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Banned? Read Me First!

Nov 22, 2018
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? - OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? - Divine Magics Lite
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? - None
  4. Have you been banned previously? - No.
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? - No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? - Yes, I was always following, never used without me being on the computer and used for work reasons
  7. When was your account created? 2 months.
I forgot to mention that I bought member to lower the odds but to no avail.

ouch bro, that sucks. Ive used devine magic light on like 3 accounts, 94 magic, 86 and 82. Never had an issue. Were you alcing somewhere visable people could have reported you?
Nov 30, 2019
ouch bro, that sucks. Ive used devine magic light on like 3 accounts, 94 magic, 86 and 82. Never had an issue. Were you alcing somewhere visable people could have reported you?
did in the general market, but always kept looking
Dec 17, 2019
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? - OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Prime Fish Paid Version
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? Powerbot
  4. Have you been banned previously? - Yes (suicide melee training experiments 2018)
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? - No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? - No, played short bursts after work
  7. When was your account created? 2018
Got my Perma ban today on my main. Oh well i suppose. Take risks and you get lucky sometimes. I would only bot for about 3hrs max. longest run in the past 2 weeks was 4.5hrs. Ran on my laptop so i could monitor it as i playeed other games or watched netflix. Interacted with people who were chatting, and actively tried to dismiss any random events that popped. The Jagex detection software got me, not a mod or being reported. Moderator reviewed and enstated ban. Was fishing at Piscatoris for Monks. made it to lvl 90 from lvl 85. Probably gonna quit for another 5-10yrs now lol.

imo (and im probably preaching to an empty stadium) its sucks that lvl 95 in a skill is literally the half way mark to 99. its rediculous and considering how old RS in general is and its quality, no one really spends the time on it to skill legit. and im going to guess everyone on Runemate has actual lives and can't spend the needed time to skill legit. RS is a fun game, but it's way too time consuming for its original audience (OSRS that is) They should take a chapter out of BDO and its skilling. See ya all in a few years XD stay safe!!


  • Screenshot_2020-01-02 Account History - RuneScape Old School RuneScape.png
    Screenshot_2020-01-02 Account History - RuneScape Old School RuneScape.png
    61.2 KB · Views: 83
Mar 28, 2017
Have a maxed main which was MOSTLY botted with RuneMate (ty) but I received a perma ban on an alt recently. I botted this alt account quite a lot 3-4 years ago with no issues while I was paying for monthly membership. Real world trading fire cape service everything never a problem no bans. I never would bot more than 5 hours day and tried to play legit in between. I think the only reason this alt was perma banned is because I used a bond for membership. Main account is paid per month and never had any ban issues. When my alt account was paid per month never had any ban issues. Use one bond to pay for 14 days membership banned after one day. smh Jagex.
Jun 10, 2017
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? - OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Prime NMZ/ Prime Hunter/ MaxiFletch
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? none
  4. Have you been banned previously? - Yes, received temp ban for botting but did not notice it as i was away for work during the temp ban and it was lifted before i logged in the next week. I saw i received Temp ban once i received notification of my Perm ban.
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? - No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? - Yes, I would not even bot every day. PK'd, PVM'd all sorts of stuff.
  7. When was your account created? 2014
My fault for botting on my main but I ran bots sporadically over time. Only since I ran MaxiFletcher and Prime NMZ recently within the past week have I received my bans.

GF Jagex.
Jan 15, 2019
  • What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? osrs
  • What bots on RuneMate have you used? alot, but either got detected when i used prime hunter or zulrah bot
  • What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? nop
  • Have you been banned previously? no
  • Were you 'suicide' botting? no
  • Did you play legitimately in between botting? ye
  • When was your account created? not sure, long time ago
edit: can also add that i didnt bot for long hours and only when i was home from work etc, been botting/playing on and off for 1year. shit happens glhf
Feb 1, 2020
Banned on Runescape 3 or Old School Runescape? Sorry to hear that.

