This bot is working for me, it's been running for a day and 4hrs straight. I guess next time I stop it, it won't work anymore XD. Will keep running until something happens... Hopefully it can run for 1 week+ without interruption.
After running for about 28 hours my stats are (Only level 80 Mining + Dragon Pickaxe):
75K GP/Hr
2.1M Total Profit
13K EXP/Hr
390K Total EXP (EXP math doesn't work out for some reason) I'm new to Runemate
Statistics aren't bad at all for doing no work, but these could really be improved if the things in my earlier post/improvements were added to the bot. The bot is also really weird with pathing sometimes, which I guess is suppose to make it more human, but it ultimately makes it more obvious it's a bot. For example, the bot will go through the mines and take inefficient routes before mining. There are also times when the bot can't reach the mine vein but it keeps clicking on the spot for 30+ seconds. Also sometimes misclicks on "X amount" instead of "All" when banking but I believe you are trying to fix that with Bank all option.
If you make the bot Deposit All, please remember to withdraw pickaxe after for us low levels that don't have attack level to equip rune/dragon pickaxe
Bot seems to work somewhat better in Resizable mode, but it can't deposit ores in this mode.
Specific Unefficient Path:
Exits from the center from the Southeast, goes through the thin tunnels all the way to the Northwest. Bot takes a long time and has to mine through lots of rocks to get all the way to NW. It's just weird that it exits from one corner of the mine then goes through the thin tunnels, aka slow way, to the other side when it could just use the NW exit. The bot also has problems when it exits from the Southwest. It will mine the rock then just stand there for a bit because it can't see the vein from the camera angle.
5/31/16 Banned From Using This Bot RIP My Account