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Banned? Read Me First!

Oct 31, 2020
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Cuppa Motherload Mine, Cuppa Musam quester, Cupper Agility
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? N/A
  4. Have you been banned previously? Yes, main banned not to long ago
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes
  7. When was your account created? like a month ago after main was banned, They went to perm ban first time.
Jan 16, 2021
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)?: OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used?: AuxiFighter, MaxiFisher, MaxiWoodcutter, Cuppa MinerAIO
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?: None
  4. Have you been banned previously?: Yes, in 2010 for Cussing people out as a kid.
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting?: Nope
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting?: Hours in between. Questing, Skilling, etc.
  7. When was your account created?: 2009
May 25, 2019
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)?: OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used?: QuickCooker, MaxiFletcher, MaxiAlcher, LiteFisher.
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?: None
  4. Have you been banned previously?: No.
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting?: No.
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting?: Only played for 20 hours total since last playtime from a few months ago.
  7. When was your account created?: 2012
  8. Ban Length: 2 Day.
Used all the bots for no more than 3 hours each day, with breaks in between. Did no "Legitimate" play during the game except to chat, and buy items from GE.


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Feb 4, 2021
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Recently; smart agility, regal firemaking, quantum woodcutting, diving herblore and prime abyss runecracfting
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? N/A
  4. Have you been banned previously? No.
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No.
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes.
  7. When was your account created? A few years ago.
  8. Ban Length: Temp ban, 2 or 1 day?
I was temped banned because of Prime Abyss Runecrafting; the bot can easily get stuck and performs clicks and interactions that are not human like. Should have been baby sitting but I went AFK for 10 minutes.
Feb 16, 2021
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Regal Wintertodt, Prime Hunter, and mostly Prime Zulrah
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? No
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes, Took breaks every 1-2 hours for 5-40mins. Botted beween 4-8 hours a day.
  7. When was your account created? 8+ years ago.
May 26, 2021
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Cuppa pickpocketer, cuppa tempoross, cuppa agility pyramid, maxi homes, maxi planker, prime pest control
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? No
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes; quests, farm runs, slayer, etc
  7. When was your account created? Over 4 years ago
Prime pest control 90% got me banned. I bot a low amount of hours, mix things up with skilling/quests/slayer, talk while I babysit every bot. The PC bot did not run well and would make very botlike decisions when someone closes a door to the portal area. Literally saw in chat later "someone repprt (insert my IGN). Hes a bot"

I only used this bot for about 1.5 hours.

2 days later, that being today, got banned. Only a temp ban, and im not flaming anyone. I understood the risks of botting. Be careful gamers
Mar 23, 2021
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Divine NMZ (not the free version)
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? I was using a Mouse Recorder Pro in the past before I found out about Runemate. I got banned within 5 days after starting to use Runemate. I only used paid for bots. Really unfortunate.
  4. Have you been banned previously? Yes
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes, doing birdhouse runs, farm runs, collecting herb boxes, questing.
  7. When was your account created? November 2020
Jul 26, 2021
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS. It's a 2-day temp ban.
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Cuppa MotherlodeMine, Cuppa Pickpocket, Cuppa StallThief [BETA], Hexis Wintertodt PRO, Mmaaikel's Firemaker, Mmaaikel's Fletcher, MaxiWoodcutter (I used Cuppa the most, but there's no telling which one of these bots flagged me. If I had to guess, it would be either the pickpocket bot or the firemaker. Although I did barely use the firemaker.)
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? Never
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? Not really. I logged 45 hours in about a week though, so I probably just simply overdid it by an hour or two on a couple days in that time frame.
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yep. Did some quests, even manually did certain skilling.
  7. When was your account created? in 2006.
Bot Author
Jan 29, 2016
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Hexis Agility AIO
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? Nope first one
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? Nope
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yeah, did 2-3 hours botting agility at seers and did quests, g.e flipping etc.
  7. When was your account created? 10+ Year ago

Sadly this happens and i just want to warn people about using the Hexis Agility bot at Seers !

Goodluck botting peeps!
Jan 27, 2022
  • What game mode (OSRS, RS3)?
  • A: OSRS Perma ban by the way.
  • What bots on RuneMate have you used?
  • A: MaxiWoodcutter, Cuppa MinerAIO
  • What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?
  • A: None
  • Have you been banned previously?
  • A: No
  • Were you 'suicide' botting?
  • A: No, mix of botting and playing. I would talk and interact with people around. I had my screen side by side.
  • Did you play legitimately in between botting?
  • A: Yes
  • When was your account created?
  • A: Jan 27th
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Feb 18, 2022
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Hexis Wintertodt Pro, Prime 3T Fishing, Hexis Agility AIO, Cuppa Tempoross, Cuppa AgilityAIO, Smart Agility
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? No, but if so I always VPN Botting Sessions
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes
  7. When was your account created? 3-4 Years ago.

Experienced botter (In my opinion Input)

This is the first time I've ever been banned & I've botted for years. I always babysit bot while I do other personal tasks. The Prime 3T Fishing is fantastic IMO along with the Hexis Wintertodt Pro, & Hexis Agility AIO. I personally think the ban came from the Cuppa Agility and/or Tempoross bot. The Tempoross bots play style is a bit too aggressive & all over the place with clicks. It has a bunch of spammy clicks which I understand why but I think it's a bit overkill. Along, with its godly speed at right-clicking & finding the correct action to press. (Which is where I believe the ban ultimately came from, however, that script ran for a short session so can't completely say that was the triggering factor.) The next assumption would be the Cuppa agility script. It's a great script don't get me wrong it's super clean, however, that might be the issue. The lack of misclicks and perfection gameplay with no fatigue. Paired with my "Normal" botting sessions could have been a bit too much.

