Thank you for the feedback
As you can definitely tell, the black chinchompa support is definitely pretty rudimentary, it definitely still has some work left to go. But thank you for trying it out.
I have no idea how to share logs lmao,
Just to address this, you can find logs in Help > View Logs and you can PM me/post the log here with an example of it idling. Ideally let me know what time around it lost trap(s), but even just sending the log gives me a baseline to compare if it's running way slower for you or something.
I did spent some time standing still and losing traps.
I'm still a little unsure why this would be happening after the recent update since I made it a lot quicker. By "time standing still", do you mean it would just have periods of 10-30 seconds+ of doing nothing? Or just lots of instances of 1-5 second delays that seemed common? Just in case, try turning off AFK handler, although I think I set the default to 4 seconds now so that shouldn't effect anything.
1. Once the bot teleports back to edgeville, it keeps standing in the teleport area not walking to the bank. I had to manually walk it by/to the bank everytime for it to bank and run back.
I assume this is the point you intended to retract about your roofs turning off? Not point 2? No worries though, just wanted to check
2. It sometimes spazzes out. So it went to this area that's not the usual 1 it goes to... so it decided to move back and fourth, going to the original area, then back to this area which also had chins. It was stuck doing this. I tried to manually take over the bot to fix this, even pause it etc but nothing helped. Was forced to stop the script and start it over again.
I'm a bit confused by this tbh, there is no "usual spot", it should randomly pick a spot out of all the possible black chin areas (3 areas I think), though it more commonly picks the southern spot. So you're saying it picked a spot, then picked another spot somehow and got confused? I haven't seen this before tbh.
3. It hops....way too often when there's someone my level but are not a pker.Ive seen it bank so many times within 10 minutes because of that. I need to stack up on more box traps then I originally though.
Completely fair point. I too noticed the world hopping is too aggressive. The issue is though that it's hard to be 100% sure who will attack you, unless you just assume everyone in your bracket is a threat. I looked into if before, I forget if there's a way I can check if the other player is holding a weapon. Maybe I'll make it only auto-hop if the threat is holding a weapon. Or make it hop if the "threat" is a greater combat level. Hard to say exactly.
But it should always hop/run when it's actually under attack. (Which I know could also use some improvement)
5. Minor and irrelevant but it does tilt me lol. I have items in a bank tab. I use that bank tab for the bot. the bot decides to go to all bank option thingy and scrolls all the way down to the tab to pick up items. My tab has all thee items beside each other
This one I can't do anything about really. Runemate's banking specific mouse movements is mostly just handled by the runemate client itself. I basically just call code like Bank.withdraw(item) and then Runemate decides how it will withdraw it.
Anyway, wall of text, not sure if you're even interested in reading all that lmfao.
tl;dr: Thank you for the feedback, I'll get the stuff implemented that I can implement. When I have some time tho, I'm currently juggling a few projects