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i am new and getting used to this bot. im liking it so far and it is a very intelligent bot yes but sometimes when running out of food or potions it doesn't teleport or escape to banking location to resupply
Carry a valid teleport to your banking location or to your Player-Owned House and the bot should be teleporting out fine
Works well once you've put the time in to correctly do the settings.
Extremely intelligent bot. Very impressive
4 stars would be 5 stars if it didnt get stuck in poh everytime its trying to go to the catacombs for an abby demons task, gets there fine for nechrael/blood velds but just afks in poh with multiple traversal methods right there till it logs out
Can you reach out in Discord with more information so I can help you?
bot is getting stuck traversing to lizards and slayer cave. just afks midway
If you want help, you know where to find it.
People below me are weird - im sending 10hour sessions on the daily with various monsters on my list active yeah there's some tiny issues but i only have to intervene once or twice in the 10hours which is to maybe restock my supplies or rarely it will get stuck when trying to hop worlds because someone else has crashed us.
:) <3
This has the potential to be an amazing bot but I keep running into some issues despite configuring them in the bot corrctly (I got a 2nd opinion in case I was missing something).

Despite having Elf Teles to Lletya it goes there then teles out making elves a pain in the ass and something manual.

There is no option for Brine Rats in the Nieve section

It keeps teleing to Farming Guild instead of Xerics Heart for the CoK and runs all the way despite the tele being there in the POH mounted

It somehow got killed at Kalphites but then after losing out on my hour and redoing it the bot was able to continue as normal so I have no idea what happened there

When banking I noticed it uses 2 dose pots instead of 4 even if there are 100s in the bank and then the next trip it will take out 4 doses so it is really weird

I don't review normally but I hope this feedback is taken on and the bot is improved
So many of these could have been remedied by you just asking for help.

Elves are killed in the Iorwerth dungeon in Prifddinas. As such, the bot uses the Prifddinas option on the crystal.
Brine rats aren't supported, that's why there's no option for them... obviously.
Don't even know what CoK is, but Farming guild is used as a priority teleport for the Lizardman temple if you don't have a Battlefront portal.
Can't do anything about the Kalphite death because if you don't know then I don't know. The bot has a free settings-only mode, use that if you haven't got your settings dialed in.
Move 2-dose pots to be after the 4-dose pots. Bot picks up the first potion that matches the pattern, bit of critical thinking here to solve this problem.
Took the time to set up everything for this bot. Set up your POH, gear, inventories. I recommend watching it the first time it goes to kill a new task so you know how to adjust the inventory and gear.

It's a smooth smooth bot. Love Hexis.
This is amazing and gods work for my Ironman. You NEED a close to max POH to efficiently use this bot. I generally have to stop this bot my self it can go on forever if I didn't. Props to you sir!
At first it takes a while to set up, even after its set up it felt like it didn't work as it should. I took the time to use the discord channel to ask for support (which is full of helpful members) to find out I missed steps in the setup which made the bot look like it was doing things it shouldn't be.

After actually setting it up correctly I can honestly say this is the most flawless bot I have used. My advice to anyone who downloads this bot and it doesn't work as you think it should its highly likely its your own user input error that's causing it to act differently.

Before writing a review I wanted to give the bot a firm test of 24 hours run time to ensure everything ran as it should, i watched it slay every slayer task I have set up to take on and it done it with ease.

Please reach out the the helpful team and learn from those who are experienced in using the bot and your slayer level will start levelling with ease.

Another great Hexis bot <3
Good bot in general.
Just the cave kraken doesnt work. It will force a TP every 0.5 second. No clue whats going wrong here.
- Mage on ancient magic
- All the runes for blood are here.
A standalone Lizardman Shamans bot would do numbers
Extremely well made bot, has a few kinks that you may need to keep an eye on it but very pleased. has it all
I have been using this for a while now and I havent had a single issue other than the rare pathfinding issue when traversing from POH to battlefield in order to get to Karuulm. It loses its way.
One other major issue I have noticed, is that after the final kill on a given task, it will not check the loot from the very last kill and then teles away (in my case, royal seed pod). Tele'd away on a fair few good loot items without checking after task.

I wish the above could get looked into, but other than that, I highly recommend!!!
just a waist of money does one task and then just stand still then need to restart the bot and pay again and again think spend 20 euro for this bot to work and still doesnt work
Excellent script. Any nitpicks I've had with it have been implemented by the bot author. You can tell he actually cares about the script and making it the best it can be!
Just works, I no longer have to endure countless hours slaying monsters, I can just set this bot up and let it run.
Takes forever to setup and fine tune your setups but once you have everything set in stone its a dream!
By far one of the best bots I have ever used. Requires more set-up than most other bots but once set up runs flawlessly. Sometimes requires babysitting here and there as an ironman as expected. Max house recommended.