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Alpha Gilded Altar [Deleted]

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Jan 11, 2015
I don't have the required level for a Gilded Altar and am therefore using a friends. However, how is the bot supposed to get there? When using the teleport to house tablet it doesnt enter the Portal.
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
I don't have the required level for a Gilded Altar and am therefore using a friends. However, how is the bot supposed to get there? When using the teleport to house tablet it doesnt enter the Portal.

In the GUI is should give you the option to toggle your own house or a friend's house. Simply type the name of your friend in the box and run the script.
Jan 11, 2015
In the GUI is should give you the option to toggle your own house or a friend's house. Simply type the name of your friend in the box and run the script.
I did but how do you teleport to the Yanille portal to enter said friends house?
The only thing Alpha about me is my bots
Sep 22, 2014
My commendations per hour have gone down pretty significantly. From about 105 per hour to about 76-80 per hour. Don't know if its from the update but some variable has changed.

You can either walk from the Yanille bank, or you can teleport there using a "Teleport to house" tablet. Either works fine; I've just tested. You can then use either a TokKul-Zo or a mounted glory in order to get back to a bank, from which the script will just use the tablet again to get to the house.
Apr 6, 2015
Can you make it recognize names without us having to put some username in the gui? Would be amazing cause the hosts might leave like 1h after you left the pc
The only thing Alpha about me is my bots
Sep 22, 2014
There's no reliable way to do this as far as I know. The best I can do is make the script stop if the host leaves, which I should probably do, come to think of it.
Apr 6, 2015
I know it has been made before, but yea im not gonna argue about it, trying to run it while im actually at the pc
Dec 27, 2014
There's no reliable way to do this as far as I know. The best I can do is make the script stop if the host leaves, which I should probably do, come to think of it.
maybe the script can try different popular host names such as: zfr, zde, warm silent etc. Just a thought.

Also could you please add support for perfect juju portions and perfect juju flasks?
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Apr 6, 2015
I think messagelistener could be used but I dont know, all adverters usually put the host name inside [ and ], if bot could catch that up it would be pretty neat.
Juju pot support would be pretty cool, I'm just drinking it manually atm, currently 92/95 prayer. Thank you for this script. :D


Jan 15, 2015
Works very well now.

Got 99 in past week from a very low level :p Much appreciation.

Would have gotten a longer proggie but as above^ host does effect longest runtime. Failsafe for if the host leaves would be very good.

Also, another idea, add a an option to only light burners? I have another account that has a gilded altar but I really couldn't be bothered relighting legit. Boring job, dont know how hosts do it lol.


The only thing Alpha about me is my bots
Sep 22, 2014
Hi all, just to let everyone know that I've pushed an update with the following capabilities:

-The bot will now stop if the host logs out
-There's an option to attempt to auto-detect new hosts. If the auto detect fails, then it won't keep on looping and trying the same name over and over again. Nonetheless, it's more of a test than anything else, albeit I have had it working well for the past hour. I do fully expect it to fail for some people, so please do babysit and suggest improvements. If we're out of detected hosts, the bot will stop.
-The bot will now click the button on the friend house selector which lets you re-use the name, i.e. it won't type it every time.

It should be pushed by one of the admins within 24 hours.

JuJu potions are going to be added at somepoint. Soon™.
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