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  1. ciresiuol

    Tutorial Setting up IntelliJ for RuneMate

    Just a bump!!! So people know how... Putting the images in spoilers... They're huge...lol
  2. ciresiuol


    Yes I do remember you, and I have talked with Bobby a few times since then... It's been a while since we've actually had a real conversation, but I just reintroduced myself on his site a couple days ago and we talked a little bit... He doesn't do anything RS related any more, sadly...
  3. ciresiuol

    Patiently waiting for my 48 hour ban to be lifted...lol

    Patiently waiting for my 48 hour ban to be lifted...lol
  4. ciresiuol


    They can hold any hatchet... One of my friends has a Dragon Hatchet and Pickaxe in theirs... I wouldn't do that myself... Can't ever get them back out... Well, not any hatchet... I know you can't put an Inferno Adze in it, and there may be others... Idk what all types of hatchets there are... I...
  5. ciresiuol


    I have a Rune Hatchet in my toolbelt...lol
  6. ciresiuol

    AIO Item Combiner

    Just thought about it... I t would be nice to be able to withdraw just one item and set your own action, too... So it could be set to withdraw 28 chocolate bars and then instead of selecting the "Use" action, we could set it up for the "Powder" action... There'd be other uses for this, as...
  7. ciresiuol


    I'm just full of ideas tonight (granted, they're all based on my old Runedev scripts)... Chop Yews or better, Fletch either unstrung shieldbows or longbows (selected in the GUI, along with tree type), then alch them using a staff or runes... Knife and hatchet are in toolbelt, so u get either 26...
  8. ciresiuol

    AIO Item Combiner

    I think it'd be nice to have an AIO item combiner... Just have us enter names/ids into the GUI of 2 items, and the amount to withdraw of each, then use one item on the other... This would be great for many things, such as fletching, herblore, some cooking (I'm thinking about Anchovy Pizzas)...
  9. ciresiuol

    Resolved Shop API(s) broken

    That works for the shop it's made for, but I tried to edit the whole script to do what you're trying and it doesn't work... I hope you get it figured out... I still want it... Even if I get it working, it'd be nice to have 2 different scripts to do the same thing in different ways... Bot 2...
  10. ciresiuol

    Resolved Shop API(s) broken

    I think it's just that shop... I know you're writing that for me, but I've been messing around trying to get one working, too... I was just modding another private script I had written by Ozzy.. This is from his script (not the same shop) package scripts.HarpoonBuyer.Tasks; import...
  11. ciresiuol

    I'm doing what I'm doing, and that's all I'm doing...

    I'm doing what I'm doing, and that's all I'm doing...
  12. ciresiuol

    RS3 RuneMate's #1 - Skiller botting progress

    My thoughts exactly...
  13. ciresiuol

    RS3 RuneMate's #1 - Skiller botting progress

    Good luck... What level are u at now?
  14. ciresiuol

    RS3 RuneMate's #1 - Skiller botting progress

    Well, he made it really easy for you then...
  15. ciresiuol

    Resolved getting this error on all scripts

    You're very welcome... Glad to help... Edit: I wouldn't have known that was the issue without @SlashnHax's input... But still would've probably tried that...lol
  16. ciresiuol

    Resolved getting this error on all scripts

    I'd try deleting everything related to RS and the bot, then run RS from the legit client, then re-download the bot... Can't promise it would work, but can't think of anything else that might, either... Also, download the newest jre if u don't have it yet...
  17. ciresiuol

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Hopefully u can figure something out... I wouldn't mind putting in ids... I already have lists of all the drops that I loot from the npcs I kill... But it might bother some other people, so whatever works...lol... Do whatever u think is best, and thanks for being awesome...
  18. ciresiuol

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    @Ozzy It ain't got be any time soon, and of course u ain't gotta do anything u don't want to, but could u make it so we can add loot by id? I just almost (I got them myself... Luckily I was watching) missed 55 diamonds in a note because I didn't set it to pick up diamonds cuz my inv would get...
  19. ciresiuol

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Runes are perfectly fine with me for now...lol... And I doubt the looting issues will matter with Ankous since they're all trapped in a tiny little room...lol... Thanks for adding the support...
  20. ciresiuol

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    That was fast...lol... By including staffs, do u mean it will equip a staff from my inventory then re-equip my other weapons, or will I have to fight with the staff in order to use it for alching? Hopefully the first thing, but if not, I can just use runes... Doesn't bother me... I don't buy...