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This bot is unbelievable. The amount of customization is truly incredible. And i love that you can use it simply as an autofighter. One of the most in depth and most featured bots i think ive ever used. 10/10 amazing script
What you need: House with a jewelry box/Fairy rings/House tabs/ Mage Alter

Bot works great you need to thing of it as a full loop every inventory should be able to go anywhere ( have house tabs)

Take the time to set it up- might take 15mins but it works great.


Top Coder/Support
Actually will fix issues you find in his discord. (if they come up) This gets more refined daily.

Also can be set up to kill lizardman shamans for dwh (lower main page camp option)
sometimes issues with teleporting at task starts, but so in depth and incredible overall!! truly amazing
fixed in a runemate update :) thanks a lot
very good bot overall! only thing ive noticed from my own experience is that when its done with a task it sometimes bug and teleport to the house to use ornate pool, then teleport with royal seed pod to get a new task and it bugs out at that part where it goes out the doors after you teleport with the seed pod and it just goes back and forth between varrock and the royal seed teleport so it sometimes needs a bit babytsitting to get him back to the slayer master. 5/5 otherwise!
Love this bot so far been using it as basically an autofighter each task until I set up each monster. 5/5. Only thing I need some support on is it tends to freeze in my POH when banking (I have maxed house). Any ideas?
No clue, if you join my Discord I might be able to help more, but I haven't had this reported at all before.
This bot is simply amazing. The only thing that could make it more Perfect is Konar support. If it could read the task locations and adjust accordingly to that it would be amazing.
awesome bot, but i run into problems at stronghold. all is good untill task is done, bot cant find out how to walk to exit. sayin something like "walking to spirit tree surface" but dont it takes off prayer and takes hits from mobs when i help it to exit it banks and starts new task. only doing stronghold tasks
You need to improve your inventory or equipment loadout by giving it more teleport items. Sounds like you're missing a lot of items. Please read the bot overview, the setup instructions, and the resource in my discord server so you can use this bot properly.
The slayer assistant bot got me to from 1-85 and then I made the switch to Slayer AIO upon release, it works amazingly and saw me through to 99 after a week of careful batting. I have enough herbs and gp now to 99 herblore and have also maxed my combat stats. 10/10 this bot is amazing, much recommended.

Move over Duradel, Hexis is the new slayer master.
Great Bot! Came across one major issue was with cave horrors, when the steel bats attack it just does not understand and keeps trying to attack cave horrors. Other then that, with all the features and functions, 5/5
This bot is mind blowing, so many different options, bulwark support, claws, Voidwaker etc etc, it's just a GOAT of a script! Reminds me of the good old days of iDungeonPro. Amazing work!
you are a gentleman and a scholar
It's a pretty amazing script really. There's definitely a couple of bugs but they aren't major. IMO slayer is such a complex task that you should babysit it regardless. There are frequent updates to fix bugs and add features. I can tell this script is going places.
Great bot, takes some time to set-up. Had some beginners problems where it stopped on points where dialog options needed to be done at skeleton wyverns. Some Wrong set-up uploads etc at my end.

But when set-up correctly very precise boss of a bot 5/5
What you need: House with a jewelry box/Fairy rings/House tabs/ Mage Alter

Bot works great you need to thing of it as a full loop every inventory should be able to go anywhere ( have house tabs)

Take the time to set it up- might take 15mins but it works great.

Top Coder/Support
Actually will fix issues you find in his discord. (if they come up) This gets more refined daily.
Thanks bossman
Bot is flawless (if) you take it to the task by hand. the traversal i understand, requires the need to meet criteria but that does not answer the need for misclicking and becoming lost when travelling on foot. there are many opportunities to use fairy rings, spirit trees etc and i hope this bot can be updated to include that and to widen the audience who can use this.
Thought I'd replied to this but I guess not.

I don't believe this review is valid considering that bot does make use of surface spirit trees and fairy rings. The bot will prioritise a number of traversal methods itself before falling back on surface spirit trees/fairy rings. If the bot gets lost trying to find it's way to something, generally speaking it will be a result of the web not supporting that area. I manually path to a lot of dungeons so there's not really a chance of it getting lost as it will only walk to places it knows how to walk to.

Hope you can read the instructions on the monsters note section and include more teleports in your inventory/equipment loadouts. Alternatively, level your POH to include more teleports.
Good bot but it does have some issues with early game accounts that do not have many teleports. I have no teleports in my house for instance.

Therefore the bot often gets stuck as it cannot find the place or tries to walk to the place itself with a major detour taking ~10 minutes. It also wont use an ardy cloak (monestary fair ring) or any fairy rings at all which is unfortunate. An example: the bot is unable to find Nieve when it just completed a slayer task in the stronghold cave. She is literally outside the cave.

Due to this issue I often bring my account to the correct place and start the bot. Sometimes this works and sometimes the bot teleports out (i think because it is missing X cannonballs or X teleport runes). This makes using the bot sometimes quite frustrating.

When it does start actually fighting it really works great. It pray flicks, uses the cannon, fights superiors, etc.

So a great bot, but sometimes quite frustrating to use for my low level account. Any advice is highly appreciated.
My advice would be: build up your POH.

Even if you never use my bot again, a built up POH is the best upgrade you can have.

I feel it's unfair you've given a review as low as 3 stars given you haven't met the criteria to unlock and use the majority of the bot, but that's your decision. The bot states the various teleport methods it uses to get to each task and dungeon, so when you eventually have progressed far enough to unlock that content you will have a better time.
What a very impressive script, i didn't know what to expect with a slayer bot but this thing is top level. Once you figure out all the settings and fine tune it to your liking it works perfectly. Very happy so far.
amazing bot, works so well. Does take a bit of time to set up, however once everything is set, works very smooth. my only request is if you would be able to share your loot/alch list please
Join my discord server, there's commands for loot lists there :)
So, without a doubt, it's an amazing bot. The bot kills, it skills, and it hops and jumps when it needs to. The only gripe I have is the fact that it'll prioritize Fairy Rings for Khourend Catacombs when I have a Xeric's Talisman on my wall of my own P O H. Because it prioritizes the fairy rings, it'll teleport itself to either Shayzien area or Arceus and proceed to run a decade long journey for a basic teleport. Then, the bot will just crash because it didn't make it's destination on time.

Still checking a few other bugs, I will eventually repost and reupdate upon fix, or if I find anything else.
The bot will prioritise different entrances based on the task and what is supported by the web. The bot takes different routes to mobs depending on where it is in the dungeon, what facilities you have in your house, what the web supports, and what equipment you have on. Due to limitations in the web, the bot will sometimes take longer paths to get to your task.
Will teleport out fighting a superior creature if inventory is full.. great otherwise
I can't believe how you did this, unbelievable script. Thank you Great job!!