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Awesome Mining LITE [Deleted]

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May 23, 2017

I am using your mining bot and when I have a full inventory it goes to drop all the ores but just clicks them instead. Is there something I am doing wrong?

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Jan 31, 2016

I am using your mining bot and when I have a full inventory it goes to drop all the ores but just clicks them instead. Is there something I am doing wrong?

May 15, 2017
What does it do? I need specifics, thanks

No clue, I will eventually rewrite this to be better, but currently been stuck with a lot of stuff to do.

When you set location to Al kharid and set ore to silver the bot logs in fine but doesn't mine at all, even when you manually walk right up to the silver ore it won't mine
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
When you set location to Al kharid and set ore to silver the bot logs in fine but doesn't mine at all, even when you manually walk right up to the silver ore it won't mine
Hmmm. Strange, I didn't know al kharid has silver ore...
Jan 4, 2017
Been PIron ore with bot for the last two days, works so good, only thing I wish for is the shift drop to be much faster, its a bit to slow, and I'm sure it can count as a bot action at 'some' point. I haven't been caught yet so who knows.
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
Been PIron ore with bot for the last two days, works so good, only thing I wish for is the shift drop to be much faster, its a bit to slow, and I'm sure it can count as a bot action at 'some' point. I haven't been caught yet so who knows.
I am aware that it is slow.
Jun 2, 2017
Hey. Bug when hopping worlds script tries to hop to world -1
Issues with pathfinding in Lumbridge mine, walks into swamp and gets really confused for a couple minutes then walks to the mine. Also when banking it deposits everything then withdraws a pickaxe but then stays at the bank window..... anyway if this is fixed 5 star review
May 20, 2017
Hi. First post hope this is helpful:

Using this bot at Varrock East to mine iron ore, and i see a lot of others are too. When it goes to bank, it sometimes accidentally clicks the stairs in the bank, instead of the bank booth. Sometimes it can happen after an hour, sometimes it can work fine for 4-7 hours. When it clicks the stairs and climbs up, it them becomes stuck and your account stays logged in just sitting upstairs for hours if you leave it. I've tried with both size graphic settings in the game....happens on both for me. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Jun 10, 2015
Everytime i use this bot and I choose varrock east location, the bot always ends up upstairs in the bank and doesn't do anything after that. Could you please fix it to where it won't go up the stairs or if it does, make it go down the stairs and begin mining again?
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
Everytime i use this bot and I choose varrock east location, the bot always ends up upstairs in the bank and doesn't do anything after that. Could you please fix it to where it won't go up the stairs or if it does, make it go down the stairs and begin mining again?
Hmmm, I would have expected that to be a super rare occurance... I am planning on rewrititng this and hopefully adding this as a failsafe when I do.
Jun 10, 2015
Hmmm, I would have expected that to be a super rare occurance... I am planning on rewrititng this and hopefully adding this as a failsafe when I do.
Everytime i use this bot, i get banned after i get roughly 49 mining. Most bots I use, i don't get banned for a long time. Is there a reason why this script gets caught rather quickly?
Jan 4, 2017
Everytime i use this bot and I choose varrock east location, the bot always ends up upstairs in the bank and doesn't do anything after that. Could you please fix it to where it won't go up the stairs or if it does, make it go down the stairs and begin mining again?

This happens to me like once every 3-5hrs of str8 using this bot. Just pause and manually bring him down, and it should go back to normal.

Everytime i use this bot, i get banned after i get roughly 49 mining. Most bots I use, i don't get banned for a long time. Is there a reason why this script gets caught rather quickly?

I have use this bot since 15 mining on my new account, doing Power Iron Mining at Varrock and Al Kai-rd I switch it up back and forth tll I reach 60, bought members then did Varock Power Ironing mining to 75. I haven't got the boot hammer yet, but who knows.
Jun 5, 2017
Hey thanks for this awesome mod, I would give it a nice review but it doesn't look like I have perms to do so?

Anyway I was wondering if you could make a small revision to the West Varrock mine location? There are 3 Clay rocks at this location (1 solo rock & 2 diagonal of each other)....Could you remove the bots ability to mine the solo rock because the bot attempts to mine it after coming back from the bank but then goes to the diagonal clay rocks spot afterward. The reason I ask is because it looks too much like a bot to go for the single clay rock everytime followed by the diagonal clay rocks....if I was legitimately trying to mine clay there by hand I would skip right past the single clay rock because I know I'm going to spend the majority of my time at the diagonal rock spot. I hope you consider this small update. Cheers!

Edit: or maybe randomize when it will mine that single rock after coming back from the bank? Like 10% chance of mining that solo clay rock?
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