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ApexCrabber PRO [Deleted]

Not open for further replies.
Jul 12, 2018
If I were given an account to test the location on, it wouldn't be too difficult to add.

Why dont you have an account that at least has access to fossil island? Wouldn't you think this would benefit your "crabber" bot? The requirements arent hard to obtain. For a paid bot it should at least have this as an option.
Jun 9, 2015
Why dont you have an account that at least has access to fossil island? Wouldn't you think this would benefit your "crabber" bot? The requirements arent hard to obtain. For a paid bot it should at least have this as an option.
Jun 9, 2015
Pardon? Wasn't trying to sound offensive or anything.

I'll be waiting to use this bot once ammonite crabs are added.
"For a paid bot it should at least have this as an option."
Paid bots have 0 quality standards and are not obligated to have certain requirements. I'm not trying to talk you down or anything, just stating how RuneMate's premium system works. The author can just slap on a price tag and voila, it's premium.
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
"For a paid bot it should at least have this as an option."
Paid bots have 0 quality standards and are not obligated to have certain requirements. I'm not trying to talk you down or anything, just stating how RuneMate's premium system works. The author can just slap on a price tag and voila, it's premium.
Why dont you have an account that at least has access to fossil island? Wouldn't you think this would benefit your "crabber" bot? The requirements arent hard to obtain. For a paid bot it should at least have this as an option.
Robin's post is 100% accurate. People can post whatever turd they want as a premium bot and charge $0.08 an hour for it.
I will point out however, that if this bot was indeed a turd it would not have such a high usage rate.

Regardless, to answer your question. I'm currently in a scenario in my life where I do not have a lot of time to work on RuneMate. If an urgent bug happens where the bot breaks, sure that will be addressed ASAP. But I am happy with the current state of the bot, so as far as new features being added, this will get done when I have the time available and the personal will power to dive into it. I'm sure most bot devs can relate as of late.

Additionally, I don't actually play the game. I have a few accounts with max skills on the skills I have bots for, but other than that I don't pursue any in-game goals, this includes quests.

Many of the features that I have on my bots that have more 'advanced' requirements are due to me borrowing another user's account (such as @Eviriany, THANKS EV!). My chopper has super heat form for example, something I would have never know existed if it wasn't for a feature request and him lending his account. I realize I am rambling now... My point is, you made a feature request, which is great and is step 1. @Snufalufugus offered his account to add the crabs you're requesting, so it now falls on me to get it added.

I plan on doing it this weekend, but it could very easily fall onto the following weekend or even the weekend after.
Not saying you did any of these, but my advice in the future is to not threaten, be rude, or be passive aggressive to a bot author when making a request. All it does it make us more disinclined to fulfilling the request.
Oct 9, 2018
Hey this bot is super sonic. I have no complaints whatsoever, except my flippin' god darn girlfriend thought she was hilarious and stopped the bot as a prank because she didn't know it had a cost per hour. It's only 8 cents so obviously not requesting a refund, because it wasn't your bots fault, just needed to rant and still praise. Love your work, keep it up friendo :)
Oct 19, 2018
Hey Proxi, bot is great, except it keeps failing about 48 minutes into my runs each time, constantly needing to be reset. I pay hourly for it and am never receiving a full hour of continuous function. Any idea what thats about?
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
Hey Proxi, bot is great, except it keeps failing about 48 minutes into my runs each time, constantly needing to be reset. I pay hourly for it and am never receiving a full hour of continuous function. Any idea what thats about?
No idea, does it throw an exception or what happens?
If the bot just stands still and output freezes, it's likely due to runemate freezing the bot logic. Which there's nothing I can do about.
Oct 19, 2018
No idea, does it throw an exception or what happens?
If the bot just stands still and output freezes, it's likely due to runemate freezing the bot logic. Which there's nothing I can do about.
Hey man, let me run it tomorrow morning and I'll PM you the script failure text.
Jan 23, 2018
I configured the bot to stop around the 5 hour mark, for I was going to be AFK for much longer than that. After the 5 hours the bot continued to run for a total of 14 hours until I shut it down. Not logged in of course, it logged my account out (I didn't witness this personally, but it was logged out when I returned and the XP gained is consistent with a 5 hour botting session). But the script continued to run within the Runemate client for a total of 14:32:24.

