Hey man, I love your work! I can't figure out how to make deposit inventory work. It always gives an error saying it can't find the royal seed pod. I've tried a couple different thing to no avail. Could you let me know the proper way to set it up? Perhaps i'm doing the bank fillers wrong.
The intended use for deposit inventory was that you'll have placeholders (or the items themselves) for each item that should be deposited, and then not have placeholders/items in bank for each item to keep in inv. Then fill the bank with placeholders.
So for example if you're doing ZMI, you'll want to have in your bank at least 1 of every rune (or placeholders for them), and make sure you don't have any Crystals of memories/Royal seedpods in your bank (or placeholders), and then fill the rest of the bank with blank placeholders.
That way when you click "Deposit inventory", only the runes will be able to go in your bank and there won't be space for seedpod/cystal.