We'd love to know more about your ban, so if you do choose to post about your ban, please include the following information in your post:
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)?
OSRS windows
  1. What bots on RuneMate have you used?

    Passive tutorial
  2. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?
  3. Have you been banned previously?
  4. Were you 'suicide' botting?
  5. Did you play legitimately in between botting?
  6. When was your account created?

Remember - Never bot on an account you are not willing to lose!
Banned on Runescape 3 or Old School Runescape? Sorry to hear that.

We'd love to know more about your ban, so if you do choose to post about your ban, please include the following information in your post:
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)?
    OSRS - Windows 10
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used?
    Passive tutorial (noticed quite a lot of missclicks, gets stuck on smelting dagger had to manually intervene)
    Quantum Woodcutting (a few miss clicks, ended up in the 2 fountain area near GE (oak cutting))
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?
    1st timer
  4. Have you been banned previously?
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting?
    Yes - 8-12 hours with 1 hour rest in between (about 32h of botting) (got to 65 wood cutting and had 1 mill GP from starting to get Yew logs)
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting?
    I paused and clicked the antibot NPCs when they showed up and told them I was busy (about 6 times)
  7. When was your account created?
    it had been created for 2 days, botted since beginning.

    Wanted to test the waters ;) also tried appealing will let you know if I get off *i doubt it XD*

Remember - Never bot on an account you are not willing to lose!
Jan 28, 2020
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)?
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used?
    Prime NMZ
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?
    None 1st time
  4. Have you been banned previously?
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting?
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting?
    Yes - pvp, questing etc
  7. When was your account created?1-2 months ago
Feb 1, 2020
  1. OSRS - Windows 10 and Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia
    base: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic

  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used?
    Quantum Woodcutting (a few miss clicks, ended up in the 2 fountain area near GE (oak cutting))
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?
    2nd time, passive tutorial.
  4. Have you been banned previously?
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting?
    No - ran 2 hours on 3 hours off, randomized and never ran for more then 4 hours.
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting?
    Manual play through tutorial island, quantum woodcutting wood up to 15 in lumbridge, 15 - 45 at GE Oaks.
  7. When was your account created?
    it had been created for 2 days, botted since beginning.

    I assumed tutorial island was watched, looks like its just woodcutting near the GE, lots of bots there.

    I have another bot using a Free profile it has been alive for over 4 days now almost botting non stop.
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The only AI bot developer
Mar 26, 2016
Don't bot at populated areas.If people see a level 3 chopping Oaks at G.E,they wont hesitate reporting,as it is suspicious,because it is commonly botted.
Jan 16, 2020
  • What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  • What bots on RuneMate have you used? Fizz woodcutting guild
  • What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? noone
  • Have you been banned previously? no
  • Were you 'suicide' botting? i dont think so
  • Did you play legitimately in between botting? yes i think i did
  • When was your account created? 1/16/2020
Hello i just got a 2 day ban after i had logging in to osrs and then started:
Fizz woodcutting guild bot. i was notified in runemate client that my acc
had been disabled. i am warned that i will get this 2 day ban Theres not
appealable and IF i do it again (as i would like to) i will get permanently
banned. it shocks me that im just pressing play and then it bans.

Heres the log:
00:00:00 INFO Your bot list has been refreshed.
00:01:18 INFO Login blocked: Account permanent ban

Tell me what you think
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Mar 16, 2020
I don't want to give all the info as a bit paranoid and so far seems like a 2 day ban. I've used several different bots here and one other website and got a 2 day ban.
I've played legit in between and never suicide botted.

