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  1. ciresiuol

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Won't it seem weird to Jagex that we're middle clicking to create the areas? Is there any way you could make it so we can set the areas without enabling input? Similar to how draggable paints work or something? I know they probably wouldn't catch on to it any time soon, but once u get a a few...
  2. ciresiuol

    Do Scripts Run Better in Legacy or Old-School Layout RS3?

    I change my layout depending on the task... Whether I'm playing legit or botting... But, when I bot a task, I use the same layout I would use if I weren't botting it... So far, no issues...
  3. ciresiuol

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    He means to drop anything that he doesn't add to the loot settings if it misclicks and accidentally picks something else up (which it does every now and then, but I didn't really see it as much of an issue)... I still have issues with looting, but not the same issues... For me, it will loot...
  4. ciresiuol

    Lazy Banana Picker [Deleted]

    Yes, I did... I tried to run it with the exact same preset as last time... I never saved over it...
  5. ciresiuol

    Mods please remove scripts that dont work!

    Completely agree... That's why I was saying we should have titles/badges and they should have to be earned... So the tests will be done by trusted members that can prove their competency...
  6. ciresiuol

    Lazy Banana Picker [Deleted]

    Started at Edgeville and it did nothing... Tele'd myself to Karamja, and it picked the bananas (but I found a bug with that, which I'll explain in the next paragraph), then did nothing again... It won't teleport at all... Is the Glory still supposed to be set to Action Bar slot 2? It also won't...
  7. ciresiuol


    Figured out the deal with the coins... It doesn't count the ones that go to your coin pouch, only if they go to your inventory... When I remove them from my coin pouch, it adds profit, but if I drop them and pick them back up, it does nothing because they automatically go to pouch...
  8. ciresiuol

    RS3 Selling 4x 99 2076 Total level main

    Well, I'm broke atm, but if I come up with some cash before u sell it, I'll definitely consider buying it...
  9. ciresiuol


    Hey @SlashnHax, I was just thinking... First off, I'm kinda glad it's not like this, since I'm using the paint for other things atm, but you should totally make it stop the scripts (and maybe even log out/close the client) if the player is outside of the areas... I'm talking specifically about...
  10. ciresiuol

    RS3 Selling 4x 99 2076 Total level main

    Just wondering? Username or email login?
  11. ciresiuol


    It doesn't appear to track coins... I could be wrong since I usually don't pick them up... I'll check to make sure in a bit...
  12. ciresiuol


    Idea for OSBuddy style stat tracking script for RS3 for playing legit: Really, it could be exactly the same as your paint, but would be awesome if it was in a GUI instead of as a paint... Another thing that would be nice, though, is "kills/ores/logs/etc left to next level"... It would...
  13. ciresiuol

    HaxAgility [Deleted]

    Absolutely would be interested in that... I actually play legit more often than I bot, but always have a script open just for the paint... I play RS3 or I would probably just use OSBuddy for this...
  14. ciresiuol

    Mods please remove scripts that dont work!

    @Arbiter @Cloud Could we have dedicated script testers that will just test all the scripts and post their statuses... Preferably in it's on thread and maybe give the testers a badge/title (like the "Bot Author" title or your "Executive" title, but say "Bot Tester" or "Script Tester" instead)...
  15. ciresiuol

    Screenshot button or hotkey

    I'd like to see a button I can press to automatically save a screenshot... It'd be nice to have a scheduler we can set up to take screenshots at intervals... I'd like to be able to save a screenshot at least every hour so I can make sure the bot was consistently working... Another thing (not...
  16. ciresiuol

    HaxAgility [Deleted]

    I was just using ur script for the paint while I was playing legit, and sometimes when I right-click the paint jumps to where I clicked... Doesn't happen every time, but just figured I'd let u know... I'd rather it not be draggable than to do that...
  17. ciresiuol

    Lazy Banana Picker [Deleted]

    I will test soon... Doing Divination and washing dishes right now...lol...
  18. ciresiuol

    Resolved How to show log on RuneMate Client?

    You can put what @Arbiter said into a .bat file (just use a text editor and Save As RuneMate.bat or whatever you want, just make sure the extension is .bat)... You'll have to tweak some settings for the file to make it executable, so here's a Yahoo Answers post to show u how to do that...
  19. ciresiuol

    Celestial Divination [Deleted]

    This is almost a great script, but it does a lot of very unhuman-like stuff... Like what @Chris The Dork said, plus it will also click in the interface to close when u have a full inventory instead of just walking away to close it... And I ticked the box for Chronicle Fragments and watched one...
  20. ciresiuol

    MaxiFisher TRIAL [Deleted]

    So... What is that you think you did wrong? So nobody else does it...