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Atlas Slayer [LITE] [Deleted]

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Dec 25, 2016
Is high alching working for anyone? Tried many different settings but i'm not getting it to work. Any tips?
Aug 22, 2018
I am using RS3 and have been defaulting into Fixed Screen Legacy mode---- is there a setup guide for using Ability bars? (such as which skills to place for each bar (1-6) Melleee/ranged/magic, etc.
??? anyone…. bump?
Sep 13, 2018
awesome bot, going to test it on my main next

I know this is a web problem using Runemate but it literally can't get to Vannaka which is a long time master until you're like 90 combat for most people. it will withdrawal the brass key, but then just randomly walks around using the minimap no matter where you are. So if you get a task such as hill giants or something the bot just can't do it, the other tasks I did could have been afk, but if I wasn't babysitting this idk. :/

I'm having the same issue. The bot can't seem to navigate to Vannaka, which is very difficult. I can get the bot there manually, but like you said, I need to babysit it. Is there something wrong with my settings? I see a lot of people responding to questions like this by saying that the settings must be wrong, but these people rarely point to what settings might be the problem. I have graphics set to min and put the screen into fixed mode and also use legacy mode. What else is there?

Edit: After manually reaching Vannaka: I'm getting an issue where the bot is continually trying to change the spell book, but then the bot stops and displays a message saying I need priff unlocked. I really can't understand why it's trying to do this -- my task is ice giants from Vannaka -- I shouldn't need to do this? I even set spell type to fire hoping it would stay in the base spellbook, but that doesn't seem to help. I don't really know why it would want to switch to my lunar spellbook seeing as how there aren't really any good attacks in that book? I manually switched to Lunar spellbook via the lunar shrine but that didn't work either. It's still trying to go to priff. Help?

Edit 2: I managed to get around the priff issue by changing the combat preference from magic to melee for Ice Giants and then restarting the bot. However, the bot seems to still have a lot of trouble with pathing in general. I manually home teleported to Port Sarim, but instead of running south to the ASgarnian Ice Dungeon, it just randomly moved to points on the minimap. Am I doing something wrong, or is the pathing just messed up right now?

Edit 3: I switched my master to Chaeldar, but the bot can't seem to path to Zanaris. It withdraws the draeman staff, but exhibits the same issue I was having with the asgarnian ice dungeon -- the bot simply clicks around the minimap -- I was in Edgeville. After teleporting to Lumbridge, the bot seems to know what to do from there, finding its way to Zanaris and getting a task. however, the bot got stuck at the menu asking for tips or saying thank you, so I manually selected an option. After that, the bot stood there displaying that it was traversing to the nearest bank, but not doing anything. Agian, I manually moved it.

So, I love this bot. I really want to use this bot, but:
1.) it seems like it's a bot that requires vigilant babysitting especially between tasks due to buggy pathfinding. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you can "slay while I lay."
2.) Tasks that involve using your magic gear preset seem to /always/ try to navigate to priff to change the spellbook. Whether or not that's what it actually wants to do is unclear, but if you do not have proff unlocked then magic gear sets are unusable since the bot will halt completely if you do not have access to priff. This can be avoided by changing the monster's gear set to melee instead, but that can make the hunting process suboptimal for a lot of monsters.

Hopefully this is merely about me using bad settings, but I've spent a lot of time looking at the menus and have followed the instructions provided in the bots instructions. Maybe there's something I've missed?
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Aug 2, 2018
I'm having the same issue. The bot can't seem to navigate to Vannaka, which is very difficult. I can get the bot there manually, but like you said, I need to babysit it. Is there something wrong with my settings? I see a lot of people responding to questions like this by saying that the settings must be wrong, but these people rarely point to what settings might be the problem. I have graphics set to min and put the screen into fixed mode and also use legacy mode. What else is there?

spell swap works perfectly for me, I'll show a pic of my interface setup. The only time it hangs up is if it needs to do turoths and it gives me the "need priff unlocked" when it only needs to be on normal spellbook for slayer dart.

And I just made it camp morytania slayer tower mobs to get 90 combat to use sumona. Just let it do it's magic with leveling for a day or two to get afk slayer.

The only majorish problem is the fluidity of prayers which I haven't tested fully enough to say that with absolute certainty.
And also the high alch activates the spell then hovers over the item it wants to high alch forever until it logs out so you have to disable it.
It also has a lot of trouble with big minimaps and trying to traverse around taverly dungeon, usually fixed by clicking down the halway manually, pretty sure it wouldn't happen if I had agility level for shortcut but this account is like a week old.

this setup was made for 1080p for my second monitor to constantly display while I play league. bot works flawless 95% of tasks at sumona confirmed.

