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Works amazing! Used for 4 hours today spread over 10 hours and got a soft ban of 2 days.
I'm glad it worked well for you overall :)

I am sorry you got temp banned. I don't mean to sound like I'm passing the buck here, but honestly it's pretty unlikely this bot is the one that got you banned. Jagex often delays bans to confuse botters & doesn't ban you right after, and also Cuppa Tempoross has gotten very few reports of bans (and mostly only from people with 2000-4000+ kc, so honestly there's a good chance it was a different bot you used in the past couple weeks that got you banned.

I am sorry to hear it either way, and it is possible it was this bot, but I'd honestly say it's unlikely.
Works wonderfull
A fellow Coffee man, I am not surprised you have good taste ,':^)
I think there's a new message on dropping items in the minigame now. The bot currently gets stuck in a loop trying to drop the item and does not skip over the warning. Could lead to bans.
You are totally correct, thank you for letting me know :) This will be fixed in the next update.
5/5 If you somehow get banned with this bot you overdid it and probably botted for like a week straight. Even then I'd question if you'd actually get banned using this. Well made and I've only had a few issues which the bot will recognize and log me off to prevent a ban.
Another excellent bot from Cuppa 5/5
man I've run this bot for days, 3-5+ hours straight on my iron man, its gotten me a fuck ton of fish and tempoross reward points. No ban yet and i hope it doesn't home any time soon, the bot so so smooth and doesn't get stuck, also not sure if the misclicks were intentional but its a great advantage against other bots to make it seem more human like by misclicking the post and fishing spots occasionally. 5/5
CuppaBest <3
The pathing might be awfull and there are a few bugs right here n there, but currently i'm in the top 400 of tempoross because of this bot and im close to hitting lvl 92 fishing. Ty for this script I suicide botted and still haven't recieved a ban :)
bot is very efficient. could you ad an option to prioritise putting out fire to help with solos
never comment on bots, until now. was looking for a bot on fishing trawler saw this one as well and a comment about cuppa making the best bots so ive given them all a try and honestly this is quality production and works sooooo smoothly slight errors the bot preforms nothing major but i honestly think it makes the bot seem more realistic as not everyone is always getting perfect flawless runs hours on end, 100kc with this program so far and i am way beyond satisfied and impressed. thank you for the time you spent making this, youve got my business for life. or until i get banned lmao
over 50 long........Amazzzzing KC
*elle woods voice talking about the hot tub in Legally blonde*
seriously though another great script,
at first I was like okay it's amazing but has some slight efficiency issues, but then realized my internet was just lagging and yeah shoulda k nown it was my fault w/ cuppa making the script, i got full anglers w/ his script now nearly finished w/ tempoross log. IF CUPPA HAS A SCRIPT ON IT HIS IS FIRST CHOICE...just facts
this man is responsible for the best bots on runemate.
Not sure why everyone is posting 5 stars.. this bot definitely needs some updates. The pathing is ridiculous and it sometimes runs right through fires. If the totem or mast is broken, the bot will wait and click when the wave is coming. Instead of tethering the bot fixes the totem/mast and gets mauled by the wave... Also when the energy is 5% and you run out of fish to put into the crate, the bot runs all the way to fishing spot and then turns around to go kill temporos. Very bot like - don't use this bot until more updates arrive.
I'm sorry you're not satisfied, but I've honestly done pretty much all I can feasibly do with this bot. I have a few more small updates planned, but it's clear I can't please every user.

I've ran this bot for over 50 hours on multiple accounts, and I've found that it only ever has a situation where it runs into a fire maybe once or twice an hour, which is amazing. And it's almost always in situations where a real player would get hit by it too (eg. there's a fire blocking the tether and a wave is coming, or there's too many fires, or a fire appears as we're pathing, etc). I'm not sure if you've used the bot in the last ~30 hours, but I've fixed a lot of common issues with fires, and like I said it hardly ever runs into them now.

