when I get back on I will send you a log but yes u are correct, Im speaking more towards the bot idling and not prioritizing the checking the nets. By not doing so, the salamanders release and the net's and rope disappear. I started out with 6 traps and a little after a hour I ended up with only 3 traps left. I will log on and make a log
Ah yeah. Salamanders is a bit of a tricky one, especially with more traps/higher levels, because it isn't easy to say what the bot should prioritize. If it prioritizes checking caught nets, it's more likely to have ropes/nets on the ground despawn (which is especially an issue in long botting sessions). If it prioritizes picking up nets that fall on the ground as items, it sometimes misses checking caught nets and they fall too.
Right now it prioritizes items on the ground (so they shouldn't despawn often), then it prioritizes checking nets. I did notice that it lagged a couple seconds whenever it misclicked, so it's possible that was adding up and exacerbating the issue.
So I'm tightening up/shortening the delays more, it should idle at least noticeably less often after the next update.
edit: also after trimming the delays I'm getting about 10k xp/h more on black lizards so that's cool