Changing the bot and saving it while running seems to break the alching. So user caused, relaunching the bot fixes this. 1-76 slayer using this bot in about 2 weeks off an on.
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Dec 25, 2016
@tyb51 Are alching and magic notepaper supported on grind mode in a custom location? I'm not able to get them to work in my personal slayer dungeon :( It does attack fine and is not trying to teleport out or anything.
Sep 7, 2018
I dont know if i am doing something very obvious wrong but I have setup my pre-sets for inventory and gear and then selected the slayer master which is highlighted in green but when i hit start it does not do anything it just says "You need to have a target selected: manual or a slayer master" but I do have a slayer master selected?
Sep 13, 2018
I'm still having trouble with this bot. Whenever a slayer task comes up that requires magic, the bot stops itself and says I need priff unlocked to automatically switch spell books. I do not want nor do I need to switch spell books. For the life of me, I can not find an option that disables spell book switching in priff. In order to fight any monsters that are weak to magic, I have to disable Atlas Slayer, then set up a general fighting bot and create a whole new profile for this specific monster by hand or fight them manually w/o a bot. Is this an intended feature? I do not have priff unlocked and I am a pretty far ways away from having it unlocked. Is there any way to disable this?

Edit: Small note, Fire Giant's default loadout is Melee:Smash, however their weakness is slash.
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
@angelogamer @CrimsonGravity when you get the spellswap error, what spellbook are you on? Standard. Als owhat do you have in your inventory. The bot will want to swap to ancients if you have >1000 blood runes and/or death runes in your inventory preset
I am using RS3 and have been defaulting into Fixed Screen Legacy mode---- is there a setup guide for using Ability bars? (such as which skills to place for each bar (1-6) Melleee/ranged/magic, etc.
??? anyone…. bump?
Just use full screen (and make sure your gameview doesn't overlap any interfaces) and use fill ability bar 1-3 each wit habilities from a separate style. You can use the other ability bars to put your prayers on (RECOMMENDED), other abilities, food, the ALCH and DISASSEMBLE skill (highly recommended), ...

@tyb51 Are alching and magic notepaper supported on grind mode in a custom location? I'm not able to get them to work in my personal slayer dungeon :( It does attack fine and is not trying to teleport out or anything.
Should be supported. But it will only use it when inventory is full, it's the way the system is made and to busy to implement intermittent noting/alching.
Aug 2, 2018
@angelogamer @CrimsonGravity when you get the spellswap error, what spellbook are you on? Standard. Als owhat do you have in your inventory. The bot will want to swap to ancients if you have >1000 blood runes and/or death runes in your inventory preset.

I'm on normal spellbook and it acts as though it needs priff unlocked like it wants to go to a different spellbook to swap from Air surge to slayer dart. It equips slayer staff and gets out death runes but insists that it needs priff to autocast slayerdart

I always babysit so it's no problem really.


The bot took this account from 1-78 slayer
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
I'm on normal spellbook and it acts as though it needs priff unlocked like it wants to go to a different spellbook to swap from Air surge to slayer dart. It equips slayer staff and gets out death runes but insists that it needs priff to autocast slayerdart

I always babysit so it's no problem really.


The bot took this account from 1-78 slayer
ahh yes the deathrunes are the issue. Forgot slayer dart uses death runes, will fix it
Oct 1, 2017
Easily one of the best bots available and if I haven't rated it 5-stars yet im going to.

One thing, the weird insistence on being on the Normal spellbook at all times. It's a very weird priority, especially in a situation in which the slayer target is a melee or ranged creep.and you're already standing in the area for them yet it will want to port you all the way back just to make that swap.

Needs to have a lunar spell compatibility IMO as NPC Contact is drastically faster than physically visiting the slayer masters.
Oct 12, 2017
It wants to withdraw my LOTD to my inventory instead of wearing it. I have it in my equipment preset, but also as an emergency teleport.
Oct 1, 2017
So from using this bot for a week now i'll say...

You cannot leave this bot unattended. I've just now watched it teleport to my chosen bank location, fiddle with my inventory back to the same configuration it was before it banked, walk across the Taverley stepping stones, accidentally click the first stone again to run around and hop back x3, enter the Taverley dungeon, click to go back up the stairs... I paused it at that point.

For the best mileage out of this bot I recommend this process:

Start up and pause the bot, go bank, use NPC contact if you have Lunar or navigate to your slayer master for a new task, equip the appropriate inventory, navigate yourself to the next slayer location, then unpause the bot and spam 'Cancel banking' process until it slays again.

It will make your life much easier.
Jun 18, 2018
I am having an issue where the bot won't activate my soul split and also after a few minutes it stops completely and just keeps bringing up the log out option. i tried to set up my ui as mentioned but still the same issues.
Dec 9, 2015
Great bot, works amazingly good!

one bug ive encountered so far;
When trying to teleport to taverley using lodestones it teleports to tirannwn.

apart from that ive not been able to find a bug yet, ill report those whom i find


when fighting dragons it doesnt seem to withdraw (super) antifires. Maybe create another inventory preset dedicated to dragons?
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