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Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

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Dec 10, 2014
You'd want to set higher numbers, those are the %s to eat, randomized using min, avg, and max. If it's still not eating, you might need to clear your game cache as it might not be getting the actions properly.
Feb 13, 2021
Brilliant mate working now, might want to make it clear about the % tbh haha i thought it meant heal at certain hitpoints. Thanks a lot :)
one more question, is it possible to have the bot go to the bank when food is out and come back to the training position? if so, how can i execute this?
May 22, 2019
Brilliant mate working now, might want to make it clear about the % tbh haha i thought it meant heal at certain hitpoints. Thanks a lot :)
one more question, is it possible to have the bot go to the bank when food is out and come back to the training position? if so, how can i execute this?
It really is an awesome bot, But that's the one flaw. Banking has never really worked for me or anyone else that I know of, It's a tricky one though trying to generate paths from scattered spots and all that from my understanding. I've just simply set it up to collect stackable drops in area's that don't need food. (@SlashnHax points for such a nicely setup bot, Seriously is the best! Appreciate your work! :cool:)
Dec 10, 2014
Brilliant mate working now, might want to make it clear about the % tbh haha i thought it meant heal at certain hitpoints. Thanks a lot :)
one more question, is it possible to have the bot go to the bank when food is out and come back to the training position? if so, how can i execute this?

It really is an awesome bot, But that's the one flaw. Banking has never really worked for me or anyone else that I know of, It's a tricky one though trying to generate paths from scattered spots and all that from my understanding. I've just simply set it up to collect stackable drops in area's that don't need food. (@SlashnHax points for such a nicely setup bot, Seriously is the best! Appreciate your work! :cool:)

Yeah banking's in a funny spot at the moment due to the RuneMate Web having some issues. I'm working on my own solution to that though.
May 22, 2019
Yeah banking's in a funny spot at the moment due to the RuneMate Web having some issues. I'm working on my own solution to that though.
That's fair enough, I've never found it to be a major issue so all in good time :cool:

I'm actually curious how big the challenge would be to add in a Tele-grabbing feature? Or is that something that was tried in the past and turned out to be a nightmare? Haha :p
Dec 10, 2014
That's fair enough, I've never found it to be a major issue so all in good time :cool:

I'm actually curious how big the challenge would be to add in a Tele-grabbing feature? Or is that something that was tried in the past and turned out to be a nightmare? Haha :p
It'd probably be more hassle than it's worth, line of sight of the item would need to be calculated, and then whether or not the player could get anywhere within LoS and distance... It would be possible, but I don't think it's worth prioritizing over anything
May 22, 2019
It'd probably be more hassle than it's worth, line of sight of the item would need to be calculated, and then whether or not the player could get anywhere within LoS and distance... It would be possible, but I don't think it's worth prioritizing over anything

That's fair enough! It really was just curiosity more than anything, Definitely agree other things are worth prioritizing. Appreciate the response dude :cool:
Mar 17, 2021
Anyone have tips on using this bot without getting banned? I'm at 75 attk/str/def and looking to grind it up.
May 22, 2019
Anyone have tips on using this bot without getting banned? I'm at 75 attk/str/def and looking to grind it up.

Are you having issues or just asking? Because all I can really say is common sense when using it goes a long way, It's simply a great bot.
Mar 17, 2021
I'm starting up using it, and looking for like guidelines on using it. Such as where should I go and settings wise :) First time at this
May 22, 2019
I'm starting up using it, and looking for like guidelines on using it. Such as where should I go and settings wise :) First time at this
Spots for using it is going to be something you have to figure out for yourself I'm sorry to say, People aren't really willing to give their spots away because it potentially ruins it for them. You'll figure out what works for you and your character build quickly enough though. Try the lumby cows or the lesser demon in the mages tower to start off maybe.

