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Architect [Deleted]

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Nov 9, 2016
The UI resizing is verified working now.

Any ETA on interface additions? I've been trying to build some basic bots with the commands available, but without interface controls I'm limited. I'm going to try and upload some sample bots for new users to use as a reference.

After playing with the bot some more, I have a few more things to report.

Features I like:

-Locations: The option to set the coordinates to your current location is a godsend.
-Drag and drop: Makes putting commands in order a breeze.


-Popup controls: If it's possible, make them appear on the monitor that Runemate is on. This is entirely convenience, but currently if I have Runemate on my second monitor, the pop up windows still appear on my first monitor.
-Boundary Issues: Currently if your custom bot is longer than the screen space, it cuts off and doesn't allow you to scroll up and down. This prevents the size of the bot.
-Save/Load: Save only works once.You also cannot save after you have loaded a profile.

Features I would like to see:

-Random interval delay: Currently there is only a static delay
-Delay while animating: There is a Delay Until Animating feature, but delay while animating would be incredibly useful
-Is player in area: IF Statement that checks if a player is in an area so we don't ask it to walk if it's already there. Aka Bot logs out in the bank with a full inventory, when it logs back in the bot will initiate the walk to command unnessecarily.
-Camera controls: Turn to object, turn to NPC, turn to ground item, turn to location.
-Current Task Indicator: Indicator of where the bot currently is in the tree. This would help immensely with debugging. Like a little chevron pointing to the line of code trying to be executed, maybe the Status bar could say Status: Executing "Chop down -> Willow. IIiiIiIIIiii".

Sample Chop and Drop bot


As always quality suggestions, they have been added to the Trello board.

As for the delay while animating, I feel quite uneasy with that. A better solution would be to wrap your controls in a "Is Player Animating" control so the code only executes when the player isn't or is animating (instead of having a while loop that blocks the entire flow of the program).

I've had a few issues with this bot creator so far. For crafting (leather work) I found no way of trying to select what to create with the dialog box that opens after you click needle with the leather, same goes for tanning hides - I found this wasn't possible. Moreover, for mining I can't seem to mine a specific ore of my choice.

Interaction with interfaces has been added to the new version - you will be notified when it goes live

As for interaction with rocks - in OSRS all rocks seem to have the same name, so you will have to input their IDs when editing the parameters of the "Interact with Object" control:


To get their IDs you have several options:

- Open the client in debug mode and use the built in developer bot
- Use this bot to easily find out object IDs Visual Developer
- Search online for a list of IDs for popular rocks

In the future visual hints will be added to this bot to allow you to easily select objects, npcs, interfaces and more you want to interact with
Mar 23, 2018
I was thinking that if we could send keys similar to Bot Suite, this would give us a workaround for keybinds right now. It would let us interact with special cases instead of trying to hardcode every possible interaction.

Also here are a few more example snippets that verified work for RS3.

Chop Willow Tree Snippet: Outdated - New features make this example inefficient

Deposit Inventory - Draynor Snippet: Outdated - New features make this example inefficient

Harvest Pale Wisp - Draynor Snippet: Outdated - New features make this example inefficient

I have all of these saved in JSON files, so if we can host those JSON files somewhere for people to download that would be awesome. Not sure how to upload JSON files, maybe zipping them? Not sure really.
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Aug 27, 2016
I think that would be a good idea. There could be a live repo somewhere (I'm thinking drive maybe, or dropbox).

Also, another issue I'm having is trying to get to mine ore that haven't been mined, I can select differect ores given the id now, but it still mines ores if they are empty, and rapidly moves and clicks (even though I have an is player animating check)
Mar 23, 2018
I will try and make a mining bot for RS3. I don't have an OSRS so I can't help there, but maybe you can edit some of my code to make it compatible with OSRS.
Nov 9, 2016
I was thinking that if we could send keys similar to Bot Suite, this would give us a workaround for keybinds right now. It would let us interact with special cases instead of trying to hardcode every possible interaction.