The task log is full of:

Bot Stopping: Runtime has reached user-defined stop time.
Traveling to refresh area

I'd appreciate it if you could refund the excess time used. I'm not sure why the script did not shut down after the user-defined stop time and continued to reduce my balance.
May 31, 2018
Hey, The bot is keeps clicking on the same spot over and over again, making it very bot like, it has been like this for the past 2 days. Would there be anyway to fix this? Would really appreciate it. Cheers

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\ryory\RuneMate\logs\ApexCrabber PRO 11-12 13-04-10.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:05 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:06 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:07 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:07 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:08 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:09 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:10 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:11 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:12 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:13 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:13 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:14 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:15 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:16 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:17 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:18 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:19 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:19 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:20 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:21 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:22 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:23 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:24 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:25 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:25 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:26 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:27 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:28 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:29 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:30 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:30 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:31 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:32 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:33 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:34 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:35 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:36 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:36 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:37 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:38 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:39 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:40 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:41 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:41 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:42 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:43 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:44 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:45 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:46 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:47 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:47 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:48 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:49 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:50 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:51 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:52 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:52 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:53 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:54 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:55 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:56 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:57 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:58 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:58 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:00:59 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:00 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:01 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:02 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:03 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:03 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:04 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:05 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:06 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:07 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:08 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:08 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:09 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:10 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:11 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:12 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:13 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:14 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:14 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:15 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:16 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:17 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:18 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:19 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:19 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:20 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... true
00:01:20 INFO Next break will occur once Runtime reaches: 04:57:18
00:01:21 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:21 DEBUG Attempting to update statistics...
00:01:22 DEBUG Sessions Settings:
00:01:22 DEBUG Game: OSRS
00:01:22 DEBUG Break Enabled: true
00:01:22 DEBUG Break Duration: 900000 - 2760000
00:01:22 DEBUG Play Duration: 3600000 - 21600000
00:01:22 DEBUG StopAfterMinutes: 665
00:01:22 DEBUG Location: ZeahShore
00:01:22 DEBUG PlayStyle: StandStill
00:01:22 DEBUG HP Level: 54
00:01:22 DEBUG Heal Percent: 50.0
00:01:22 DEBUG Using Food: true
00:01:22 DEBUG Food Type: Lobster
00:01:22 DEBUG Food Quantity: 10
00:01:22 DEBUG Using Potions: false
00:01:22 DEBUG Potion Type: SP_ATT_STR
00:01:22 DEBUG Potion Quantity: -1
00:01:22 DEBUG Stop Out Of Potions: false
00:01:22 DEBUG Pickup Thrown Equipment: false
00:01:22 DEBUG Player Run Count: 2
00:01:22 DEBUG World Hop: false
00:01:24 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:24 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:24 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:24 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:24 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:28 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:28 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:28 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:28 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:28 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:28 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:29 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:30 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:30 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:30 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:30 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:30 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:31 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:31 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:31 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:31 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:31 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:31 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:32 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:32 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:32 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:32 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:32 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:32 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:33 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:33 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:33 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:33 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:33 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:33 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:35 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:35 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:35 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:35 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:35 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:35 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:36 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:36 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:36 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:36 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:36 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:36 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:37 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:37 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:37 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:37 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:37 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:37 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:39 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:39 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:39 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:39 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:39 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:39 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:40 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:40 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:41 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:41 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:41 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:41 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:01:42 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:01:42 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:01:42 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:01:42 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
00:01:42 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:01:42 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:02:36 INFO Next break will occur once Runtime reaches: 03:25:10
00:02:45 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:02:53 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:02:53 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:02:53 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 41.56666666666667
00:02:53 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:02:53 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:02:54 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:02:54 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:02:54 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:02:54 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 41.56666666666667
00:02:54 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:02:54 INFO Traveling to crab spot
00:02:57 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:02:57 DEBUG Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
00:02:57 DEBUG ActualHealthPercent: 100
00:02:57 DEBUG GeneratedHealthPercent: 41.56666666666667
00:02:57 DEBUG Root Branch: CrabArea!ContainsPlayer: true
00:02:57 INFO Traveling to crab spot
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
@mryolion sounds like you're running the bot outside of a supported location. Please reference the Overview page and verify you're in a supported location.

