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Awesome Hunter LITE [Deleted]

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Mar 17, 2018
It was actually an account made for me (on my email) dedicated to medium clues (using a med clue bot on another botting client).
It got a 2 day ban for that so i decided to suicide bot hunter to see how far i could get. Its got around 600 total and hasnt been banned since. I do daily 1 day + proggies

Speak of the devil. Just saw myself get banned lol. Rip 800 chins.

One thing I noticed is a lot of players would try to talk to me when I checked chat logs every now and then, probably got reported a bit too much, unfortunately.

Made about 9m before the ban.
Tbh, I think runemate is completely undetectable but if you bot for hours straight(like I did lmao) and get reported a lot it's pretty much over.

I'm not sure how you manage to slip by botting 24hours though. :confused:
Jan 17, 2017
Speak of the devil. Just saw myself get banned lol. Rip 800 chins.

One thing I noticed is a lot of players would try to talk to me when I checked chat logs every now and then, probably got reported a bit too much, unfortunately.

Made about 9m before the ban.
Tbh, I think runemate is completely undetectable but if you bot for hours straight(like I did lmao) and get reported a lot it's pretty much over.

I'm not sure how you manage to slip by botting 24hours though. :confused:
Ill be honest, i have been amazingly lucky lately. I just botted an account purely to 1750 tl (had an average of 18 hours playtime per day, no joke). This account is no exception. The only time the bot will break is when it doesnt relog (not sure if its a bug on my end or not). But yea, at 70k xp/h, i get 1m per day AT LEAST. I'm currently in the middle of botting a whole new main which I HOPE will follow this trend. I doubt ill make a thread to prove it, but it wouldnt of happened without this bot, thanks awesome. Its just too good
Also, a quick bug. Sometimes when resetting a box trap, it'll click to reset the next one a fraction of a second before the animation is over leaving it afk for ~4 seconds. The condition sleep timeout works fine, but considering it happens pretty frequently, it adds up really quickly.
Mar 17, 2018
Ill be honest, i have been amazingly lucky lately. I just botted an account purely to 1750 tl (had an average of 18 hours playtime per day, no joke). This account is no exception. The only time the bot will break is when it doesnt relog (not sure if its a bug on my end or not). But yea, at 70k xp/h, i get 1m per day AT LEAST. I'm currently in the middle of botting a whole new main which I HOPE will follow this trend. I doubt ill make a thread to prove it, but it wouldnt of happened without this bot, thanks awesome. Its just too good
Also, a quick bug. Sometimes when resetting a box trap, it'll click to reset the next one a fraction of a second before the animation is over leaving it afk for ~4 seconds. The condition sleep timeout works fine, but considering it happens pretty frequently, it adds up really quickly.

Definitely lucky, you don't need to make a thread but I wouldn't mind if you pmed me some progress pics when you have them. ;)
Jul 13, 2017
Seems like you've recently tried to make it faster. Unfortunately, it's actually made it slower and it misclicks a lot now. I also lost 20 traps in less than 4 hours as it misclicks so much and tries to set a trap on the wrong square only to move to the right one and set up there. Sometimes it will set up a trap in the wrong square now and will keep trying to set a 6th trap at red chins. Eventually that trap will fall and disappear. It wasn't doing this yesterday so i'm assuming it was a recent update. Please revert it back :X

Instead of making the clicking faster, it should just prioritize fallen traps and then captured chin traps and THEN traps that need to be reset from a chin getting lured but not caught.
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
Seems like you've recently tried to make it faster. Unfortunately, it's actually made it slower and it misclicks a lot now. I also lost 20 traps in less than 4 hours as it misclicks so much and tries to set a trap on the wrong square only to move to the right one and set up there. Sometimes it will set up a trap in the wrong square now and will keep trying to set a 6th trap at red chins. Eventually that trap will fall and disappear. It wasn't doing this yesterday so i'm assuming it was a recent update. Please revert it back :X

Instead of making the clicking faster, it should just prioritize fallen traps and then captured chin traps and THEN traps that need to be reset from a chin getting lured but not caught.
I didn't make the clicking faster. I haven't changed the code for weeks
Mar 15, 2018
Just posting to let you know that the issue of losing traps is probably related to internet connection or lag, because I've run it for 10 hours today and not a single trap has been lost.

Just to let you know I've been botting like a week or so on my account with a november 2017 botting moderate quashed ban and so far it's been flawless lol got from 73-86 hunter real quick and got lot's of profit.
Mar 12, 2018
This bot is amazing man. Absolutely great work with this mad props to you. Only thing that could enhance this beast is if the bot would pick up the traps in the order the animal was caught. Could be my internet but the bot takes a while to right click and reset and a lot of times it simply takes too long and the trap falls over with the chinchompa in it which is sad hahah
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
This bot is amazing man. Absolutely great work with this mad props to you. Only thing that could enhance this beast is if the bot would pick up the traps in the order the animal was caught. Could be my internet but the bot takes a while to right click and reset and a lot of times it simply takes too long and the trap falls over with the chinchompa in it which is sad hahah
I'll fix it soon. Been trying to get a new acc that can test it
Jul 13, 2017
Not sure what my issue was the other day but its working great again now. So far it's done 9-47, then used another script for sallys for 47-53, and then regal hunter again from 53-91 on my main hunter account.

I had suicided another hunt alt to 70 hunt and then got banned lol so I made a new one and I'm taking it slower and it's at 65 atm. I could lend you it to test things if you need.
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
Not sure what my issue was the other day but its working great again now. So far it's done 9-47, then used another script for sallys for 47-53, and then regal hunter again from 53-91 on my main hunter account.

I had suicided another hunt alt to 70 hunt and then got banned lol so I made a new one and I'm taking it slower and it's at 65 atm. I could lend you it to test things if you need.
IT's fine, it would be main changes in the code but rather just moving of already working parts.
Feb 17, 2018
@awesome123man , Hey man. I have been trying different things to see what would make this bot better.

We have talked about how checking successful traps first then resetting failed ones will improve xp/hr. But i think the solution might be very simple.

If you are using a 4 trap formation or a 5 trap formation, Then you should do just one thing. If half or more traps are either failed or successful( means they require attention from you), you pick them all up and lay them. Dont reset them, just pick them up and lay them.

So this means if someone is using 4 traps in their formation, out of 4, if 3 or 4 traps require attention from you, you pick those 3 or 4 traps up and lay them again. In a 5 trap formation, it would be if 3, 4 or 5 traps require attention from you, you pick them up and lay them.

The reason this bot misses traps is that sometimes when there are too many traps which require bots attention, in any form, it keeps on slowly resetting them one by one and few traps get left behind. This is corrected when one of the traps is nulled and the bot goes to it to lay that trap.
So the solution to this? you dont leave too many traps needing bot's attention at a time. Just pick them up!

For example, If using 4 traps, The bot would pick up the traps When: Imgur but not when Imgur

I have created a small video demonstrating this and have kept bot's priority of resetting failed traps before successful traps in mind. Recordit: Record screencasts fast & free! with GIF Support!

The picking up of traps is shown from 1.50 minutes into the video, so tune in from that mark. I have picked 3 traps and laid them 2 times in this video.

Simple solution.

Mar 3, 2018
so trying to use your bot at from the start, but it keeps trying to lay more traps than my level allows so its spamming the traps in my inventory. please fix it.
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