Hey Auxxi,
I sent you a message regarding the bot but you haven't replied. I would very much like to request a refund.
The bot seems to get stuck in the bank and tends to crash already there, so I have to restart the bot. It also forgets to eat at certain occasions during the encounter, leading to deaths.
I've managed to run it stable for a couple of kills, but then the bot bugs out and I´m left with this hecking spider all alone.
Most of the times, it gets stuck in the restocking at the bank, and I have to restart the bot.
I´ve posted a screenshot. If you can refund me so it charges me once/h instead of two-three times (approximately 50%) I´d be delighted.
Best regards,
btw, this happened when I set the bot to fix the action bars. Crashed out and lost 0.4 USD on that. Would also like a refund on that