Additionally, please post your log files in a pastebin or a collapsible 'code'. No need in making the post 1000 lines long xD
Nov 4, 2018
@proxi There seems to be an issue with stopping the bot using the break handler. I had it set up last night to stop after a couple of hours and whilst it logged out the bot on RuneMate continued to run until I got up this morning. Unfortunately the log is too big to attach hear and has too many lines for pastebin - It basically loops on the following:

10:21:50 DEBUG    Root -> Waiting on GUI...  false
10:21:51 INFO    Bot Stopping: Runtime has reached user-defined stop time.
10:21:51 DEBUG    Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
10:21:51 DEBUG    ActualHealthPercent: 100
10:21:52 DEBUG    GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
10:21:52 DEBUG    Root Branch: OffSpotCoord: true
10:21:52 INFO    Traveling to crab spot
10:21:52 DEBUG    Path[Coordinate(1778, 3409, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3410, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1770, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1769, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1768, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1767, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1766, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1765, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1764, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1763, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1762, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1761, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1755, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3419, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3420, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3421, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3423, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3425, 0)]
10:21:54 DEBUG    Root -> Waiting on GUI...  false
10:21:54 INFO    Bot Stopping: Runtime has reached user-defined stop time.
10:21:55 DEBUG    Executing antiban...
10:21:55 INFO    Hovering over random player
10:21:55 INFO    Anti-Ban Timer reset. Will perform anti-ban again in 11 seconds
10:21:56 DEBUG    Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
10:21:56 DEBUG    ActualHealthPercent: 100
10:21:56 DEBUG    GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
10:21:56 DEBUG    Root Branch: OffSpotCoord: true
10:21:57 INFO    Traveling to crab spot
10:21:57 DEBUG    Path[Coordinate(1778, 3409, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3410, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1770, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1769, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1768, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1767, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1766, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1765, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1764, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1763, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1762, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1761, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1755, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3419, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3420, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3421, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3423, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3425, 0)]
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
@proxi There seems to be an issue with stopping the bot using the break handler. I had it set up last night to stop after a couple of hours and whilst it logged out the bot on RuneMate continued to run until I got up this morning. Unfortunately the log is too big to attach hear and has too many lines for pastebin - It basically loops on the following:

