast update.

edit: Small test but it seems to be working perfectly, and cycled from last world back to the first too!

Thanks again!
Last edited:
Sep 16, 2020
wonderful bot! saved me about 30-40 hours so far! thanks alot man. but today when i was trying to run the script, it doesnt run on the screen. But on runemate client it shows everythings working.

Also its taking credits out for some reason without running
  1. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    [Running] Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    1 minute ago
  2. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    3 minutes ago
  3. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    4 minutes ago
  4. You sent $0.21 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 3 hours

    5 minutes ago
  5. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    Today at 8:54 AM
  6. You sent $0.14 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 2 hours

    Today at 3:43 AM
  7. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    Today at 2:13 AM
Banned at user request.
Aug 7, 2020
wonderful bot! saved me about 30-40 hours so far! thanks alot man. but today when i was trying to run the script, it doesnt run on the screen. But on runemate client it shows everythings working.

It's running for me. Not sure exactly what you mean. Make sure you start the bot in fixed screen mode and stay that way.

Also its taking credits out for some reason without running

Runemate charges you immediately for the first hour every time you start the script. So if you start the script for 1 second, you will pay the full price for an hour each time you restart.
Mar 13, 2018
wonderful bot! saved me about 30-40 hours so far! thanks alot man. but today when i was trying to run the script, it doesnt run on the screen. But on runemate client it shows everythings working.

Also its taking credits out for some reason without running
  1. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    [Running] Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    1 minute ago
  2. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    3 minutes ago
  3. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    4 minutes ago
  4. You sent $0.21 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 3 hours

    5 minutes ago
  5. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    Today at 8:54 AM
  6. You sent $0.14 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 2 hours

    Today at 3:43 AM
  7. You sent $0.07 to RuneMate
    Cuppa ShopperAIO - $0.07 x 1 hour

    Today at 2:13 AM
By "it doesn't run on screen" do you mean the game client is blank or missing visuals when running? There's runemate settings to reduce CPU usage, you might have one of those enabled.

As @The Dingo said, the charging system is out of my control. All I can do is recommend not to restart the bot unnecessarily and try to keep sessions just under the nearest hour to get the most bang for your buck.

You can use the lite version to test without paying as well.
Sep 16, 2020
i got it working just had to restart the runemate client twice. wasnt asking for a refund, its worth every penny. thanks again for quick replys