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It worked great for two days and now all of a sudden immediately after starting it, it says that runescape has crashed when it hasnt.
This is a Runemate bug, not a bug specific to my bot.

If the OSRS game client is crashing for you, or you're seeing a message from Runemate telling you to 'apply a patch', try applying the patch, and then restart OSRS & Runemate before trying again.

If it still doesn't work, or the game client crashes without showing a message about patching, follow the fix instructions in this video by Party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oQ5ec-HcdA

Also, if you're seeing this issue when botting using RuneLite, please try using the regular client, as the RuneLite client still has some bugs.

Let me know if the above helps/doesn't help.
i got from 35 fishing to 95 in about 2 weeks and got a pet in the process and a bunch of cooking xp, love this script once i get 99 i will write a second review!!!
Love this bot, got me from 72 to 82 no troubles at all!
this was a great script , keeps spamming the whirlpool now when he surfaces..
Avg 2.2k points now per game on 80 fish please fix :)
Hey, I just tested the bot on my account and can't seem to reproduce this behavior, and no one else has mentioned it, so it might be a temporary Runemate bug happening for you?

If you're using Runelite, please try using the vanilla (regular osrs) game client.

Otherwise if it's happening on the vanilla client maybe try clearing your osrs game cache & restart osrs/RM? That should hopefully fix the issue.

If it keeps happening please feel free to PM me and I can look into it more. It's hard to help debug over reviews.
got me 60-80 fishing in a couple days! flawless bot
I've been using this bot for several days now and have seen no issues with it. Runs smoothly and does everything it needs to. Definitely recommend!
Have to give massive props to Cuppa for this bot, just got 99 fishing! I've ran it almost daily for 8-12 hours over the last month with breaks enabled. Not even a temp ban, this has to be the safest bot out on runemate. Also got 2 other irons 80+ with no issues at all, thanks for the amazing script!
<3 <3 <3
Another exceptional bot from Cuppa.

Bot works very well. Did a 9 hour run and it worked very well. 4000+ points every round.

There is very very few issues with the script but that would not stop me from running it again. Once every while the bot fails to tether. When gathering buckets/ropes it likes to spam the buckets/rope rapidly.

Also some weird little improvements I could suggest - If the bot cooks 23/24 fish and it goes to tether, or fight tempoross, don't have it go back to cook just 1 more fish. (This isn't really a "bot-like" issue, but just a improvement that could be made)

Overall, another bot I am happy with.
Suicide botted a newer account, managed to get 80+ fish on it over course of about 2 weeks. Used on my main responsibly for 80+, 70+ currently on my alt. trying out 8+ hour days between this and mlm on alt until 2 day ban finally happens, but this script as all of cuppas has been incredible, it's better at the game than I am.
major issues occuring right now. Standing in fire instead of dousing closest one. Not making a lot of human like decisions. Playing Solo, but on leagues so i have the greedy gatherer/alchemist combo. Still only runs to cook after 6. Looks very fishy.
[Updated response after discussing in bot thread]

I'm sorry the bot is acting strange for you, but this is likely because these are features (solo games, specific relic combos) that the bot just doesn't really support.

- The bot has no special logic for greedy gatherer/alchemist (as no one had requested it before now, and leagues is so close to over I don't think it makes sense to add now). The only leagues specific logic for the bot is outlined in the overview (world hopping to leagues worlds & breaking relics as it receives them).
- The bot doesn't really support solo games, as it says in the User Interface. This is because solo games require completely different logic & also solo games require a LOT more dousing of fires, which is the bot's weakest ability (largely due to RuneMate's mouse struggling to click on objects precisely while moving).

I'm not trying to make excuses, these are just things the bot doesn't support. I understand and I'm sorry if those were features you were looking for.
From 41 to 70+ Fishing already, upto 11 hours a day. Gonna run it untill 82 and move on to your other bot. Amazing stuff! Already got the Tackle Box.
The script doesn't tether to the posts when waves come, and sometimes after starting a game it just stands there, I have to babysit it to the fish so that it starts fishing
The bot 100% definitely works, it's used by a lot of people every day. If something isn't working, it's got to be a temporary bug on your end or Runemate bugging out for you.

Typically these types of weird behaviors can be fixed by restarting OSRS & Runemate, or if that doesn't work then clearing your OSRS game cache should fix it :)

As a side note, please feel free to test using the lite version so you don't get repeatedly charged while testing.
Everything works great but there is one change needed to get a 5 star. It should stop fishing/cooking and head to the cannon when the energy is sub 20. It looks so bot like when literally everyone runs to the cannon and you're the only one still cooking/fishing. Immediately was getting called out for being sus. It also really hurts the points and xp per hour
Sorry this is a bit of a late reply but the bot does definitely do this. Basically the bot takes into consideration: the amount of fish in the inventory, the energy remaining, the bot's fishing level, etc. And then decides when to head to the cannon or continue fishing/cooking.

If it wasn't doing this for you at the time, it was most likely a temporary Runemate bug and hopefully it should be working for you properly again by now :)
ran for 9 hours straight zero issues
Works very well, gets 4-5 rewards if cooking or 60k xp per hour if not cooking. loving the program so far got a few levels in the last week.
So far the best Bot i ever used, ive nearly botted 3 Days straight with the breakhandler and never had an issue with it! Highly recommend this Bot.
Wow 3 days straight is nuts haha, glad it's been working well though! :D
So far this has been excellent. 6hrs+, short bursts and no ban.
good so far, did leave it running overnight on main and did about 600k xp in one sitting and got temp banned for 2 days but my own fault really...lovely bot
bots broken atm u stand there and it takes forva to get buckit and harpoon and takes the hole match just to get near the fish since the update this has stoped working all toghter will change when fixed
Hey, the bot definitely still works, I'm running it right now on my account. This must be an issue on your end, likely a temporary bug with Runemate.

I don't know exactly what would cause this, but common debugging steps are:
1) Restart both OSRS & Runemate, or restart your PC
2) If that doesn't work, clear your OSRS game cache (can google for instructions)
3) If it still doesn't work, you can PM me your logs (found in Help > View Logs) and I can look into it. But it's very likely it's a temporary Runemate issue that'll fix itself.

Please feel free to test the bot using the LITE version so you don't get charged while it's not working for you. And please don't forget to update your review if/when it starts working again, or PM me if it still won't work.
Words perfect! 10/10