10:21:50 DEBUG    Root -> Waiting on GUI...  false
10:21:51 INFO    Bot Stopping: Runtime has reached user-defined stop time.
10:21:51 DEBUG    Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
10:21:51 DEBUG    ActualHealthPercent: 100
10:21:52 DEBUG    GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
10:21:52 DEBUG    Root Branch: OffSpotCoord: true
10:21:52 INFO    Traveling to crab spot
10:21:52 DEBUG    Path[Coordinate(1778, 3409, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3410, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1770, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1769, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1768, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1767, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1766, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1765, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1764, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1763, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1762, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1761, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1755, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3419, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3420, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3421, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3423, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3425, 0)]
10:21:54 DEBUG    Root -> Waiting on GUI...  false
10:21:54 INFO    Bot Stopping: Runtime has reached user-defined stop time.
10:21:55 DEBUG    Executing antiban...
10:21:55 INFO    Hovering over random player
10:21:55 INFO    Anti-Ban Timer reset. Will perform anti-ban again in 11 seconds
10:21:56 DEBUG    Root Branch: IsHealingNeeded: true
10:21:56 DEBUG    ActualHealthPercent: 100
10:21:56 DEBUG    GeneratedHealthPercent: 50.0
10:21:56 DEBUG    Root Branch: OffSpotCoord: true
10:21:57 INFO    Traveling to crab spot
10:21:57 DEBUG    Path[Coordinate(1778, 3409, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3410, 0) -> Coordinate(1778, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1777, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1776, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1775, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1774, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1773, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1772, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3411, 0) -> Coordinate(1771, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1770, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1769, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1768, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1767, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1766, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1765, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1764, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1763, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1762, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1761, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1760, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3412, 0) -> Coordinate(1759, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3413, 0) -> Coordinate(1758, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3414, 0) -> Coordinate(1757, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3415, 0) -> Coordinate(1756, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1755, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1754, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3416, 0) -> Coordinate(1753, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3417, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3418, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3419, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3420, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3421, 0) -> Coordinate(1752, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3422, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3423, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3424, 0) -> Coordinate(1751, 3425, 0)]
Brought to PM
Nov 6, 2018
Legitimate user: I used this bot for the past week and had some success with it. I would say 60% of the time it did hat it was supposed to do. however any % of error would mean punishment/risk, so I would not say its at a great state. Has the potential, maybe put it as a free bot for a bit until you develop it more. Would treat with caution using this bot. needs to be baby sat.

Some problems:
Radius set to 1, centred, stand still playstyle, kept clicking on the ground, ignoring sand crabs at Zeah shore.
Would run around pointlessly. clicking map/ground simultaneously.

hoping for a better update :)) i support you
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
Legitimate user: I used this bot for the past week and had some success with it. I would say 60% of the time it did hat it was supposed to do. however any % of error would mean punishment/risk, so I would not say its at a great state. Has the potential, maybe put it as a free bot for a bit until you develop it more. Would treat with caution using this bot. needs to be baby sat.

Some problems:
Radius set to 1, centred, stand still playstyle, kept clicking on the ground, ignoring sand crabs at Zeah shore.
Would run around pointlessly. clicking map/ground simultaneously.

hoping for a better update :)) i support you
Try leaving your radius settings at default. I'm not sure why you're having issues running this as there are several people getting 10+ hour run times daily. As far as the bot clicking on the ground repeatedly, this occurs when you've set your stand-still location in an unsupported area. Please reference the overview page for details on the supported areas.

Edit: I wanted to add a 'thank you' in here as well. Many new users jump on the forum and just throw a childish tantrum. Your post was constructive and helpful. However, I believe most of your issues are due to user error, if we can rule out that it's not the case, then we can figure out why there are issues.
Nov 6, 2018
Try leaving your radius settings at default. I'm not sure why you're having issues running this as there are several people getting 10+ hour run times daily. As far as the bot clicking on the ground repeatedly, this occurs when you've set your stand-still location in an unsupported area. Please reference the overview page for details on the supported areas.

Edit: I wanted to add a 'thank you' in here as well. Many new users jump on the forum and just throw a childish tantrum. Your post was constructive and helpful. However, I believe most of your issues are due to user error, if we can rule out that it's not the case, then we can figure out why there are issues.

Thank you for your reply. I'll be trying it out again. I shall report back!
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
proxi updated ApexCrabber PRO with a new update entry:

ApexCrabber PRO v1.2.9 Released!

ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.2.9.

  • Added Swamp Crabs as a supported crab!
    • Supported locations are Slepe, Port Phasmatys (South-East) and Port Phasmatys (South-West).
    • Banking, potions, and food are supported at all of these locations.
    • Teleporting via Ectophial has been implemented but hasn't tested yet, please give feedback if you have an account that can test this!
    • If Ghosts Ahoy quest is not complete, it is recommended that the player have at least 2 Ectotokens in their inventory if they would like the bank.
  • Added Trout and Salmon food support.
  • Fixed a bug when tracking statistics for users that had a space in their name.
  • Addressed an issue where the bot would stop execution after a user-set time period, but would not stop the bot from RuneMate's process.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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