My friend also got a 2 day ban but he's only used auxifighter and apexcrabber, which are the main 2 i have used. He also didn't bot for a week before botting apex and got banned the same day. It was the last script i've used as well. But i've botted much more than him so don't want to point any fingers. We both got banned the same the morning, he was botting while i stopped several hours before the ban
I don't play games. I bot them.
Dec 15, 2014
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? awesome agility
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? tribot but not on this account. this one only ran a runemate bot
  4. Have you been banned previously? nope.
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No. i botted for a total of 3 hours on a weekday between 9pm - 1am. i took a break somewhere in between there
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? yes was doing the f2p quests and manually training range.
  7. When was your account created? 4/16
My first theory of how i got banned was my proxy. I was using a proxy from one of my websites that i have gotten non-flagged proxies from. I'm guessing its the proxy mostly bc i was banned after only 3 hours of botting during the night. One thing i did notice however was i wasn't using resizable mode for the first hour and the bot was stuck clicking a mark of grace that it couldn't reach. once i put it back on the normal size it worked fine, but i don't think that one mishap would flag my account.


My second theory is my main account got a small ban for botting a year ago and thats when i originally quit botting but now im back. I traded items between my main and the bot and they could have a flag on my account for trading with new accounts.
Screenshot - 52f6380c67ab885712bc29b59a086197 - Gyazo

This won't stop me however as i'm gonna get a new proxy from the same website bc i have gotten fresh proxies from them before. This time i will solely be using my new account and not interacting with my main. Hope it works, and i hoped my post helps anyone else.
Apr 15, 2020
We'd love to know more about your ban, so if you do choose to post about your ban, please include the following information in your post:
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Private woodcutting/combat scripts
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? No
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No, 3 hours a day
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes
  7. When was your account created? About 5 years ago
Banned 3 days in, my bot looked ok while running and had built in breaks to simulate logging off while watching TV that kind of thing. Oh well, will try again..
Sep 1, 2016
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)?
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used?
    Awesome agility was last but I used many others too.
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?
  4. Have you been banned previously?
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting?
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting?
    Yes more legitimate than botting
  7. When was your account created? 7 years ago
P.S. Luckily, it was not my main account even tho both ran almost same scripts beside the agility one which i ran last on my alt to check the trial version. My guess is that agility and especially in famous places like Varrock and even falador or seer is extremely detectable and it seem to me that some places are hotspots and greater detection tools/resources are deployed there. (This is my opinion/guess and not fact)
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)?
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used?
    Awesome agility was last but I used many others too.
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously?
  4. Have you been banned previously?
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting?
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting?
    Yes more legitimate than botting
  7. When was your account created? 7 years ago
P.S. Luckily, it was not my main account even tho both ran almost same scripts beside the agility one which i ran last on my alt to check the trial version. My guess is that agility and especially in famous places like Varrock and even falador or seer is extremely detectable and it seem to me that some places are hotspots and greater detection tools/resources are deployed there. (This is my opinion/guess and not fact)
that or the fact that your alt isn't as leveled/quested as your main, so Jagex watches them more.
Sep 1, 2016
that or the fact that your alt isn't as leveled/quested as your main, so Jagex watches them more.

Yeah, that also plays into effect but my suspicion was right to not bot agility on my main especially low level courses. This is not criticism of your script or that of any other author, in fact they worked perfectly. Maybe, sometimes it just happens even with perfect scripts.
Mar 30, 2020
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? AwesomeAgility, MaxiWoodcutter
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? No
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes, I botted a total of 8 hours on my main (4 hours agility, 4 hours woodcutting and was banned when I came home (MaxiWoodcutter). I have never botted before on the account.
  7. When was your account created? 2016
Ban is for 48 hours.
Mar 11, 2020
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? AwesomeAgility, MaxiHerblore, DivineMagics
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? No
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes
  7. When was your account created? 2020
Temporary ban for 2 days
Apr 10, 2018
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on RuneMate have you used? Prime fishing 1-99 fishing botting 15 hours a day np. Wintertodt 1-99 fm etc etc. Anyways the program that got me banned was QuickSmith G Pro! at close to 95 smithing.
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? Yes on different accounts
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? I sure was baby, and i gained 60m xp in just a couple of weeks
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Not much ;)
  7. When was your account created? Like 8 months ago
  8. I got a 2 day ban
  9. Been a good run boys! I suicide botted so hard that i got so many 99s. Ez xp, cya can't bot anymore. I only got the 2 day ban! Fuck jagex!