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  1. asynchronous

    Async Chopper [Deleted]

    asynchronous submitted a new resource: Async Chopper - Chop with ease Read more about this resource...
  2. asynchronous

    Async Chopper coming soonTM

    Async Chopper coming soonTM
  3. asynchronous

    Async Miner [Deleted]

    That's very strange. I use the Default Web and build a path to the nearest bank with the methods supplied by the API, maybe that area is a little tricky and the web can't handle it well. I'll give it a run with the settings you provided tomorrow and hopefully I can replicate and fix the issue.
  4. asynchronous

    Async Miner [Deleted]

    Okay, thanks. I'll look into it soon. Was the walking to the bank the issue, or the way that it banked the items?
  5. asynchronous

    Async Miner [Deleted]

    It shouldn't, and hasn't during my testing. Could you give me more info such as game mode, rock type, and location?
  6. asynchronous

    Async Miner is now available on the Bot Store!

    Async Miner is now available on the Bot Store!
  7. asynchronous

    Async Miner [Deleted]

    asynchronous updated Async Miner with a new update entry: Async Miner v1.0.1 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. asynchronous

    Async Miner [Deleted]

    asynchronous submitted a new resource: Async Miner - Mine with ease Read more about this resource...
  9. asynchronous

    Async Miner coming soonTM, looking forward to feedback and suggestions!

    Async Miner coming soonTM, looking forward to feedback and suggestions!
  10. asynchronous

    First bot coming soonTM :D

    First bot coming soonTM :D
  11. asynchronous

    RS3 Needed bots

    I might give mining and/or crafting a go. For the runecrafting bot, would that be runes at altars or runespan?
  12. asynchronous

    Hello everyone, I'm asynchronous

    Hey everyone, I've recently decided to try my hand at Runescape Botting and I heard from a friend that RuneMate is a pretty good community and bot, so here I am. I'm a decent programmer with a decent amount of experience under my belt, so hopefully I can be of some use. I plan to start off...
  13. asynchronous

    CS Undergrad looking to join a team

    What applications would Javascript have for botting? I was under the impression that it was Java based, unless you plan to do some web dev for a team and make some pretty cool integrated tools.