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This bot is incredible, hands down the best one on this platform. I've run this bot for over 60hrs now, flawlessly. 20+hrs at a time, 2-3hr between breaks. I would recomend this to anyone training slayer.
The intial setup is very daunting and can get very confusing. My biggest reccomendation here, as it took me 3 tries to get it fully working properly is watch Hexis setup video and match the fundamentals exactly mainly the inventory part (teleports,slayer item,food, prayer). After I did this, the bot worked flawlessly, I skip every metal dragon task, and blocked Brine rats, scarab minions and aberants. Keep vampyres, warped creatures disabled.
Hexis you are the GOAT for this and will keep giving you my money! :) Keep up the good work man, really appreciate your work!
Great bot, Support is phenomenal. if you discover issue, post in discord and will be taken care of very quickly. Hexis the goat
Great bot, but issue with restocking bot fails saying it doesn't have items in bank but they are in inventory, this causes the bot to end, wasted a lot of instances and $trying to fix this
Bot works amazing, especially free. You do have to babysit it for the first few tasks and make sure everything works properly. Make sure all equipment is proper with the correct loadout/inventory and you will have 0 issues. Read EVERY little detail - because if you dont, it will eventually cause a failure due to user error. Dev is very supportive/helpful on discord, however most of the time its user error being the main issue. Read the logs before posting/asking, because if its user error the dev will definitely let you know lol. Anyways 10/10 bot and would highly recommend.
Best of the best. Constant updates and support. Will use this one for all slayer grinds going forward.
Love it! first time users have to find the perfect fit for each task but once you fill them all in this script is bad ass! i just wished it used dueling rings instead on relying on PoH for the people who dont have the construction, I also wish it used the ardougne cape to go to fairy rings on its own otherwise it takes the long route but it is a beta so hopefully more features get added soon!!
Fantastic bot, got me through 70-99 slayer painlessly. If you encounter any issues/bugs join the discord and the problem will be either resolved or fixed within a day.
Great bot, only real issues I've run into so far have been due to user error.
Amazing bot. One thing is that the prayer flicking seems to not work. I made sure to have direct input enabled as well. It works perfectly on your slayer assistant bot but for this one I can see the prayer flicks happening on my prayer tab but the drain rate is normal.
One of the more ambitious and robust bots out there, love it and can't wait to see what it becomes.
Worked Good First two days, Now it just continually try's to teleport and sits at the bank, Didn't Receive any help on discord, just told i was missing something. Good luck if you can get it working, or someone to actually help, it's great.
You must have the emotional or intellectual intelligence of a goldfish if you didn't think you could ask follow up questions. I told you the reason it was teleporting out and you didn't reply, am I meant to schedule a 2 hour meeting in your calendar to follow up and hold your hand? Jesus christ get a grip
Works like a charm. Personally love the new UI.
Would love to see spec support.
Special attack weapons are implicitly supported, just add them to your loadout and the bot will choose the best one to use.
got me 99 slayer with excellent rates, great support for bursting/barraging and cannon tasks including smoke devils
This is the highest quality bot I've ever seen in any categories. Super advanced UI impressive features. If set up properly it will run great. I only have two issues with it so far, "Unranked group-ironman" The Green helm, is trying to pick up loot thats not theirs, it only tries to do this one time if unsuccessful it stops, could be useful to make sure it's only looting its own kills. Additionally the loot range should be increase a bit maybe, when I was ranging wyrms (6-8 tiles away) it was simply not looting the bones unless it happened to walk near enough by them, then it would go on a loot spree.
still requires some babysitting, as it's in its early stages, but the bot is impressive and promising so far. As a bonus, the dev is responsive to feedback and actively making improvements. I look forward to seeing where this goes.
Please drop any suggestions for improvements in my discord server, would help a great deal to get this into its best shape.
Until now it works really well and chooses the path in a smart way with limited resources available to the pathing in the test account. Unfortunately there is no support yet for Konar. I will wait patiently until that is available to test it thoroughly :)
You might be waiting a long time, I have no plans to support Konar just yet... I want to do a lot of stuff before I consider adding support for them.

Thanks for the feedback so far though, glad to hear you enjoy it :)
Started with an abby demon task, the bot attempted to go to Kourend but took the Arceuus fairy ring and got stuck walking back and forth between the fence and the fairy ring. I manually teleported to Kourend home and the bot found its way to the abby demons and finished the task. I spent about 30 mins prepping all loadouts for every possible encounter and I really liked how it gave recommendations (ie mirror shield for basilisk), sadly when the bot was reset I was required to redo all loadouts and set each mob's settings again. It would be great if there was a default loot list as well, although I didn't mind going through every mob to fine tune what I wanted and didn't want. Overall, it got the job done and looking forward to full release!
Appreciate the feedback.

Settings will be fixed in the next update, small issue with the way I save prayer loadouts I think. All other settings should have persisted but it's unclear if the prayer bug caused the rest to fail. It's hard to test because I can only test it when it's on the store :/

Can you tell me your house settings you have for the Abyssal demon task? The bot will look for a mounted Xeric's talisman and teleport to the Heart (or Glade if Architectural Alliance hasn't been completed) or use the Fairy ring to CIS (Arceuus) and make it's way from there. Were you super zoomed in when it was trying to walk or something?