Settings wise, its another thing that you'll have to fine tune for yourself really but here are a few tips when you go about it. When using the loot function, Make sure you type whatever you want picked up perfectly like it shows when you click on it in game. That also applies to any NPCs you choose to kill, Make sure their name is correct otherwise it wont detect a target. The break handler is also a key feature that you'll put into use, I usually just use the generate button that you'll see in the settings and that sorts me out nicely for that.

Hope this helps a bit and good luck with your endeavors :cool:
Feb 13, 2021
Hey @SlashnHax , just wanted to highlight an issue im having, when i leave the bot to do its thing at flesh crawlers, i noticed a few times that it cuts off after 45 mins - 2hrs and when i log back in im stuck between the 2 gates in stronghold of sec. seems to me that the bot is clicking the door at some point and then trying to attack mobs while stuck in the doors leading to a timeout / log off. just wanted to highlight this and see if theres anything that can be done about it. keep up the good work :)
May 22, 2019
Hey @SlashnHax , just wanted to highlight an issue im having, when i leave the bot to do its thing at flesh crawlers, i noticed a few times that it cuts off after 45 mins - 2hrs and when i log back in im stuck between the 2 gates in stronghold of sec. seems to me that the bot is clicking the door at some point and then trying to attack mobs while stuck in the doors leading to a timeout / log off. just wanted to highlight this and see if theres anything that can be done about it. keep up the good work :)

I've had a similar issue in the past depending on the area I'm using it in, It's just generally a misclick when an NPC moves at the same time. It's a bit hard to combat that issue in such an all rounder bot. If it was a specific flesh crawlers bot it would most likely be setup to register if you go into that area and exit for you, But when you can use it on any NPC you want there is nothing in place to get past that for you.. You may possibly be able to setup the area so it restricts where you attack and avoids clicking on monsters closer too the door, Have a play around with that and see if it hopefully solves your issue :cool:
Dec 10, 2014
Hey @SlashnHax , just wanted to highlight an issue im having, when i leave the bot to do its thing at flesh crawlers, i noticed a few times that it cuts off after 45 mins - 2hrs and when i log back in im stuck between the 2 gates in stronghold of sec. seems to me that the bot is clicking the door at some point and then trying to attack mobs while stuck in the doors leading to a timeout / log off. just wanted to highlight this and see if theres anything that can be done about it. keep up the good work :)
Hopefully this will be solved with my global navigation, but that'd be a little while off. At the moment it's basically due to a small interaction miclick like sproket said, and it's hard to fix without introducing any specific checks
Jul 8, 2018
Nice bot, but it has a weird thing where it clicks the dying monster multiple times, looks very bot like in that sense, should make it so it clicks another mob once it's dying or waits a coupe seconds after one dies
Dec 10, 2014
Nice bot, but it has a weird thing where it clicks the dying monster multiple times, looks very bot like in that sense, should make it so it clicks another mob once it's dying or waits a coupe seconds after one dies
Thanks for the feedback, I have something in place which is a kind of 'death detection' which should prevent this, and it has a fallback which is simply 'if the hp bar is at 0, it's dead', but I have heard of this occurring at specific monsters... Does this occur for you for all monsters (including chickens, cows, etc) or just a specific few? There might be an issue with the EventListener I'm using or it could be that there's a specific set of monsters that don't die the same way as others.
Hopefully this will be solved with my global navigation, but that'd be a little while off. At the moment it's basically due to a small interaction miclick like sproket said, and it's hard to fix without introducing any specific checks
Update on the navigation, it's looking pretty schmick and I've been keeping everyone up to date on Slack
Apr 19, 2021
You'd want to set higher numbers, those are the %s to eat, randomized using min, avg, and max. If it's still not eating, you might need to clear your game cache as it might not be getting the actions properly.
may I know why does the bot keep auto log out? Sorry! :(
Apr 1, 2021
Hi this has been a solid bot to use for quite some time for me so far but now it keeps going for walkies far away from where I want it to be. It sounds like other people have been having similar issues too. Is there an issue with this bot right now or could I be doing something wrong? Thanks though, great bot otherwise
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