If web pathing can't find a path, it ends up searching all of the data trying to find one. If the path is being created each call, this could be the reason why :/ Although I've never had any problems with HaxAgility's pathing, and I can't really remember where pathing is used in it
personally I used it in the wilderness training course. I left my account there for a couple hours then I came back finding that it's still in the course area while it doesn't have the boots of lightness and the food "having 1 fps" which means it died and came back.
did you try running the client from a .bat file?

You can see its actions in the log
I'm always using it, ufortuantely when that happens I don't get a specific error. I'll keep testing and see what's going on
I've made a test using "alpha divination"
I used its web path finder to go into sparkeling wisps area while "located near fermmenik loadstone" and
it did it without any lags.
I tried going the same place using a loger path "opened the script while I'm neer seer's village load stone"
it did it well
tried it using a longer path "started it near travery loadstone"
it lagged 
so does it lag when the path created is too long?