Also here are a few more example snippets that verified work for RS3.

Chop Willow Tree Snippet:

Deposit Inventory - Draynor Snippet:

Harvest Pale Wisp - Draynor Snippet:

I have all of these saved in JSON files, so if we can host those JSON files somewhere for people to download that would be awesome. Not sure how to upload JSON files, maybe zipping them? Not sure really.

Added the keyboard thing to the TODO, good idea

Could you send me the JSON files in a PM or here? I will make a shared folder on drive so people can share pre-made bots with each other

I think that would be a good idea. There could be a live repo somewhere (I'm thinking drive maybe, or dropbox).

Also, another issue I'm having is trying to get to mine ore that haven't been mined, I can select differect ores given the id now, but it still mines ores if they are empty, and rapidly moves and clicks (even though I have an is player animating check)


Soon :)

As for the rapid clicking on ores, have you tried using the "Delay Until Animating" node? This node waits for the player to start animating, so the bot doesn't just spam clicks.

As for the bot not realizing that an ore has been mined, this is a known issue for mining bots, because the player keeps playing the mining animating despite the ore not being there anymore. Of course a solution can be easily engineered, but it will be too specific for mining. I might add that fix in the future, but right now I have more urgent updates and fixes to be pushed

Sneak Peek

Tried experimenting with having a dynamic size for the play ground and ended up having a drawback to the solitaire days on windows XP


But it works now and will be added when the next update goes live:

Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
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Aug 27, 2016
I currently have one somewhat working for mining gold ore in the crafting guild, but it's still a work in progress. Ore codes are 7468,7469, 7458
Mar 23, 2018
This is my snippet for a RS3 mining bot. It's working flawlessly and switching nodes. It's incredibly smooth and works faster than some of the miner bots I've tested on the store. It's unlikely that this will work for OSRS though, even if you switched "Is Object Valid" from Name to ID.

Something else I noticed is that the Walk To command seems to try and bring you back to that exact point. Is there a way we can make the Walk To command have an optional "Radius" feature? Then Walk To would pick a random point in the radius to walk to?

Bug Report: Using "Is Object Valid" and then "Interact with Object" for woodcutting seems to leave the bot stranded at one tree waiting until it respawns. Does the bot cache the object value? It will keep switching nodes for mining, but will choose one tree and hang out at it the whole time.
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Nov 9, 2016
KliK updated Architect with a new update entry:

Architect v1.0.2 Released!

Architect updated to v1.0.2.

Read the rest of this update entry...

Architect updated to v1.0.2.

New Nodes
  • [Interface] Click on Make X interface (OSRS)
  • [Interface] Is Make X interface visible (OSRS)
  • [Interface] Interact with an interface containing text <text>
  • [interface] Is an interface containing text <text> is visible
  • [Player] Is player in area
  • [Time] Delay until interacting
Bug Fixes
  • Correctly draw parameters of conditional nodes - before they were draw too much to the left and some of the text was blocked by the green sidebar.
  • The parameters tuning window is now opened where the mouse is
  • The playground is now movable - meaning you can scroll down/up and to the sides and make much more complex bots - Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
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Mar 23, 2018
The playground is now movable - meaning you can scroll down/up and to the sides and make much more complex bots


Complex bot examples incoming.

Here is the updated Draynor Bank Inventory snippet using the new methods provided by Architect: Outdated - New features make this example inefficient
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Mar 18, 2018
Can anyone share a cooking script? I have been unable to get mine to work.

The Make X screen bug that every other bot is experiencing I am also getting here about 50% of the time, where it "can't" find the make button and either spam clicks the object or tries to click old location of Make. When it does manage to click it, I have it setup to delay 70000 miliseconds, which it seems to skip for some reason and immediately go to the start of the loop.

Mar 23, 2018
Can anyone share a cooking script? I have been unable to get mine to work.