These statements are completely, IN MY OPINION, there is no "proof" to back that these are the factors that got me banned. Just my observation & experience. Any bot will always have the possibility to result in a ban regardless of how great they are used. You really never know. All in all, I highly recommend Hexis Wintertodt Pro, Prime 3T Fishing, Hexis Agility AIO scripts.

Luckily I only got a 2-day ban.

Hope this helps someone.
Mar 4, 2022
Just got a 2 day Bot Busting Moderate (Ban) for being logged in maybe 20 minutes today running Hexis Pest Control Pro. (on my main)


2. Maxi Bots, Hexis Pest Control Pro, Hexis Agility AIO, Qve AIOFighter (PRO) (used within the past 2 weeks)

3. None, iv only ever used Runemate.

4. Years ago on an old account, on a different IP address.

5. Nope

6. Yes, it was about 40% botting 60% legit play.

7. my account is about 2 years old now, created through steam.
Apr 20, 2022
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Used Alphafisher and Prime 3t mining BETA.
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None, runemate was my first program.
  4. Have you been banned previously? No, this was my first temporary ban I've ever received.
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No, bot was set on breaks to run for only for a couple of hours.
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? I did farm runs and corporeal beast between botting sessions those days.
  7. When was your account created? 2017.
I ran Prime 3T Mining Beta on my account, bot was working fine during the first session and towards the next session(next day), I noticed it bugged out and kept repeatedly clicking on my inventory and producing no action at all. Before I started the bot, I made sure I had enough of the materials needed and backup materials incase it would fail. It was obviously a bot malfunction if anyone was to review the evidence manually. I logged the account out and got back on later only to receive a temporary ban. Please contact the script maker and get this removed, it's a death trap.

Prime 3T Mining BETA
fourm post with the bug report log ^
Sep 3, 2015
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? Osrs
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Prime Hunter, Cuppa AIO Hunter
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? No
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? 6-12hrs/day
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? No
  7. When was your account created? 5 Days ago
Prime hunter worked great at grey chins, Red chins seems to be a big problem for both bots.
Prime hunter crashed after a minute or so and left the character afk for hours. Cuppa AIO Seems to be efficient but didn't have much in terms of trap layout config. Makes it a bit more suspicious as every user of the script has the same trap layout. Not sure which caused the issue, will retry with just Cuppa AIO.
May 27, 2019
Banned a few hours after using the premium "Prime pest control" by Party bot on OSRS. I ran the bot for a total of 10 hours with many breaks and intervals of playing manually + typing and all. IDK how I was detected so damn fast but please please do not use this bot
Apr 22, 2019
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Prime Zulrah was most recent before the ban - I've got many hours on it, Prime NMZ (not for a few days) - also many hours, gAltar, a few Regal skillers for up to an hour each babysitted.
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? No
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No, it's on my main (and only account)
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes, and I try to keep the botting times and breaks similar to a real human's playing/break times.
  7. When was your account created? 2004
Only got a 1 day ban (Medium bot-busting), but now I'm worried I'm on a watch list.

My most recent botting prior to the ban was Prime Zulrah, and I feel like that should fall in a category higher than medium? Maybe they picked up an earlier minor, more "robotic" bot.

Jagex claim to be able to detect all botting activities, but why has it taken weeks to ban me?

Can they really detect bots? or is it likely that while I was afking, my bot got stuck in an obvious loop in a public place, and someone reported me?

There's a few more skills I'd like to bot fully supervised - should I be worried about being watched by Jagex and being detected and banned much more easily?
Aug 20, 2022
Anyone ever makes a experiment? I think if you spend a lot and earn very few and as long as you are not an expert account builder, everything is gonna be fine.
Nov 15, 2016
  • Osrs (Perma Ban). I don't actually understand why it was a perma.
  • Hexis Wintertodt, Cuppa Motherlode
  • None
  • No
  • No, 2-4 hours
  • Yes, using the same client too.
  • A few years ago
Jan 15, 2023
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)?
  2. OSRS
  3. What bots on RuneMate have you used?
  4. CuppaMinerAIO
  5. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?
  6. None on this account
  7. Have you been banned previously?
  8. Not on this IP
  9. Were you 'suicide' botting?
  10. 16H/Day only this skill ;) So level 30 combat with 93-94 ish mining lol. (Mined iron -> 93 then amethyst). Account had "spent" one bond to buy dragon pickaxe and to test if buying bonds make you immune to bans :D
  11. Did you play legitimately in between botting?
  12. No, wanted to see how far it would go with pure botting. :)
  13. When was your account created?
  14. Around January
Anime Robot Enthusiast
Jan 6, 2020
What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
What bots on RuneMate have you used? 3 years ago, don't recall. Yesterday, none.
What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? Only ever Runemate.
Have you been banned previously? 3 years ago, for using Runemate; several years before that, though I hadn't actually been botting.
Were you 'suicide' botting? Nope; my software isn't working,
Did you play legitimately in between botting? Only played that account legit.
When was your account created? Literally yesterday. Signed up, found my software didn't work, thought "what the Hell" and played legit while watching YouTube videos.

I find it hilarious how Jagex and legit players keep emphasizing how aMAzInG and flawless their bot detection is, when at this point I've been banned for not botting more than for actually botting; it's what started me on botting in the first place! If I'm going to be accused of it anyway, right?

Their bot detection isn't good, it's just bad and overzealous.