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MaxiHomes updated to v2.0.1.
  • Removed teleport options that aren't yet available
MaxiHomes updated to v2.0.0.
  • Added support for teleport spells - The Rune pouch isn't currently managed by the bot so make sure you have all the slots filled or it will keep the runes in the inventory
  • Added support for all staffs
  • Added required items section to visualize all of the items the bot needs
  • The activity configuration interface is now responsive - Sections will move depending on the window size
  • Added Ardougne south bankers to the blacklist to prevent getting stuck outside the building
  • Fixed item prices for noted items
MaxiHomes updated to v1.3.11.
  • Fixed a bug when not using npc contact that still required you to bring runes and a staff
MaxiHomes updated to v1.3.10.
  • Increased delay after closing the bank to hopefully prevent the item tracking issues as the delay introduced last update doesn't appear to work for everyone
MaxiHomes updated to v1.3.9.
  • Added option to not use Npc contact
  • Added option to not use Castle Wars for banking
  • Limited Castle Wars banking to when using Npc contact and when we're not already in the contract city
  • If a bank is close but not loaded it will no longer use teleports to get there
  • Hopefully fixed item and skill tracking issues
  • Fixed an issue where starting a profile with level goals you've already reached could result in the activity you should be up to being skipped
  • Progress bars of skipped activities no longer animate
  • Predefined profiles will now be auto-selected if your last profile used was predefined - Custom profiles already had this behaviour
  • Fixed an issue where starting a bot with level goals while logged out could result in activities being incorrectly skipped if the previous account that was logged in had already reached the goal levels
MaxiHomes updated to v1.3.8.
MaxiHomes updated to v1.3.7.
MaxiHomes updated to v1.3.6.
  • Fixed a bug relating to thread shutdown that may have resulted in exceptions on bot stop, or the bot appearing to still be running even though it's doing nothing
  • Added logging around thread creation and shutdown to help debug any thread issues in the future
MaxiHomes updated to v1.3.5.
  • Fixed a bug that caused activities to never end
MaxiHomes updated to v1.3.4.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the bot from stopping if the target runtime was during a break
  • Fixed a threading issue with TrackedSkill progress updater
  • When starting a bot with level goals that have already been completed it will no longer attempt to start those activities before realizing they're finished