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ApexCrabber PRO [Deleted]

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Sep 1, 2018
Bot is working well, just a question, which play style is best for not getting banned, Acrtive, standstill, or spot hop?
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Sep 19, 2018
Left bot running over night and I gained 50k strength xp lol...……. last log says running to bank and I am standing by a bridge with inventory with 10 plus food. Amazing BOT, worth the 3 dollars for 50k xp!
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
Left bot running over night and I gained 50k strength xp lol...……. last log says running to bank and I am standing by a bridge with inventory with 10 plus food. Amazing BOT, worth the 3 dollars for 50k xp!
Not only does it appear that you botted the at the Frem location, which has issues with the runemate web (this is even stated this in the bot's overview page) but it also shows that you had your food quantity at "20" and your potion type as "SP_ATT_STR" with a quantity of "10". This would indicate that you set your bot to withdraw 40 items when it goes to bank (20 food, 10 sp att, 10 sp str).
Additionally, this tells me that you set your location to something other than frem, configured your 'bank' settings, and then changed the location back to frem. As stated in the overview page, banking is not supported at the frem location due to inconsistencies with the web.

If you'd like a more reliable experience I'd suggest reading the overview page in it's entirety and botting in the supported sand crab locations.
Jun 9, 2015
it also shows that you had your food quantity at "20" and your potion type as "SP_ATT_STR" with a quantity of "10". This would indicate that you set your bot to withdraw 40 items when it goes to bank (20 food, 10 sp att, 10 sp str).
Why is the user capable of saying the bot should withdraw 40 items? lol
Not saying it's your fault that he fucked up, but it would be a nice QOL if you limit the spinners (or w/e you use) to an appropriate amount and that they take into account that you can only withdraw up to 28 items.
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
Why is the user capable of saying the bot should withdraw 40 items? lol
Not saying it's your fault that he fucked up, but it would be a nice QOL if you limit the spinners (or w/e you use) to an appropriate amount and that they take into account that you can only withdraw up to 28 items.
It does actually notify the user in the GUI that they are selecting a configuration over 28 items. The reason I don't prevent this myself is because it can actually be influenced by other settings. For instance, the potion type 'SP_ATT_STR' being technically two different items and if 'stop after ran out of potions' is enabled, inventory management will behave differently.

Regardless of my reasoning, the user IS notified.
Jun 9, 2015
It does actually notify the user in the GUI that they are selecting a configuration over 28 items. The reason I don't prevent this myself is because it can actually be influenced by other settings. For instance, the potion type 'SP_ATT_STR' being technically two different items and if 'stop after ran out of potions' is enabled, inventory management will behave differently.

Regardless of my reasoning, the user IS notified.
I wasn't aware of the notification. In that case, ignore what I said :)
May 5, 2017
Let it run on crab island and died hour and half in. Not sure what happened. Could have been an error on my part.
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
It doesn't work with mage the guy always deposits fking runes... what do i do ?
Mage isn't currently supported. And of the time this bot has been out, you're the first person to have ever mentioned training Magic to me at this location.
Is this a common thing for someone to train at sand crabs?
Dec 28, 2017
Can this please support other food? As a lower level ironman I need support for trout and salmon.
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
Can this please support other food? As a lower level ironman I need support for trout and salmon.
This would be fairly simple to add. Expect it in the next update :)
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