The Make X screen bug that every other bot is experiencing I am also getting here about 50% of the time, where it "can't" find the make button and either spam clicks the object or tries to click old location of Make. When it does manage to click it, I have it setup to delay 70000 miliseconds, which it seems to skip for some reason and immediately go to the start of the loop.


RS3 or OSRS? All of my bot snippets were made and tested on RS3 and might not be compatible with OSRS. I plan on pushing a few skilling bot snippets over the course of the day.

Also posting a screenshot of your code will help in debugging and specific problems with your code.
Nov 9, 2016
Can anyone share a cooking script? I have been unable to get mine to work.

The Make X screen bug that every other bot is experiencing I am also getting here about 50% of the time, where it "can't" find the make button and either spam clicks the object or tries to click old location of Make. When it does manage to click it, I have it setup to delay 70000 miliseconds, which it seems to skip for some reason and immediately go to the start of the loop.

OSRS/RS3? I did basic testing on OSRS and it worked for me

As for the next update, you can expect states:

2018-04-28 18_49_45-RuneMate.png
A more in-depth explanation of what are they and how they will allow you to create much more complex bots will be added once the update goes live
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
To get their IDs you have several options:

- Open the client in debug mode and use the built in developer bot
- Use this bot to easily find out object IDs Visual Developer
- Search online for a list of IDs for popular rocks
Would be sweet if the bot offered a basic functionality for this. Some kind of button next to this view which takes the user to another view where he can find IDs of various GameObjects/NPCs/Items that are currently loaded.
Nov 9, 2016
Would be sweet if the bot offered a basic functionality for this. Some kind of button next to this view which takes the user to another view where he can find IDs of various GameObjects/NPCs/Items that are currently loaded.
I have some ideas in mind on how to make it more user friendly, but it will take some time to implement (this essentially means integrating a basic version of Visual Developer inside this bot)
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
I have some ideas in mind on how to make it more user friendly, but it will take some time to implement (this essentially means integrating a basic version of Visual Developer inside this bot)
Sure, didnt mean it as some high priority feature request since there are viable solutions already, just a suggestion to enhance user experience a little.
Good to hear you already planned that, keep it up :p
Nov 9, 2016
KliK updated Architect with a new update entry:

Architect v1.1.0 Released!

Architect updated to v1.1.0.

Read the rest of this update entry...

New Nodes
  • [Bank] Load preset
  • [Bank] Is bank visible
  • [Keyboard] Press key
Bug Fixes
  • Fix a bug where some game objects weren't recognized
  • States are here and ready to be used to make some advanced bots - split your bot into multiple logic components and switch between them when needed. Get familiar with the new "State" and "Change State" components on the components list on the left toolbar.


are finally upon and us and they are here to allow us to create more advanced bots

2018-04-28 18_49_45-RuneMate.png

States (represented by the yellow nodes in the graph above) allow you to split your bot into logical components, each one independent from the other. Each logical component can be centralized and specialized in doing one task, and you can switch between them as needed.

In the example above you can see a simple Power Miner made using 2 states:
  • Mining - this component is in charge of mining clay rocks as efficiently as possible
  • Dropping - this component is in charge of dropping the clay
The bot starts in the Mining state and switched to the Dropping state only when the inventory gets full. At this point, the bot will remain in the Dropping state until the inventory has been emptied out, at which point it returns to the Mining state.

This is a simple bot that has been made under a minute to simply show case how easy, yet powerful, using states is. The possibilities are of course endless:
  • You can create a farm run bot, with each state being in charge of one patch
  • You can create an advanced fighter with different states for fighting, eating, banking, traversing and more...
  • You can create a mining/fishing/woodcutting bot that has states for performing the relevant action, and then a state specialized at banking and traversing
  • In future updates where variables and more nodes will be introduced, the possibilities truly will be endless
Note: Because this update changed some internal architecture of the code, previously saved bots are not supported in the current version.
Mar 23, 2018
There seems to be a slight issue with this update. I have sent the log to Klik.

Please be patient while this bug is fixed.
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