Regarding the tethering, there's nothing else the bot can do here. If the mast is broken, it must fix it before tethering. If it can't do so in time, neither could a player. And fixing EVERY broken mast on sight is not the solution as it would then be obvious who is a bot. It does however always fix the mast if it's right near it.

Regarding being at 5% and walking to the fishing area and then to Tempoross: again, there's nothing to change here. There's already a random threshold at ~2-4% if the bot isn't doing anything it'll go prep at the pool. You seeing the bot at 5% is just outside this threshold and unlucky. If I raise the threshold to 5%, people will see the bot do the same thing at 6% and complain. The cutoff must be somewhere.

I don't intend to sound defensive, and I always implement feedback that is possible. It's just that, honestly, none of this has much room for improvement. I know that sounds like I'm just trying to brush off criticism, but I'm not. I'm just speaking honestly. Sorry for the long response.
I will give this 5* all day, 76 - 90 fishing on ironman, grabbed the pet at 89, useful, efficient and will be using all the way to 99!
Ignore the negative reviews - this bot is fantastic, just babysit and adjust when needed. Price is more than fair, could easily charge more and I would continue to use.
great bot, minus the bad pathing.. Also used to go and cook at around 6 fish before tempoross rises.. Now it doesnt do any of that. Used to get more points.. Please update for better review.
You've posted 3 negative reviews in the past week. I understand you're unsatisfied but please stop spamming the same reviews.

As I said in response to your last review, Jagex updated Tempoross 4 days ago and I mostly fixed the bot already, but there remains a couple more improvements to be released.

I have an update queued, pending admin approval. I can't work any faster. Please have patience and understand I'm doing the best I can here.
invest more time in the bot keep updating it so it'll be good keeps running through fires an shit and pathing / camera movement is odd

was very good when it was 2-4 cents per hr ever since you changed it to 5 cents an hour it started running like shit around that time you should lower price though pretty greedy of you to start charging more then double when initially released
Please just turn off camera movement. The camera movement is optional, and if you feel that it's "odd" then disable it.

I've made nothing but improvements over the past few weeks, so if something is working "worse" it's likely an issue on your end or just the fact that teammates have gotten lazier so the minigame is more of a mess now.

Jagex did update the minigame earlier this week & I issued a hotfix to make the bot work again, but it's possible I missed updating some things that still needed updating. I'll look into it more.

I hear complaints about my prices somewhat often and it honestly boggles my mind. I always release my bots as free initially & then slowly raise the price as I get it in a more stable state. This is so people can try it for cheap as it's in development. Your complaint that I've raised the price from 2 cents to 5 cents makes absolutely no sense, as most bot authors on the site just flat out release their bots at 8-12+ cents and never even have it cheap. There are no other 2 cent bots on the site, and I promise you this bot is already more complex than most of the 8c+ bots.

I will continue working on the bot, as I have been, but these complaints are largely helpful. In the future please just PM me or post on the bot thread with bug reports.
Its a pretty good bot, however my main issue is the fact that your bot has a hard time detecting fires closest to it to put out first, and ends up runnin through a fire to put out another fire. Once fixed will give 5stars
Please don't post duplicated negative reviews, that's really unnecessary.

I understand you're having issues with the fires, but I'm not certain what to tell you as it's working properly for most people (including myself), and it's very rare for it to run into the fires for me, only happening once every few games if at all.

It's impossible for me to make it *never* run into fires, as Runemate's clicks are not precise and the bot will run differently on different PCs. I will continue to work on the bot, as I have been, but it's already in a state I am mostly satisfied with.

Edit: I'm running the bot now and it does seem to be working mostly as usual, though it is acting slightly differently around the fires some of the time, possibly due to jagex's update to Tempoross from last week. I'll look into it more. In the future please just PM me or post on the bot thread with bug reports.
Had some issues at the start, but after a few updates it worked really smooth! The only thing that looks robotic is the screen rotating.